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Kia Kiyori

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Everything posted by Kia Kiyori

  1. Absolutely beautiful, Belinda - slightly darker hair really suits you
  2. @Sagadin Can't get enough of LAQ, either. So many different looks just making subtle changes with hair and eyes or even skin tone. If only they hadn't made their HUD such a joy to use. If only their skins and heads and shapes were awful, fussy, complicated and impossible to edit. But no. They had to make everything gorgeous and FUN and now the (financial) brakes are broken. Somebody stop me... Head: LAQ Noelle Skin: LAQ Violet Eyes: Avi-Glam Fine Eyes - Group gift (Catwa/Genus/Omega) Hairbase: TRUTH/Izzie's - Hairbases (Omega) Hair: DOUX Britney
  3. @Alyona Su Stunning, stunning, stunning captures ♥
  4. I think Scylla was wanting to keep her avi at more realistic proportions for every day use though - but that taking photos using props can cause a few annoying headaches for those who don't want to be giants normally - hence the suggestion to minimize the appearance editor just while taking shots
  5. Same here - only I was talking about the pixel variety, not the rl variety
  6. Couldn't fall in love with LAQ and not share now, could I? You're so welcome, chickadee!
  7. Well...was going to be tongue-in-cheek and say 'they're not real bright but they can lift heavy things...' only it might be misconstrued and start a whole silly war of words, so I shan't say it *giggle* Edit to add: Of course the best come-back to my comment is, 'without men, we'd all be living in well decorated caves'.
  8. Oh yes I see your point. I mostly photograph sims, not so much myself, but I get your concern. Only thing I can suggest is bring up your edit appearance thing, have a fiddle with the sliders while you're using whatever pose/furniture for posing, and then minimize it rather than 'save' or 'save as' - that way you can just close out of it when you're done without the hassle of having to re-do your sliders back to normal again.
  9. Hadn't really given much thought to what's proportionate or not as far as height goes, so had to check. My avi (without boots or shoes on) is 1.91m or 6'28ft according to Firestorm. Naturally that jumps to 2.02m with boots/shoes on but since I'm almost never at clubs or getting up to any 'monkey business' except photography, I don't tend to worry about it. Won't ever be interested in the pursuit of pixel men, whatever their height, so perhaps that's why I'm not all that bothered about it
  10. @Scylla Rhiadra Thank you so much - it's an Envious sweater: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sim Style/193/90/2501
  11. Fell off my chair laughing at this. Used to ask the same question but now I have the only pair of pants I'll never need, so... ...three words for you: Evani Anita Jeans.
  12. @FionaleinSneaky - considering there's lots of events happening atm.
  13. @BelindaN: You look completely stunning - you've done a brilliant job! Meanwhile, I've fallen in love with LAQ. Never thought anything could tear me away from LeLutka, so moral of the story really is 'never say never' haha
  14. Had a slightly different one last night - 'V****EventSL' (never heard of it). Created yesterday. No payment info used, ofc. Deleted, horse whipped, hung, drawn, quartered, then burned with a blow torch (all in the comfort of my own imagination). De-loused, sheep-dipped and vaccinated the laptop, brushed teeth, gargled, scrubbed hands raw, then showered for good measure. Some hours later, the would-be-if-it-could-be was defunct. Well and truly, I should imagine.
  15. @Cindy Evanier You're doing a beautiful job of it, too.
  16. Honestly, I don't tend to see the junk many others see but that's mostly because I'm generally out photographing scenic/themed sims and when not doing that, I'm at 'home' editing before logging off. People always have a choice of where they want to go of course, which narrows down what their eyes are going to be 'assaulted' with. There's some stunning sims - no junk or mess involved - if one but searches for them. Nothing stopping a person from trying an inworld search using words like 'flickr', 'explore', 'photogenic', etc. etc. They just might find places worth spending a little time in that might change their viewpoint about SL, but they'll never ever know if they never ever bother trying something different.
  17. Well, it is the newest toy on the block, so a lot of peeps want to play with it. Am quite happy to stick with my beloved LeLutka heads. At least for now
  18. From the movie 'Paul': Graeme Willy: You're an alien! Paul: To you I am, yes. Graeme Willy: Are you gonna probe us? Paul: Why does everyone always assume that? What am I doing? Am I harvesting farts? How much can I learn from an ass?
  19. I wouldn't call it "price gouging" - that seems a little unfair if you stop to consider just how many hours/days/weeks/months of work must go into creating a complete head system that includes animations/expressions/moods, eyes, a fully functioning HUD with all the layer options and hairbases etc. And just because a head is "older" doesn't mean it didn't take them every bit as much time and effort to create it in the first place. Few are going to "stop supporting" professionals who are at the top of their game and know what they're doing. I'm a LeLutka lover with 5 of their heads so far. It's not price that's an issue for me, it's the quality and customer support base, which is why people stick with Catwa, LeLutka and other creators who are demonstrating that they're here for the long haul and are dedicated to quality.
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