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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. Just do what all the lovense enabled performers in SL do .. leave the device buzzing to itself on your desk.
  2. Every viewer on the grid supporting a specific thing is the best promotion. How many ran off and bought a space navigator just because SL had support for it .. and that was just viewer support.
  3. Good idea. We will start charging for other TPV features based on how much of a need we determine people have. It would certainly help support the tireless efforts of the unpaid volunteers who make projects life Firestorm a reality.
  4. They stated on their discord last night they they are "committed to incorporating RLVa support into the viewer", this was changed to "RLVa-alike functionallity" after I pressed privately on how they planned to accomplish that as RLVa is LGPL and thus far, their viewer does not appear to or intend to publish sources (they have been *****ly when pressed about it). I would like to see Lovnense hardware/API support in all viewers for all those who enjoy such content in SL.
  5. "Y" - because running up to space daddy and stealing his thunder with a wet slap would be hilarious. We would get miles of print, everyone would laugh. It's on point for meme culture and raises a very resonant question begging to be answered a million different ways; "Y" are any of us doing this. it would be glorious and a solid power move. Marketing would have so much material to work with.
  6. Yeah, you're right. They should have classes. All the newbies sat at desks, teacher can walk up and down rapping knuckles the moment anyone thinks about dating. Does anyone have an apple? What's todays lesson?
  7. Cartoon avatars do not age. Realistic avatars age like milk. Doesn't matter how good a realistic avatar gets. Next season, it will look like this. and thats for us, used to looking at them everyday. Newbies, this is all they see..
  8. This is where you're mistaken .. you're here to have an argument. I'm not.
  9. All content above G rated was (is) prohibited. That, combined with the lack of social tooling made it very clear the last thing anyone should be doing was talking to anyone else, let alone *clutches pearls* roleplaying. It was barely possible to have friends, when traveling together there was no guarantee you would enter a new destination in the same instance. We all visited. We all left promising to "try it again when it's a bit more finished," and it never was, because it was. Job done and all that. The only thing LL made clear was that it wasn't for us. We're the wrong sort.
  10. “But the plans were on display…” “On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.” “That’s the display department.” “With a flashlight.” “Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.” “So had the stairs.” “But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?” “Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.” ― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Sheesh Sid .. I hope you understand that's not what I meant and are just being a pedantic berk. 🤗
  11. No. Of course. No reason at all to call that "bloated drivers". But ok ...
  12. I can wait while you get the source code, I'm sure it wont take you long to get a firm grasp of what it actually does. I have spent considerable time performance testing the viewer with actual tools. Shame LL doesn't ship your computer.
  13. Puts on her viewer dev hat ... Unless you're in a crowd and you want to see more than imposters, then it doesn't matter how fast your compy is. Avatar processing scales linearly. 5 avatars are 5 times worse than 1 avatar. How many can you handle and still have a frame rate .. likely no more than 25. SL is single threaded, it uses one core. If it manages to burp a second core into life, well .. that second core isn't doing half the work. ... and your source of information is .. windows task manager? That chart isn't showing what you think it's showing. To get that kind of data you need development tools like tracy. Oh yes it very much does need a discrete GPU, and it will need more of one as the amount of PBR content goes up. SL doesn't use those fancy tricks. It's legacy OpenGL based, and for that Nvidia is king. It wasn't that long AMD cards were turning the world pink, still happens on some driver versions. I glad you can't see it. Look, we don't give this advice to be mean or mislead people. If you've bought a mid range laptop and are happy playing SL on it, I'm happy for you.
  14. Most of us do .. Starting with 'omg sex' and settling down to 'comfortably near sex' and doing all the other things is a very common pipeline. We need to put the sex first on the quiet understanding that the novelty wears off sooner or later, and we can get to building train sets or whatever else we like. The stigma is self inflicted. LL wont embrace it so the topic becomes taboo. The solution is to meet that head on. Yes. We have adult content. So does the rest of the internet. Grow up.
  15. Sexy without the potential for the sex is a waste of time, even if for most of us, sexy never ends in sex. We could have been sexy in Sansar.
  16. To quote a redditor on this subject : SL is an adult space. It has always been an adult space. All the things you're here for .. those are what the "sex driven members" do between all the "shoving... ". Adult content is the only reason this mess exists, it and the massive supporting economy pays for everything that happens in SL, and always has. There have been many attempts to create platforms that aren't full of adult content, and they all die empty and abandoned. Every single time. Even LL tried it. They bet the farm on it. It died. Which is why Linden Lab was sold to new owners.
  17. Have you tried visiting any of these locations .. orgies and smut isn't derogatory, it's descriptive. Also keep in mind this is the shallow end of the adult content pool, derogatory comes much later.
  18. This has always been the problem. You can't put corporate schmoozing next to an orgy tent. Serious business hasn't wanted anything here in well over a decade. So LL leant in to remote working during the pandemic ... which was literally the very last thing everyone working from home wanted. More ways to ruin something fun by making it about work. Good job. Always trying the same losing strategy over and over and over, amplifying the same tired use cases no one cared for, all while the tiniest vocal minority gleefully clutch pearls; Now, finally, as the curtains are drawing in and we're all feeling the pinch... A voice whispers .. "hey, you know " .. IMVU are several times bigger than we are. Let that sink in. We lost to that warm miserable garbage. It's going to take some serious, dedicated and long term commitments to the adult side of SL (that has literally been paying for this folly for two decades) before anyone will take any of this seriously. WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THAT TENT We don't need an event or some "sauce" (whatever the fresh hell LL think that might be). Move Zindra with the rest of mainland. Make some adult Linden Homes. Add some more adult Land or Horizons .. maybe repurpose all that empty G rated stuff no one wants (yet we still have to pay to keep online). Stop hiding away from the product on the website or trying to sell vague notions of how "surprising" SL is. Raise the minimum age to 18. Delete the "meetings in SL" mini site. Accept the userbase for who they are and appreciate what drives us to be here. Find ways to reach more people like us. Be the actual Second chance at Life so many need now more than ever. One clear message. Your World Your Imagination; and when that world turns out to be full of smut, believe us when we say "we did that on purpose".
  19. Yes .. and that should be presented in SL as it left photoshop. Not boosted a bit more by the local settings. You shouldn't have to mess with exposure settings. In fact, you shouldn't even need to have that option.
  20. Full bright Image from the JIRA .. left is with GLFT viewer .. right is with regular. The right image is closer to the image as created by the merchant in photoshop. Notice how the GLFT version blows out all the detail in the face and affects the tone .. the two main reasons to buy this skin. Overcooked orange. This is not about pictures taken in SL and then displayed in SL getting hit with the tone mapper twice, this is about preserving an artists/ merchants intent from photoshop into the viewer. What we need is a pixel pass though option so there is a way to show a texture in world exactly as it was uploaded. You're all going to care about this a great deal when the GLFT viewer is the only viewer and all vendor images and art displays are suddenly wrong because the default lighting tints everything orange and puts another 10% on the contrast.
  21. Having looked into relays recently while setting up a discord server for /r/SecondLife on reddit. I can only agree, especially the point about it being a ToS violation. This is actually worse than the old IRC relays people got upset over back in the day as there is no 'physical' presence required or present an option to opt in. We're past the point of in world chat losing relevance, for a lot of meaningful purposes, it already has. Even LL run a discord server to keep staff and user groups in contact. I would like to see a formal way to link group chats and discord that presents users with a way to opt out. Ad-hoc relays are rapidly becoming the norm for product support and social groups.
  22. This is a GLTF/PBR viewer issue that specifically impacts merchants who have in world stores with full bright bill boards or vendors and how product images placed on those render with the upcoming GLTF/PBR Viewer. If you have not already attend the next Content Creators User Group / Linden meeting and request access to the official Second Life discord (there is a google form to fill in). You can find the latest user group times on the SL calendar. Product images shown are not my own, the viewers used to compare are Latest Firestorm and GLTF (from the Second Life Discord, which is newer than the website published test). Yes .. I know I should have used the default Linden client as the pre PBR/GLTF reference .. but really there is no difference in how that handles fullbright vs any other pre PBR/GLTF viewer. Observe the following 2 images. Firestorm is Left. GLTF center. SL Marketplace right. Points of interest ATV : Under the ATV is solid black, the shadow is much darker, the colors are more intense. Bubble : The sky is a different color entirely, the floating background bubble looses the upper edge, the '6 base colors' swatch, the dark area to the lower left of the large bubble. Notice the very different rendering of the center GLTF image. The blacks are crushed & highlights lightly blown out, there is notable difference in the color rendering. Yes, the left most images are not correct, appearing slightly desaturated compared to the web image, it is however less wrong (and is basically what's been the rendering target forever in SL). All of these images are rendered "Full Bright", whatever that term means from a technical perspective, it's important that the current expected use is preserved under GLTF. That is .. full bright is a flat texture that is unlit and unaffected by local lighting, rendering intent, colour or contrast curves. I have created a JIRA for this issue - https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-234506 It would be useful for merchants to get involved now rather than waiting for the big surprise down the road on the day the log into SL and find it's all different, the attitude on the Discord tends to be "this is the new new, its better, SL needs this or it dies, it looks ok to me, I cant see it"
  23. I spent most of the last couple of days poking the search trying to see why my objects had just vanished (and my sales with it). Search now heavily favors minimalist low effort submissions and seems to punish verbose listings with detailed feature guides and broad keyword coverage. Under some headings it's actually recommending products so old you can count the prims just by looking at the bad snapshot. For example .. Searching for "fence" sorting by relevance. The top 3 are sculpts. The bottom 3 are apparently "mesh". Notice anything else?.. the objects are all named "fence", no brands, no embellished names, no fences of type or purpose. just "fence" .. the descriptions and features are equally brief, and yes .. it should be no surprise that all these purchases ship a single object named "fence". This is the new normal and it is a slap in the face to merchants who go the extra mile. This is also being gamed already.
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