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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. I've read a LOT of Dune and I think it falls too heavily into a monolithic trap, focusing entirely on the actions of those at the very tip of the ruling houses with the citizenry falling neatly into line behind their rulers banner, especially once the series starts to expand on the core antagonist factions. This is also a fault shared by Star Trek. We're far more fractured and chaotic politically which is something Star Wars manages to get fairly right, not all humans support the Empire, but everyone in the Empire is human (with minor exceptions) and it's far from the same kind of monolithic power structure as presented in Dune. The EU and Thrawn novels especially are good at adding a lot of depth that we only really glimpse on screen in the prequels.
  2. That comparison only works superficially. One campaigns for health care and social funding, the other blames jewish space lasers and wants to arm children.
  3. It goes against our fundamental nature and all of recorded history. We either embrace it or build structures to constrain it. But you only have to read a little coming of age teen fiction to know why neither of those are sustainable monolithic solutions. I'd recommend the Uglies series.
  4. The only way America will understand freedom from religion in the same way Europe does, is to get a taste of the dark ages first hand.
  5. No. This requires a much requested overhaul to how animations in SL work.
  6. There are two problems. Unintentional object bleed - Your neighbor has something with hover text or they have something pushed up to the wall, that then pokes though. This is both an annoyance but also a governance headache. Unintentional communications bleed - It's very easy to accidentally end up where your neighbors are privy to everything that goes on inside what you think is a contained and private space. I might be forced to put up with my RL neighbors "goings on", but given the choice I have no desire to recreate that in SL. I think the best LL can do is try to consolidate parcels as they get abandoned and then clean them up into nicer distinct parcels before putting them back on the market. Sort of a factory reset for the land. I get patch's point that not all mainland can be a stretch of idyllic coastline, but that doesn't mean inland isn't without value. Being forced to conform to the lay of the land can produce some really nice and unique builds.
  7. SL content does not age well .. but that's not reason enough for LL to come along and delete someone's old build so long as the land is being paid for. They're also weirdly sentimental about "old stuff" some how being historical. An apartment building that put the actual interiors up in skyboxes and used exp teleports for the doors would work, would also be good for client side lag. Really what we need are volumetric control prims. Rez a phantom prim, set it to be a "volumetric control" and apply a load of parcel parameters to it that are then only applied when an avatar is contained inside the prim. This would allow for distinct interior spaces and a whole lot of other cool tricks.
  8. Being outside LL's moderation doesn't necessarily mean they are more permissive in the kinds of content and threads that are allowed to persist or willing to tolerate "both sides" trolling and bickering. Over on reddit for example, we are far stricter as to what gets to hang around and straight up ban people for political trolling, personal attacks or LGBTQ "debates", not to mention a whole slew of quietly forbidden or axe-grind topics (LL vague-sux, why for no crypto/nft, girls are guys, etc etc). Mainly as there are lot's of other places on reddit to have such debates and they add nothing of value to the community often pushing out people who do want to engage with the actual subject at hand.
  9. First up .. are you sure it's gone - TP away and back again, if its still gone .. Check your lost and found folder for the items owned by you, if you find them there, they got returned. This can happen for various reasons, encroachment and acceptable content are the two main ones. If your stuff spills outside your parcel's boundaries then it's fair game to be reported and sent back, just like coloring books, stay inside the lines. Acceptable content is another reason, was your stuff above the land rating (eg adult content on G rated land) or against the ToS in some regard (broadly offensive stuff doesn't get to hang around). Were you using a temp rezzor to try and cheese in more stuff than the parcel allowed ?
  10. If you want echo chambers all the way down, there is Reddit. If you just want to argue with people, try Twitter.
  11. Hey! Don't send them to us! *waves hand jedi fashion* ... Facebook .. send them to facebook .. 😁 (For those who don't know .. I mod the Second Life subreddit)
  12. Oh come on .. the premise of this thread is blatant politicking and alternative facts all over again.
  13. I just really hope we can have an iterative beta period to make sure these bodies are socially viable long after the new user experience. If they are and the dev kits are good and work with blender & avastar, it's really not a stretch to see all the mainstream creators just adding it to their workflows. If you want something more specialist, then you can swap out for an after market body They aren't good for anyone if all they teach is the hoops the user has to jump though buying commercial body parts. I wish SL wasn't like this, but in some circles .. it really really is - Welcome to Second Life, don't you look awesome! Well done! .. Now get ready to drop $50 US on body parts before anyone will talk to you! Good Luck.
  14. The days of not needing external tooling for SL content are long gone. We are not got to get mesh in the viewer. It's not going to happen. Blender is free, has a staggering amount of industry support and tutorial material.
  15. This isn't some new thing. 32bit support has been on notice for years and years at this point, there are major issues relating to running a 32bit client that can't and wont be solved. All the TPV's that produce 32bit binaries (catznip included) do so as a last ditch courtesy to keep people on vintage hardware in the game and buy them time to upgrade. It's not a sustainable long term solution and your experience will only get worse. The only reason there are any 32it clients at all is simple practicality, we can still get a 32bit client from the build environment with zero additional effort. .. The moment the build environment makes it impossible (or even difficult), 3rd party support for 32bit will cease. 32bit on the desktop is dead. Just like support for vintage EOL intel products is dead. If it "works", great .. if it doesn't .. it's dead. Game over. No one will be going back to try and keep it alive. I don't like to be blunt, especially when that comes with a cost .. but, if playing SL is important to you - go buy a new computer.
  16. Don't worry, the local flora and fauna will likely eat them before LL gets round to any ban.
  17. Soon™ is planned, In The Future™ feels more aspirational.
  18. Which is basically the news we have had since they killed off the communicator app. Although .. doing the streaming thing .. here we go again again again again I guess. I can't take this seriously anymore, it's a bad experience with major accessibility and usability issues, expensive to run, bandwidth thirsty with breathless PR and poor user uptake.
  19. Oh, I bought an iPhone and a Switch to replace it. Once the OEM batteries dry up, and samsung are especially aggressive when it comes to cutting off supply, everyone ends up stocking the same Chinesium bootlegs
  20. Sure Lumiya can do it*, very impressive considering .. and it can bake your phone in the process*, hammer your irreplaceable*** battery into an early grave, consume all the ram and then crash taking the phone OS down with it. * If you side load it from some sketchy APK source. ** My poor Samsung Galaxy Note, don't worry baby, I wont make you run the mean thing, you wont ever have to run anything again - RIP ☠️ *** It doesn't matter if you can get "the battery out", when you can't buy a replacement OEM battery and have to do with whatever scam fake ebay or amz serve up, then yes, it is irreplaceable.
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