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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. Land is not a metric when outside speculators are involved, and they are, heavily. They own huge swathes of land, don't conduct any business with or on it, many don't even list their holdings for sale. There isn't a Linden factory printing out new regular mainland, occupancy has been crashing for years and somehow .. land prices on what is for sale keeps going up. Mainland is a few years away from decentraland, land, owners, and no actual people anywhere. Belli clearly demonstrates people are interested in having a place to call home, the demand is most certainly there, but the market has been gamed.
  2. Anyone doubting this needs only to go explore Zindra. One land owner has the lot (even owning all the empty plots in Linden mini malls), and just ... holds it .. year after year after year.
  3. Set a parcel of land for sale at 1L$ and see how many seconds it takes for someone to appear out of nowhere, buy it, sell it to another random account seconds later, and another, and another and finally get set to the going rate. If you can get a Linden to intervene in the first 5 minutes, you stand a small chance of getting it all reverted.
  4. The difference with paper money is there are a vast number of factors contributing to it's accepted value, and the larger and more widely used that currency is, the more stable it's going to be. That's not to say things can't go catastrophically wrong, but such incidents are rare and unlikely to be triggered by a single factor or individual. Crypto has no fundamentals at all. Value is entirely based on traded price, and depending on the crypto, one trader can cause massive swings by dumping or transferring their holdings, or in the case of Elon, pump a coin to the moon with a tweet or literally bomb it to nothing just by stating he doesn't own any (shib). This makes crypto exceptionally susceptible to manipulation, and makes the government actions of just printing more and more money rather trivial. The only certainty crypto can offer is that there will be wild unpredictable swings, and the only way to win is to gamble you're on the right side of an influencers mood. Money tied to the value of a single commodity is generally a bad idea, especially when that commodity has practical value. It works for Latinum in Star Trek as that material is both rare, can't be replicated (presumably can't be transported) and is otherwise completely useless. This is part of the crypto mythos that sadly doesn't stand up to scrutiny. It's been common for "crypto banks" to oops (blame hackers) and run off with everyone's money. It doesn't (and can't) scale like an actual currency does. Bitcoin being the closest to currency status can take minutes to hours for transactions to complete with only niche usage, the solution is more unregulated "crypto banks" playing technical games, not to mention intense pressure on holders of bitcoin not to transact with it - No one wants to buy a morning coffee only to find out they could have bought a house before the caffeine has worn off, or want to pay extraordinary transaction fees. Decentralization is also not entirely true, only some parts are. https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxdnxy/amazons-server-outage-took-down-a-decentralized-crypto-exchange A government leader driving a currency into the floor is possible, however it takes a sustained and deliberate effort over the course of years. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018–2021_Turkish_currency_and_debt_crisis for an ongoing example. With the worst intentions, dear leader can't do the kind of damage Elon could do by tweeting "I just sold all my ____", even if he didn't actually own or sell any ____. Blockchain as a technology has some uses, but money isn't one of them. NFTs are just the next step in this whole mess. Receipts for worthless digital trading cards. Even if the buyers owned the trading card (and they most certainly don't), that wouldn't help .. we all remember beanie babies or pogs. Wash sales are a systemic requirement for their appearance of value. I sell some NFTs to Bob (by quietly giving him the money to buy them), then get Sally to do the same trick, then find Mark and use the anonymous blockchains "proof" of value to convince him to part with his money. Mark is left holding the receipt for a pixel ape he doesn't understand, doesn't actually own or control, and can't sell unless he can find another mark. This same scam is routinely performed on eBay for collectables (such as beanies). You will find plenty of these https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_confidence_tricks in operation today if you know what to look for.
  5. Don't focus on the lack of legs. Focus on the numbers of people who are rushing to build meta's brave new world with ZERO ownership of everything made in meta. The lack of legs is a PR distraction.
  6. This is exceptionally common with alt and meme tokens, commonly called a "rug pull". https://www.fastcompany.com/90692521/rug-pull-crypto-squid-game-explained This isn't even the biggest. So far, the only upside to crypto seems to be teaching libertarians why banking regulations exist.
  7. Oh! Well please do explain how purchasing a receipt on a blockchain would provide any practical benefit to users of SecondLife, because so far, no one has been able to.
  8. That's why I'm thinking a more generic set of benchmarks that test a load of things scripts can do. That way we get a whole set of numbers and can than run the tests to track changes over time and from region to region and not really need to care what the stats floater says.
  9. Hopefully this kind of obvious cash grab bursts the entire NFT bubble.
  10. Can we just lock these old threads after they have been idle for a certain amount of time. Seriously.
  11. @Flannery Swee*****er My bug report has been closed with the following message from Shrike Linden Please do as he says and open a support ticket, include a link to this thread and the bug report. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/480403-~hiring-hostesses-at-harlows~-women-only/ https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-231549 Also if you could update this thread with any progress, if things aren't resolved when the next web meeting rolls around I will try and get over and bring this up. Edit - I have filled a support ticket, but it can't hurt to do one yourself too.
  12. Technical point of order - That isn't a thing. Region owners have no access to visitors IP address so even with this information there is nothing they can do. Banning by IP address doesn't work when IP address can change between sessions, or when they are shared between users by the ISP.
  13. Filed a bug report on the JIRA. This shouldn't be happening for official last names. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-231549
  14. Absolutely not, the exact same deal as regular Linden homes. It's bad enough the adult land has been shoved out of sight out of mind and left to rot. If LL want angry customers, making adult lindy homes a super premium extra expensive perk is a sure fire way to accomplish that, we're already paying though the nose to live on the only approximation of a curated setting (horizons).
  15. Delete the lot and create a "model village" park in the new Linden homes with baby versions of the landmarks and all the previous homes. Give away tiny decorative copies of the houses each inside there own little snowglobe.
  16. Hey everyone !! I have this great big pile of money and I can invest it so we all can (virtually) live off the interest! Totally legit! Said no capitalist ever. If you can't see the mark, you're the mark.
  17. Is there any information as to what caused the previous restart to get half way though the grid without the restart part happening?
  18. What SL maturity rating do I need to put up a model of this "christmas tree" originally shown in 2014 at the vendome (paris)
  19. THIS The rules surround "banks" in general exist explicitly because such things happened and the fallout was catastrophic. https://www.technologyreview.com/2008/01/10/270541/second-life-closes-banks/
  20. Adult content in SL isn't just about the people at the extremes, adult content is the upper end of a spectrum of activities and expression, enabling the spectrum is what matters. Case in point, people don't buy furniture with adult animations explicitly for the purpose of making avatars hump (and almost all furniture can be bought with an adult option now), they buy it to keep that possibility on the table should their other more lowkey social interactions lead in that direction. SL is one of the few places online where real relationships can happen, expressing that relationship is a necessity for all the social interactions prior to that point. "Humping avatars" is broadly hilarious, so serious expression of affection, commitment and connection more often take a more involved and nuanced path (which is why BDSM themes in SL are so prevalent). Every failed virtual world has had a hard cap on activities and interactions for fear of "humping avatars", and the end result has always been the same, those worlds are devoid of life. Worlds that explicitly focus on "humping avatars" are similarly under used. Facilitating adult content is core part of that emotional bandwidth factor that has kept SL alive and thriving all these years, demands for a social setting that encompasses this basic human need are not to be unexpected and are critical to the overall health of the platform. A side effect is that there will be some "humping avatars", which feels like a very small price to pay.
  21. Simple example .. pony play, it's not about sex and it makes zero sense indoors, while technically it's fine on M land (there is one notable place on regular M mainland), few feel comfortable doing that. Sure, some people will have adult enabled hot-tubs and whatnot, and some will want to do the slex on the lawn .. but they will be the minority. Most just want a chill neighborhood that's adult friendly and comes with no judgements or worries about upsetting people.
  22. Adult content in SL is far more than just the naughty bedroom furniture. There is a whole world of context dependent stuff that doesn't ever even come close to humping avatars.
  23. If removing PIOF and PIU results in the end of AFK sex, I think the case for removal just got a lot stronger .. sheesh.
  24. I think at this point a standard, open source, easy to use box of tricks to run some tests, generate some numbers would be more broadly useful. It would also give people an immediate follow up action to the numbers in the stats floater looking "off" and would be somewhat immune to the stat floater gradually going off base as the server product evolves.
  25. Apparently we do .. because everyone here is happy to just look at the rubbish numbers rather than actually do literally anything that might be more illuminating. We're also not privy to the secret inner workings of the SL service, what are the pinch points we should be testing and what, specifically, would a box of scripts be testing. Besides, as any such box of scripts would be used to bemoan the SL service, might be wise to be involved in the development of those. At least then any generated numbers would be meaningful when bright up in discussions.
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