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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. I just roll my eyes, when I see one of his novels of a post.
  2. @Casper Warden & @Patch Linden the caspervend redelivery website, needs a search function on it please
  3. When that griefer from HBC makes a new account and uses my name as their display name and my forums picture. I am paranoid and I hope the Lindens do not mistake me for this douche nozzle.
  4. Good News Everyone!! New SL photo of me, Yaaay!! I hopes you guys enjoy 💚
  5. Also, my biggest pet peeve pertains to people. So I have called this person my sister for many years in SL, and well I am just learning she has been crap talking about me behind my back. Making pretty rude memes. Does anyone feel this is childish that a full-grown adult, instead of actually coming to the person and talking to them? Would resort to childish betrayal and backstabbing. I feel so betrayed and hurt right now.
  6. I mean I wasn't meaning sexually, I was meaning in a more generalized way. Like if we aren't hanging out and we are just chatting, they will tell me everywhere they go. Or what they are doing, when I didn't ask.
  7. No I would not. Not that I have nothing to hide, but I would love to have privacy. And everyone having open access to my inventory, would invade that privacy.
  8. Another big pet peeve of mine is when friends give you a play-by-play of what they are doing. When you didn't even ask. I mean yeah if I ask what are you doing? Please do tell me. But don't give me a play-by-play. Like you are John Madden or something.
  9. Biggest SL pet peeve, when a store hands out LMs through a bot and if you go back. It doesn't record that your avatar has already been there, it just keeps on giving you the LM.
  10. Good News Everyone!! New SL Pics of me, Yaay!! I hopes you guys enjoy 💚
  11. Good News Everyone!!! New SL Photos of me, yaay!!! I hopes you guys enjoy 💚
  12. To add to this, people who get offended at an answer or a post. And instead of moving on and scrolling on, they get up all in your face about it. I mean there is a scroll bar and a block or hide the post for a reason. Lol
  13. I had asked that question and was told it was a great idea. So I think that is probably in the pipeline in the future.
  14. I mean I am not paying to say something on the forums. That would be really dumb, The idea to pay for freedom of speech on a forum. That would be the death of the forums. However, how free is the speech though? When we have to abide by the rules and can't say certain things or certain words. Still no one would agree with paying to speak on the forums.
  15. Good news everyone!!! New SL photos of me, Yaay!!! I hopes you guys enjoy 💚
  16. This was the outfit I wore to Adore LaFemme's party. I also would like to thank Crymson Marder for organizing it. I had tonnes of fun. I do hopes you guys enjoy the extra pic ♥
  17. Good news Everyone!!! New SL Photo of me, Yaay!!! I hopes you guys enjoy 💚
  18. I know this may be controversial, but when it comes to all that. I simply don't care about celebrities' personal lives. I mean they are human and should be afforded the same privacy as us. But anyways, celebrities mean jack poop to me. I only like them for what they do. Whether it act, sing, make music, etc.
  19. Good News Everyone!!! New SL photo of me, Yaay!!! I hopes you guys enjoy ♥
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