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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. So you re-frame my commentary to suit your own views and then attack me with it. This is the game here. Not the actual game we're supposed to be playing .. which weirdly has a tremendous amount of people involved in humping and humping adjacent activities. The happy people are playing the game, not throwing mud on the forums (or trying to nip things in the bud). Taking the sex out of second life would be like taking the cars out of grand theft auto. yet everyone here just wants to take their cousin bowling. How very forum.
  2. John Carter is based on this exact same mistake. I know it might seem real ... but this is a forum about a make believe world. No, I have no desire to walk the same circles with the same people. I'm in this thread because the OP asked a plain question and the forum did a forum. This contrived world we have is fragile and we are bleeding out core communities. They don't go with a bang and drama. They just .. leave. The grid is littered with abandoned ghost builds that persist due to sunk cost, halls fit for a king and court, and all just empty silent prims. The Goreans are missed as they formed a huge cultural block. These forums aren't just out of touch, they are irrelevant. The participating cohort is tiny and often not invested in the core platform in a meaningful way. There is no purpose being here. No fun but the allowed fun, eh Luna 😘 .. I'm sorry you've forgotten we dated for a while and why that all came crashing down.
  3. This is why I'm not here in the general sense. The forum walks in ignorant lock step. If it's not our fun it's no fun and it's not allowed. I wonder why the sex creeps into everything .. It's pulp fantasy. Some of the very worst pulp fantasy ever committed to print. It's not serious. Most of the people who enjoy and read Gor are women, why .. because every book is a romance novel dressed up in some barely cohesive sci-fi/fantasy world building. Every single book has the same formula. Why are all the men BEEFCAKES .. same reason all the girls are nubile bikini clad. DUH. Yes, of course some people get _really_ into it and fashion a facsimile of it into a lifestyle .. which really ends up being fantasy D/s and ignores 90% of what's in the books as that's murder and abuse. As a role-play it works fairly well as it provides strong theming (everyone dress and act the same) and a self sustaining game loop. Players don't need to make stuff up to keep the fun going. Lets go annoy bob & friends in their castle .. oh no bob&co got angry and captured us .. but we escape .. now bob&co are coming to our castle camp .. some of us got captured (oh no!) .. but we escape .. sometimes people don't want to escape because that's fun too and follows the exact same loop (bob wants coffee black wine, oh no I did it wrong to annoy bob, here he comes with some funishment).
  4. While everyone here misses the point and debates Gor. What's left of Gor is quiet because everyone left. They are on discord and play other games, Conan exiles with mods being one. The only Goreans left in SL are the fringes trying to keep one foot in more than one world. This place was stagnant and expensive so they found somewhere better. It's that simple and has nothing to do with Gor (etc) being faddish (it's not), or anything else the 'armchair generals' opining on the forums might imagine or project. Now ask what happened to the furry and anime communities ...
  5. Well seeing as you dont care what I actually say and are determined to paint me into a corner. Sod ya. I'm done. ❤️
  6. Mainland is also cheap, especially if you stack premiums to pay for it, and the landlord really doesn't care what you do so long as it doesn't annoy anyone else. Which is why there is so much adult content on G regions .. Mainland : No one cares.
  7. I have social anxiety, that is not being socially inept ... but thank you for throwing some mud. You're a wonderful person.
  8. GTFO is the biggest single-purpose mainland activity after all the adult stuff everyone absolutely doesn't do (ever), and pretty much the only activity propping up G mainland at this point. It is single handily responsible for a lot of rejuvenation around roads and coast lines. Kinda makes me wish that parcels in SL would just get darker and darker the longer they unused (like old sim city plots) just so people could see how utterly sunk the land market has become. Peeve : The SL economy is actually tanking and no-one leaves their bubble long enough to notice. If we don't pull up after summer, a lot of people are going to be tapping out and cutting back. It's the worst it's ever been for small creators.
  9. Of course you don't. But an abundance of the same type of thing is an sign of a healthy a vibrant market for that thing. What you want as an individual consumer is irrelevant, what the market as a whole will support is something else entirely. This is why trends with different companies offering similar themes or items routinely happen.
  10. Which I am not saying ANYWHERE, that's the counter argument to try and paint this whole discussion into a corner.
  11. This is a huge mistake. If you go to a town and want to open a shop, looking for the shop they don't have so you can fill an obvious void is a mistake. The town has no need for dolls-shoe-store. They town has nine restaurants, open a tenth. As people have been very keen to point out, people who adult, also do other things. Adult stuff is a proven draw. market that and everything will grow organically.
  12. Yes. You can only reach them by teleporting though as they are disconnected off to the side. SLB Alluring, SLB Daring, SLB Euphoric and SLB Irresistible
  13. I don't think LL could even if they wanted to. It would be open rebellion.
  14. No it hasnt .. The tiny number of tiny book clubs, all combined, are less than one region. The hundreds of adult regions are right there.
  15. Obviously this is bad and shouldn't be allowed .. There is a not trivial cost associated with running a full region club. Even if there are only a handful of active "real people" .. they are still paying more directly to LL than all the book clubs combined.
  16. SL's teen grid was super bad ... Kids don't self censor, they just find another way .. egged on by all the adults pretending to be teens.
  17. The "no sex here" loop hole is also routinely met by discord. We have certain groups using SL to hookup, before moving the roleplay to a "safer" venue.
  18. The presumption that people are AFK or bots is false. Some are .. someplace have a rolling kick home hammer you have to interact with regularly if you want to remain. No one talks in local at those spots either. but apparently here is one of the favorite places .. for unknowable reasons.
  19. Minecraft and Roblox are explicitly games for kids. Sure MC has some adult 'mega lego' appeal but the social spaces are predominantly about packing children in and making them buy DLC. Private servers are one thing, public servers via bedrock are something else entirely and that's the focus. GTA is .. a game with mods. Skyrim would be a better example of that, but even then .. if you want massively actually social, it's final fantasy or to a less degree WoW.
  20. Of course .. Everyone needs hair and shoes, even the people who aren't here for other people. The adult side of SL by its very existence allows "Mr/Ms Right or Mr/Ms Right-Now" to exist as a possibility and that alone is a strong motivator (and certainly one from the lower half of the pyramid). Sansar and other PG worlds fail socially because the lack of sex means people self censor. Flirting might be fine and within the rules, but people don't though an abundance of caution. If people feel they can't engage in that way, most conversations are dead before the start.
  21. They are afraid to offend anyone. So for the vast majority of messaging, instead of love / hate that would be far more impact-full, we get beige or some artificial promotional guff that misses the mark so wildly it's just cringe. Pride is an obvious exception and LL do come out guns blazing for that, I just wish it translated into actual action more often (but that's a peeve with all corporate pride)
  22. LL are very active with their blog, on social media and have been for some years (this is what Strawberry do). They're one of the top posters on the SL sub reddit I moderate. The messaging is constant, and it doesn't work. No one cares someone stuck a train in a field with a skybox a decade ago, yes it;s pretty .. but no one cares enough to join in or go visit. Everyone's playing dress up and hoping someone will hit them up. Of course .. I know people with regions full of breedables and nothing else. The point has never been that other things don't happen, the point is the main thing that does happen involving people is ignored. LL pretend SL is entirely about the top half of the pyramid. Yes land rentals are the back bone of SL .. but what do people put on those rentals. Something less sex on the ground lots of very sex in the sky. Go look at Belli and all the empty homes .. because people have elected not to use them, instead they build naughty skyboxes which due to the build restrictions are all very easy to find. LL are and have been focused on the empty homes. They wont look up .. where the people actually live.
  23. because some people drag the discussion back to all the sex they don't want and people respond in good faith.
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