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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. Yes, they do, but not just cause of race or gender identity or sexual orientation. They just may be intimidated by that person's intelligence, or even they have more friends, than the other person. Like prejudices are not just black and white, there are shades of grey there too. Bullies will bully, based on anything, not just the three things, that seem to thought as so prevalent.
  2. It really shouldn't matter, how you as an individual play SL. If you want to be a race, other than your own, that's fine. If you want to be a dude or a chick, that is totally fine. If you want to be a furry or feral, that is totally fine. It's your Second Life, after all, be whatever you want to be.
  3. I never said you were white, I was just pointing out that history has amazing achievements too.
  4. The concept of war has been around since well civilizations started. There have been many big wars throughout history. You seem to go by the whole, the conquered are the victims, and always will be the victims. There is blood on their hands too, they are not innocent. Can you please provide proof, that history is written by only these people? There are many historical accounts, where significant breakthroughs were made, and how is one a conqueror or even a victor? Example, Sir Frederick Graham Banting, figured out how to aid with diabetes. Alexander Graham Bell and the Telephone. Tell me, with these two good examples, where bloodshed and an abundance of human life lost, is present? Let me add this, the many people of colour, and in the LGBT community, that fought for the rights you have today. They won, not the victors. How about the many inventors of colour, I can name one. The guy who invented the respirator, for firefighters. That ultimately saved many firefighters lives, and we still use it today. Not the same design, but the same concept. Please stop, using the most negative stuff in history, to further a cause. Because there has been so many positives in history too.
  5. What is with the anti-white, rhetoric? You do realize, that is racist too?
  6. Natives were human too, and throughout history, all humans wanted to wage wars to gain more territory. It's part of the nature of being human.
  7. Here is a good example, to say it's the fault of the individual. Store closes, and a couple of blacks need to get a few things from the store. Is it the fault of the store clerks, or the individuals? I would say the individuals, they should have planned ahead.
  8. You always seem to go to people in power, as the bad guys. Show me some supportive data, to back up your claims.
  9. But we really need to stop with this victim mentality, and really take a look at ourselves in the mirror. Is it a social problem, or is it a problem on our behalves?
  10. Honestly, I really don't care about one's skin colour. I look at everyone, as human. I am not colour blind, but I don't need to go oh, this is my, insert race, friend. Just this is my friend, insert name.
  11. I go to this club, and every time I go, without even asking me, I practically get put into a dance. I have taken all my HUDs off, revoked permissions, and even tried recreating the LSL bridge. But I keep on getting put back on the person's dance HUD. How does that even happen, and how do I stop this from happening, every time?
  12. I Can imagine, residents who own full Mainland Regions, would get those same privileges.
  13. I can imagine, it would work for all. But Lindens would have total control over the Mainland portion.
  14. I am liking this new Lighting system, at least from the sneak peaks.
  15. Having been a part of Bloodlines, and those other vampire systems in SL. I can say in my opinion, I find its very cliche, and you get the odd person, who thinks they are an actual vampire. I left them, as I felt it was boring, and not for me. But one of the systems that truly bugs me, is Progeny. They are very snobby and have this air of we are superior. That being said, I had very negative experiences with both, and will not go back with either system. I think a big thing that bugs me with progeny, is that A they can bite anyone, without asking you, and if scripts are turned off, they still can bite you. Hell most of them, feel that the rules are below them, so if you say no biting. Do they listen? Nope, they still do it.
  16. OOh, one congratulations, do you wanna cookie? Um would you call mocking ideas, and questioning ideas, trying to reason through the ideas?
  17. Every post, that I have seen her in. She is always mocking ideas like she is superior, and questions people's intelligence. So instead of her being like that, maybe she can show a bit more compassion, and actually, give some ideas. I am honestly getting frustrated and annoyed with her, not glad. It appears, she only comes on, to mock others, and question others intelligence. How can one appreciate her for that?
  18. Let's see an idea of yours then, instead of sitting there and mocking everyone. I want to see more productivity. You clearly, show an aptitude, that would suggest, that you have the greatest idea of them all. Why not share it?
  19. That really doesn't help, just going to a place, doesn't constitute actual numbers.
  20. Who's the Troll? Me or the woman, that is mocking ideas?
  21. It wouldn't turn into an FPS, and there are already FPS sims in SL. It would be the same SL, just played on Consoles and PC. Yes, you mocked my idea, You mock everyone's idea, that isn't your idea. Also please show me actual stats, where people are somehow stupid, and or illiterate. That being said, you really can't deem someone's intelligence, based on how they type. That and some people can't really speak English, and they are actually trying. Yes, of course, you have those people, who can't speak English, and refuse to speak it properly. That is totally fine. However, you really aren't disagreeing with people's ideas. You are mocking them and in that same response, you are clearly questioning a person's intelligence. When they come up with something YOU dislike. People are always gonna have ideas, and opinions, and suggestions, that you don't like. Does not mean, you can basically mock their idea, and essentially call them stupid, all in one sentence. Instead of mocking ideas, trying bringing some of your own to the table.
  22. I am entitled to my opinion, but I would like you to stop mocking my character and thinking you are superior to everyone else. Just cause you are entitled to your opinion, does not mean that you have to go around and mock people, and basically, character attack someone for their suggestion.
  23. Well many people, like to game in bed. Yes, sex and sleep are nice. However, I am one of the many people, who enjoy gaming in bed.
  24. I have one quick question, why do you feel a need to mock everyone, and think you are superior. Like you are pretty negative, and well it is kinda getting old. I was making a suggestion, and I think that the user base, would stay the same actually.
  25. Actually, believe it or not. Users would rise if there were console SL viewers. Believe it or not, if you could log onto the grid, in bed, controller in hand, you would see a rapid incline in users.
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