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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. Local chat is as public as profiles. But I'm tempting a ban hammer if I relay that out of SL without the consent of all parties.
  2. Yes. If you take a picture, put it in your profile, and then its on their site .. you can do that (the same applies to written text too, but images are easier) The problem is the images are hot linked to LL's CDN, so they probably cant take your image down without manually adding a database entry for each and every UUID's they can't show, which would be a pain in th... wait ignore me, gung ho!
  3. So why do they bother setting rules for taking pictures in SL
  4. I really don't understand why LL are letting the cat out the bag. When it comes to data as a commodity, it's not names and emails and personally identifiable stuff that makes it valuable, that all gets stripped by brokers and replaced with an ID anyway. It's literally everything else .. which is exactly what just walked out the door. That site is gold mine to anyone interested in or invested in the metaverse space. The secret sauce of why SL survives and why all other fail. We wont sell you data! .. but we will let anyone systematically scrape it for free.
  5. @Tommy Linden "The fact that data is public doesn't automatically make it non-private data though. The fact that it's possible to limit who can see your profile would give a reasonable person the expectation that they have some control over who gets to access what personal data they share via their profile. Personal data shared with LL for the purpose of being displayed to other residents doesn't mean blanket permission is granted to LL - or anyone else - to do with that information as they please (and I'm referring to profiles that mention age, gender, sexual orientation, medical information such as a disability or a disease, not the profiles with an ASCII bunny on them) as far as I understand the GDPR. A bot army roaming the grid could compile a list of residents that have been to a parcel that appeals to a particular protected class using nothing but LSL. The bot operator could then offer services to target those specific classes with advertising or hate speech or offer live updates of their in-world location to the world or specific indivudals. All because all LSL data is "public domain" data. Surely there can't be any argument that this would fall under GDPR's "(contract/service) consent" or the catch-all "legitimate interest" (for EU residents)?"
  6. That's the point - it doesn't have to. So long as your travel card data can be distinguished from another, it's covered by the GDPR.
  7. If you buy a travel card to use the train, even if its not linked to your name, the details of when that specific card is used counts as private data. Even when someone could follow you and watch where you go, because you're doing it all in public. An individuals data can not be shared or scraped like this.
  8. Now you know why other MMOs etc don't have free form profiles you can type anything in .. even medical data.
  9. It's as if LL got hacked, only it's somehow ok because they forgot to get our credit card numbers and passwords.
  10. They can't .. but there is a big difference between one and everyones.
  11. That's the thing .. we didn't. See https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/profiles-r395/ Public inside SL's walled garden is not public. But it's far worse. This might be legal to do in the US. But its very much not legal to do in the EU. It doesn't matter that the data is about avatars. It matters that one persons data can be distinguished from another persons data - whatever that data might be, even if you can't tie the data to a specific human.
  12. Under EU GDPR .. the data doesn't need to contain your real name or email or IP. Even if people do put real life in, LL are not off the hook. Please run this by legal.
  13. I think they shut it down because we wouldn't shut up .. started putting up signs in world, declaring places RZ free, Green Zones ..
  14. I don't think you would enjoy my other bedtime stories 🙊
  15. This is notable. The bandwidth setting in preferences has no impact on how fast stuff is downloaded. It determines how fast the server can scream time sensitive UDP data at you. Set too high and you miss the data. Viewer can't do anything about stuff it doesn't know about.
  16. Just to mention .. the 3rd party websites ranked list of busy places using their clever anti bot tracking based on people entering and leaving a location is ... hot garbage. You know those scammy things that drag crowds to a location to camp and click on a thing, to claim some token, to eventually convert to L$ .. yeah, now we know where they all are. If you want to be on the top list of the 3rd party website, you need simply run many bots and cycle them in and out every 100 minutes.
  17. If you park yourself someplace, you're just AFK. If you park multiple avatars, at the same or different places .. you're not just AFK.
  18. Blindfolds have several options to restrict vision and both RLV and RLVa are broadly compatible when it comes to the commands. A blindfold should do what you expect and if it doesn't on an RLVa viewer (catznip, firestorm, etc) then you should be poking me personally as I do all the 3rd party testing for RLVa. RLVa setspehere is different from Marines RLV and far more comprehensive, but the end result is similar enough for the simplistic results the RLV command allows.
  19. This is why I say bots should be required to pay a hefty membership fee, disposable bots encourages bad behavior.
  20. GROUP X is doing things that affect everyone and the platform. We can't talk about GROUP X because that's against the forum guidelines. When talking about the thing that the nameless group are doing, people from GROUP X join the conversation and mention GROUP X and get the discussion closed. Imagine if RZ happened today, we would not be allowed to mention RZ by name, event though when it finally percolated up to the right senior Linden staff, the ban hammers came down and policy was rewritten.
  21. Most people have no idea their profiles are now on the open internet. We're all still working under the illusion we have privacy settings, remember, https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/profiles-r395/ says ....
  22. I don't work on FS, but there is a perfect technical storm happening in your story that's worth exploring. The bulk of guests would have arrived a few at a time. The viewer could load and texture them sequentially while you cammed about, accumulating the data to display everyone while you did your thing waiting for the show to start. By the time it did, everyone was loaded. The viewer is now juggling like a pro with a hundred avatar balls in the air. The viewer closed, didn't have all the data in the cache because the cache is garbage and basically threw it all away. The SHFT right here, someone walked up and punched the juggler out cold. You log back in. The regions throws a hundred balls at the viewer and yells HEY - THANK FAST, there is a palpable sense of urgency and panic in the air. OH F... The viewer is jammed with a list of avatars to process and resolve, a massive amount of data to fetch and reprocess, each attachment resolving into an even longer list of additional data to fetch. Every avatar is a shopping list of parts and each part explodes into its own shopping list. Then the shopping lists all explode. Every ball the viewer gets in the air comes back with a dozen more, over and over. It's basically fractal and its all needed RIGHT NOW. While the viewer is going crazy down the rabbit hole of a 100 avatars and their attachments, you're pounding on it trying to make it go faster by camming around, constantly adding more and more data to the process queue. There is no hope, only darkness. You should have pointed your cam at a wall, let go of the mouse and stopped moving entirely, and gone to make a cup of coffee. The viewer had most of the balls in the air, but there was still a mass of data coming in and needing to be processed. Avatars are getting switched to imposters to try and keep the show moving, the viewer is so close it can almost taste a moment when it will only have to render frames again .. and then the power went out By this point the crowd size is smaller and more in the range the viewer can handle from cold. Sir, you killed it.
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