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Kia Kiyori

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Everything posted by Kia Kiyori

  1. https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/2312-unscheduled-ddos/
  2. Not sure we do know just yet, Umeko. At least, I haven't seen anything official yet.
  3. That's interesting. Tried logging in with Phoenix and actually got in. Wonder why we can't log in with FS?
  4. @Aishagain Hardly 'carnage' - just a little hiccup. Ok maybe a burp. Fine - a dirty great belch. Stuff happens. They'll get it sorted.
  5. At least the numbers are going by 1,000 every few minutes, so that's a good sign. Right?
  6. If that's the case, then they just took on another 1455 employees...
  7. Thank you for replying, Chic. No, I'm a real fussy thing when it comes to details like that.
  8. Eleven days, one support ticket, three clean installs, several hours of peppering, nagging, hassling and hissing at Google with umpteen questions while checking and double checking settings - silence reigns supreme - except for a single notification five days ago that the support ticket was buried moved (sorry - warped sense of humour - couldn't resist). Some months ago I had a graphics problem with water when taking photos in ultra settings; Whirly knew exactly what it was (she needs to be cloned because if Whirly doesn't know something, then it isn't worth knowing) and said it was a bug that only two people noticed - I was one of them. She's a genius and got me back up and running within minutes right when I was beginning to think I'd lost my marbles. Welp - marbles are on the move again and am only adding a comment here to keep the thread from vanishing into obscurity. Although it would be heartbreaking to hear that my machine has reached it's use-by date already, I'd rather know than keep running around in circles like a headless chicken. *queue sound of crickets* /end wailing and gnashing of teeth
  9. Perhaps more information might help someone spot what might be the problem with DoF suddenly going dead as a door nail. Specs: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500U CPU @ 2.40GHz (2396.52 MHz) Memory: 8095 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 16299) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce 820M/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 390.77 RestrainedLove API: (disabled) libcurl Version: libcurl/7.47.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1i zlib/1.2.8 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.9.1 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.61 LLCEFLib/CEF Version: 1.5.3-(CEF-WIN-3.2526.1347-32) LibVLC Version: 2.2.4 Voice Server Version: Not Connected Settings mode: Firestorm Viewer Skin: Firestorm (Dark) Window size: 1366x715 px Font Used: Deja Vu (96 dpi) Font Size Adjustment: 0 pt UI Scaling: 1 Draw distance: 32 m Bandwidth: 550 kbit/s LOD factor: 4 Render quality: Medium-Low (2/7) Advanced Lighting Model: No Texture memory: 1024 MB (1) VFS (cache) creation time (UTC): unknown Built with MSVC version 1800 Packets Lost: 466/140,455 (0.3%) February 18 2018 01:02:43 SLT Example: Here's three pics just taken to demonstrate what I mean - you'll see that the only thing I'm able to change is light and shadows, nothing else: Really hope someone might know what's causing this; have been over my settings again and again, but can't spot a blessed thing.
  10. Updated graphics card - issue still persists with DoF. Had a Windows 10 update two or three days ago, but I don't think that's to blame (for a change), given that it was working perfectly from the update until last night. Pulling my hair out now...might try banging my head on a brick wall next...
  11. I might not (read 'definitely don't') understand the tech details, animats, but I sure do appreciate what you're doing for the benefit of vehicle users
  12. I'm having the same issue quite suddenly (using the latest FS release) - posted in the tech forum. Not seeing DoF at all since roughly 6 or 7 hours ago; it's become an 'all or nothing' effect - as in, everything is either blurred, or everything is sharp. Out of habit, I reset everything back to default once I've finished a shoot, so it's not that - and I've never used 'freeze frame' or 'auto refresh'. Am out of ideas. Have checked all my settings again and again to no avail. Hope someone knows what's going on - would be good to know it's not just me.
  13. Hi Resi - thanks for replying. Yes, I got into the habit of resetting everything to default the moment I'm done with a shoot.
  14. I'm using the latest FS Viewer and have been taking pics using DoF without a problem - until now. About an hour ago, I had a shot all lined up, DoF was absolutely perfect with the focal point being beautifully sharp and a perfectly subtle blurred background. Then I received a sudden request from a friend to tp them to my location, so rather than taking the snap quickly, I dropped it, thinking I'll set it up again later, which I've often done without issue. Wrong. No matter what I do, I can't get the DoF working again. Both the focal point and the background are either as sharp as a tack, or hopelessly blurred. Perhaps I've been going over and over my settings for too long (been at this location for over an hour now trying to work out why DoF is misbehaving) and have gone over and over old how-to posts, which contain nothing that I didn't already know and haven't already checked. Have tried messing around with the FOV, Foc Length, CoC and the Resolution with no success whatsoever. Is it just me, or are there times when it just messes up and there's nothing you can do but wait?
  15. *update: According to Zoha Islands peeps, it's an SL bug - or - the latest FS update bug thingy and not just us.
  16. I'm helping a friend with her club - a couple of nights ago while a singer was performing, two of us in the crowd couldn't see the boss saying anything in local (only the boss, no one else), but we could receive her IM's just fine. Everyone else could see her chatting in local though, which is odd. Today, it's the same thing, but with another staff member - once again, can't see anything he says in local but can receive his IM"s just fine. Found a thread from 2013 talking about griefer objects, but I've got nothing in spam at all, nor have I changed any settings since I installed the new FS Viewer. Can see announcements from music streams just fine in local and other peoples' comments, etc - just not the boss + one other staff member. I could read his local chat convos just fine yesterday, though, so something's clearly going on. At this rate, if one staffer a day goes missing from local and then patrons one by one, we will - rather quickly - be up the creek without a paddle. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same thing lately? My spec: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500U CPU @ 2.40GHz (2396.52 MHz) Memory: 8095 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 16299) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce 820M/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 390.65 RestrainedLove API: (disabled) libcurl Version: libcurl/7.47.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1i zlib/1.2.8 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.9.1 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.61 LLCEFLib/CEF Version: 1.5.3-(CEF-WIN-3.2526.1347-32) LibVLC Version: 2.2.4 Voice Server Version: Not Connected Settings mode: Firestorm Viewer Skin: Firestorm (Dark) Window size: 1366x715 px Font Used: Deja Vu (96 dpi) Font Size Adjustment: 0 pt UI Scaling: 1 Draw distance: 32 m Bandwidth: 550 kbit/s LOD factor: 4 Render quality: Medium-Low (2/7) Advanced Lighting Model: No Texture memory: 1024 MB (1) VFS (cache) creation time (UTC): unknown Built with MSVC version 1800 Packets Lost: 9/102,366 (0.0%) February 11 2018 21:06:22 SLT
  17. Thank you for that, Chin - searching through it now
  18. Not sure where to post this but hope it's ok to post in General. Anyone know what happened to the Hazardous Inc sim? TP is disallowed and the listing for the 'Mainstore @ Hazardous' is closed (not sure whether the store is related). Did it bite the dust, or is this just a temporary thing for renovating/redecorating? Anyone know?
  19. Gak! I really, really deplore the whole fugly mainland mess, the lag it creates and the uncouth neighbours with their pukey monstrosities (beauty being in the eye of the beholder was never more true than in this instance)...but, as Phil said, just derender + blacklist the whole dang place (Firestorm Viewer - not sure whether the SL Viewer has that functionality?).
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