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Kia Kiyori

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Everything posted by Kia Kiyori

  1. LAQ's HUD, though is all about "one HUD to rule them all". So if you do buy other LAQ heads they're covered with the one HUD. I did buy the head you mentioned just to check it out and while it's not for me, I do appreciate their take on the HUD.
  2. Hearin' ya, sister. So glad you mentioned it. I do find the changes kind of appallingly 'yuck' and tricky to edit; not saying it can't be done, but after what seems like entire nights of working on my LeLutka heads, none of them even come remotely close to the same look I once had, so I'm just trying to make the best of what we've been handed - mainly because I've already spent an unhealthy amount of L$'s on them not to. However, I did read somewhere that they wouldn't be able to look exactly the same and that's fair enough - I just wasn't expecting quite such an end result. Maybe it's just my overly-critical eye, but I'm seeing an elephant in the room; enormous, blocky heads sitting on ridiculously pointy chins, which can't be edited at all (the actual chin shapes themselves, I mean - yes, we can increase or decrease the chin depth, but you can't get rid of that obnoxious 'witch's hat' point on them). Then there's the clownishly cartoon eyes. Far too wide from end to end, practically spread across the entire face. Sure, we can alter the space between the eyes, the outer eye corner, the upper eyelid fold and the eye bags, but there's nothing that gives us control over actually resizing/reshaping the eyes horizontally. If there ever was such an option, it's long since vanished into antiquity. I guess when you try to stuff too many bones into a formerly tiny space, the end result is going to be a bit Frankenstein-ish. Not willing to give up just yet. I'll either get the heads looking at least half way decent, or die trying. But yes, I'm hearin' ya loud and clear!
  3. Evidently, since I've had my Linden home for a year now without a peep from neighbours - yet 5 minutes after changing/deleting everything a 'new neighbour' suddenly decides to IM a 'hello' and jabber like a monkey in a tree about my profile pic and flickr? What a confusing conversation.....for both of us. Until a friend told me older viewers can take a while to update...then the coin dropped. Edit: Yes, unchecked the remaining 'show in profile' boxes, as well. Most were already unchecked
  4. I left a ton of groups, deleted all the pics and profile links and just now put up a new profile pic. Let them salivate over that if they will, the sick puppies.
  5. *groan* Thank you so much for confirming it doesn't work, Jewell. Will have to delete picks, groups and profile stuff. Oh, Chuck-yyyyyy - how would you like your very own profile pic?
  6. If nobody has any objections, may I just raise this thread from the dead to add that if using Firestorm Viewer, yes, you can. Preferences > Privacy > General > untick "Show my profile info in Search results". At least, it's supposed to work, but perhaps takes a few days or so to kick in.
  7. "I ain't afraid of no ghost list. Who ya gonna call? Ghost Listbusters". (haha Sorry - just not as funny as The Office bloopers, "but I tried and I tried and I tried and I triiiied, I can't get no...")
  8. I just use an empty dance HUD from Eve n Better and throw dances in it (has up to 25 invites, I think): https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/64363 It's not free so that might be a deciding factor for you, but I like it. Have even ripped dances out of my Vista AO and throw in it.
  9. You forgot to add..."and prolifically pontificate just to see their words in print"
  10. Ah yep. I think we're all aware of the same complaints and the same tired old junk. Nothing new here.
  11. @AyelaNewLife Wasn't aware I'd "branded bloggers as saints or sinners" because I'm a blogger myself. You sure you're poking the right bear here?
  12. @Fionalein: Nope. Not generally. People tend to look at photos and skip the blah, blah, blah. Really don't like the blah, blah, blah. Not really a blah, blah, blah kind of person when it comes to photography. Shouldn't photos speak for themselves anyway?
  13. You always word things far better and more comprehensively than I could, Skell, but my attitude is the same. Pretty sure you speak for many of us here. It ticks me off no end when people make jealousy-based assumptions and refuse to consider that we do what we do for the love of it. Never mind daring to entertain the reality of just how much of our own L$ some of us have spent doing it in the first place because we love it. *grumble, snarl*
  14. haha No, it's a list for the paranoid...I'm just being cheeky because I can't help myself
  15. And lest we forget the ever-important, "A list of ALL Accounts". (edit: typo..can't forget the 's'! he wants 'em all!)
  16. Just a little something to ensure your paranoia radar is functioning as it should; a quick glance over the subject titles of posts in General: What are you doing today? How long have you been a Resident of Second Life? Where do you live? What's your IRL job? I'm sure there's more, but spat hot chokkie over my screen when it suddenly dawned on me how some of the titles must look to the paranoid when combined as a whole haha (I'm so mean).
  17. Not all. When I do, it's for the sheer love of VR photography (and because I know there'll be serious withdrawal symptoms if I don't shoot something) - especially now that it's becoming increasingly difficult for me to photograph beautiful but poorly put together sims with their horrid lag. Thankfully, there's one or two creators amongst my friends who trust me enough to play dress-ups/photographer with their stuff occasionally. *Edit to add: Also, more often than not, I've already purchased what I photograph, so that shoots that argument down in flames.
  18. You can, but I always leave the 'reveal members' box unticked for the sake of privacy of friends and members. I also don't show the group in group search and I don't tick 'anyone can join', but yours is a different matter entirely - if it's intended to be a public group, then have at it!
  19. Yes, as Drake1 Nightfire said - About Land > Options > make sure to untick the box, "Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with Avatars on this parcel".
  20. From the teensy amount my tiny little IQ has been able to comprehend, a lot (no really, a LOT) of the confusion over mesh will be a thing of the past when Bakes on Mesh arrives - no more appliers for this, that and the other, which was the biggest source of confusion for me when I was new. We'll be able to wear any skin on the head/body of our choice, whether classic or mesh. Yayifications!
  21. @EurkaVonD Have never heard of the head or the body before, but according to the second reviewer from the top on the most recent review page of the body in the MP, "Since it does not support appliers, the body/alpha hud is critical" Have you tried contacting either of the creators or asking in their support group (if they have them) for assistance? Sorry I'm not able to be much help. Perhaps someone else in here knows a thing or two about them.
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