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Kia Kiyori

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Everything posted by Kia Kiyori

  1. It'll be over when the Lindens say it's over. They're the only ones with God status. Well, and Whirly too
  2. Yes but as you're one of the 12,000 logged in for any length of time, you're probably on a different server to the rest of us mere mortals.
  3. Wondering if it's DDoS attacks again like we had back in February? 45 minutes since last (temporarily successful) login and counting.
  4. Repeatedly punted, same as others (Australia). Still can't get in. Ohh! Someone just plugged their Down Under back in ♥
  5. I must be the only freak here who'd rather have a root canal than go to an in-world store - or worse, an event - but the only in-world stores that can draw me out (by force, because they don't generally sell on the MP) are those selling bento heads and certain appliers. For everything else, this lil bunny buys from the MP and tries demos from the MP - no MP demo, no sales for you - 1 year!
  6. Hugs thank you so much for the massive compliment, Belinda ♥ Was wearing the default Greer Spencer shape in the pic and tweaked it a little (not by much), but the same or better can be achieved using the League shape that comes with Alessa, which I'm wearing atm...it's a beautiful skin and I've not found another like it anywhere - although I'm sure there are, but after spending several (and I mean 'several') thousand L$'s searching high and low, I could have cried when I found League's Alessa. If they ever stop making their skins and shapes, I'll probably go into mourning for years haha *Edit - typos all over the place like a mad woman's custard. See what unexpected compliments do to me?
  7. LeLutka ~ Spencer ~ *LEAGUE* ~ Alessa ~ alaskametro ~ Lila Brow Shaper ~ Izzie’s ~ Yonder Eyes ~ *ARGRACE* ~ Chitose ~ E U P H O R I C ~ Supershine Lipgloss ~
  8. Also Exxess, Argrace, Stealthic (not sure if Stealthic mentioned already?) and tram (inworld store only)
  9. Dead dull. Any camera crew unfortunate enough to follow me around in SL would be comatose within the first 5 minutes. All I do is stand still behind a camera for hours on end (literally), photographing sims - with the occasional crash and re-log back to the same position to pick up where I left off. Interactions with others I try to keep to a minimum to avoid the inevitable dramas that tend to accompany pixel people.
  10. I've pretty much always done the same thing Skell does: folders, folders, folders with sub-folders as needed. Makes it a breeze to find whatever you're looking for. When I buy something, yes, I rez and open the package, add the contents to the appropriate folder I created, and dump the packaging and junk. Nothing is SL is ever the end of the world, to be honest - because, in the end, they're all just pixel dust collectors. I also delete all but whatever I'm wearing in the 'Outfits' folder regularly (you'd be surprised how much all those saved outfits add unnecessary 'fat' to your inventory). With categorized folders and keeping junk to a minimum, it's easy to find whatever outfit you want to wear. If I haven't worn something in a couple of months (or ever, for that matter), it gets trashed, but I'm ruthless like that. I really only ever have 2 dresses, 2 gown, 1 set of jeans (fatpack), 1 jacket (fatpack) and a few shirts, shoes and boots. Think K.I.S.S. Principle. The 'objects' folder gets treated much the same way: pruned ruthlessly and regularly. Trash is emptied a few times a day or more as needed. There's also 'personal storage terminals' on the MP and while they look pretty cool, I'd rather delete the junk I don't use than hold onto it, but they're a great idea for the hoarders who can't stand to throw anything away. Inventory count: 16,500 and holding.
  11. Not to put too fine a point on it (I will anyway), but World of Warcraft is a MMORPG, not a VR. SL is a VR, not a MMORPG. The two categories are as different as night and day. WoW's the only MMORPG I've ever played and SL's the only VR I'll ever be interested in.
  12. Oh! Just noticed you can 'dock' that box so it stays in place (hit the little down arrow on it). Thought it might be worth mentioning in case anyone else comes across this thread for the same thing.
  13. No it was just the one disappearing act, thankfully. Must accidentally right clicked up there somewhere!
  14. Oh never mind - it's there to stay now. Thank you so much you guys for your help! Deeply appreciated. *happy dance*
  15. That worked, Blush. Now how do I keep it up there so it doesn't vanish again?
  16. Oooh, now there's a thought. I could well have right clicked it by mistake and if so, I still can't find where/how to bring it back up again.
  17. @Blush Bravin - Yes that's exactly right. I have it ticked - it's always been ticked.
  18. Yes - there's the main notification box with all the labelled tabs at the top of it - Transaction tab, Group notices tab, etc. That's the one.
  19. Hi Ceka - I recently moved FS on to a new location on my laptop. Once I'd done that, many of the issues I'd been having since earlier in the year were resolved and it began responding very quickly to everything (rezzing, loading screen, Phototools DoF, etc) and the notifications box remained at the top right, even after doing that. It just vanished a few hours ago. I do remember using it just before its disappearing act, so it's only happened sometime today.
  20. Thanks for responding, Blush. Only noticed it a few hours ago. There are some notifications I don't clear (certain transactions mostly), so that all I have to do is click the box to find what I was looking for as a point of reference, but the entire box and all that I'd left in it is gone.
  21. This is probably in the wrong spot (sorry if it is) - but I seem to have lost the entire Notifications box in the top right of the screen with the tabs labelled transactions/group notices/etc. Have spent the past several hours trying to find out how to get it back again (Google's got diddly squat). It contains some history I really didn't want to lose. Preferences>User Interface>2D Overlay>Use legacy list layout for Notifications window - unticked as per Whirly's advice on an old thread about this same thing, but that's not brought it back either. Anyone have any ideas?
  22. Fave combo so far: LeLutka Greer League ~ Alessa (shape, skin & lipstick) Izzie's ~ Yonder Eyes ItGirls ~ Goddess Eyeshadows .euphoric ~ Hizma Nose Piercing
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