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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. If the region is limited to X events fractionally divided up by land mass, sure you could have an even t on a 16sqm, but it would tick round so infrequently so as to make it pointless.
  2. You could do your own research rather than believing the first thing someone tells you.
  3. As usual Prok has it completely backwards .. almost as if the point was simply to be a provocateur.
  4. The problem with rules is they need to be policed and enforced ... and we all know that isn't going to happen in any meaningful way when it comes to event spam. Hence my suggestion of linking it to parcels inworld with hard caps and making the forum just mirror that.
  5. The only thing harder than randomly messaging someone to engage in pointless small talk is an 8 minute phone call with a stranger. It's not going to happen without a gun to my head. Not by deliberate choice, more a fundamental part of being an introvert.
  6. Oh yes.. it would be horrible.
  7. There is no built in LSL function to present a message on a users screen. You need the other person to be wearing a HUD and then use that to present the message as a texture, perhaps using some variant of XyText (see the LSL wiki).
  8. Compuserve .. $300 a month phone bills .. IRC & Usenet .. and that was it really. I only joined this mess as there was suddenly a Linux client, which due to the complete lack of everything even vaguely contemporary on Linux at the time was & installed on principal. I was doing a lot of 3D rendering with POVRay at the time and was active on their news server, kinda wanted to do more real time stuff and found SL a natural fit as it used the same kind of primitive based geometry I was used to .. except no CSG For some reason, my partner at the time had made a rule "we shouldn't play the same virtual world" and said 'I was ok on SL because There.com was better'. I had no idea why this rule was even a thing ... 24 hours later ....
  9. So ? ... the fact someone would put it in their profile speaks volumes. Abuse report.
  10. The entire point of this thread is about better building with the systems we have.
  11. I'm starting to think prok voted for Cheeto-in-chief .... on purpose.
  12. I don't understand how Prok could be here since 2004 and still have no idea how SL accounts work.
  13. Yes SL does have "occlusion culling". It's just not that great. The SL viewer has to do everything in real time. To generate a billboard impostor you have to load the mesh and all its textures, construct and render the billboard. Then either keep the billboard in VRAM along with the original mesh so it can be swapped in and out seamlessly. To actually save VRAM the viewer would have to swap them back and forth as needed (oh god no .. please no). This would seriously impact loading new objects into a scene, use more VRAM, and only really benefit the user if they stay in one contained area. They could not be cached as objects can change textures(etc) at any point in time, an object update would force a new billboard to be baked, best case adds expensive per-object hashing to everything, every frame, everywhere. This is fine for a game engine where the software is presenting a static assortment of models, where none of the models change or are dynamically loaded and all the billboards for the entire game can easily be generated in advance.
  14. Judging from the blog posts she makes posting chatlogs with customers, seems few people do.
  15. Don't get sucked into trying to learn to be a "good" coder. If the end result works, it works (eg don't worry one jot about script memory till you find yourself running out). Start with a problem you need to solve - Just "learning to script" without a project isn't really helpful. Also try to make it something you have seen other items do. Don't be afraid to google up an example script that does some/all of what you need and use that as a guide. Learn by example. Don't reinvent the wheel. Professional developers call this checking "stack exchange". Be clear about what you want the script to do. Plan it out on paper. If you get stuck. ASK. Post your script. Be clear about what you're trying to do. Don't be afraid to share your work. Don't EVER give anyone a full perm copy of a script - put it in a notecard or pastebin.
  16. Download the default Linden client and see if the problem persists.
  17. サポートチケットを作る
  18. Depends on the plant and how clean the edges are .. keep going till it looks like plant and not cotton candy.
  19. Did exactly this recently, and yes .. you do get quite the boost.
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