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Kia Kiyori

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Everything posted by Kia Kiyori

  1. I could be entirely wrong - because there's a lot of legal mumbo-jumbo involved and really, I'm no rocket scientist - but I think just having a SL account and anything to do with L$'s automatically means you're interacting with a US company and therefore agree to abide by said 'legal mumbo-jumbo' in order for you to continue using their service. Perhaps someone else might be able to give you more relevant and finely ground details.
  2. Only if you're going to cash out L$ for $. Otherwise, it's business as usual.
  3. Ok this thread is over here if you'd like to join the discussion https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/439384-tilia-takes-over/
  4. Consumers: "We hate Corporations" Politicians" "Hey now! They pay our inflated salaries!"
  5. Give every premium member a full sim (free of charge) and L$1k stipend every week (no one said your answer had to be sensible)
  6. Totally agree. It would make much more sense, but then again, I've yet to come across any corporation that does anything based on 'sense'.
  7. Or just hire @Scylla Rhiadra . She's done a pretty good job of translating
  8. I see your point, however, those of us who say we'll "never" cash out , just might one day. If I've learned anything here, it's that circumstances and situations can change in the blink of an eye in SL. It's called "Covering Thine Butt"
  9. Fannie, in a nutshell, if you're not someone who cashes out L$'s for $'s, then this wont affect you at all and you won't have to do a thing other than agree to the terms, which I think we've all been doing for a few years now (or almost 2 in my case). It just sounds perfectly dreadful because LL blow chunks at explaining in 'human language' while still covering their butts, but you'll be ok if you stay and aren't a cashing-out kind of resident
  10. It's the terminology that's putting the wind up people, I think. If they could speak in plain English instead of legalese, it might help allay a bit of panic. Where's @Scylla Rhiadra when you need her? She's great at 'legalese to human' translations!
  11. Now that I think about it, I seem to recall receiving an email about Tilia UK a year or so ago and having to agree to something-or-other, if I'm not mistaken?
  12. That's a bit harsh. If @TempestKittie isn't one who needs to convert L$ to $, then this doesn't affect her at all. It's just been a bit confusing for people at first glance, but thank goodness for Scylla spelling it out for dunces like me.
  13. As Scylla already mentioned at the beginning of this page, yes, we all have to agree, but further identification is only required if you're withdrawing cash from LL. As for the Inactivity Fee - can't really comment on that other than to say - without understanding the reasons - it seems a bit stingy.
  14. "Effective August 1, in order to continue using Second Life you will have to agree to Tilia’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy."
  15. Where does it say - anywhere - that SL is "winding down"?
  16. "Effective August 1, in order to continue using Second Life you will have to agree to Tilia’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy." Not quite feeling the 'lucky'. If it's been 'used for years' anyway, why the big announcement now, right after fee increases? What else is brewing behind the scenes that won't be announced until after the fact? FaceBrat's takeover of SL? Heaven forbid! Ok, so the real question is, (big 'if' here, 'cuz I probably won't) if I decide to leave on July 31st - who wants my stuff?
  17. Yes, but remember the story of iddy biddy teeny weeny insignificant lil David slaying the big bad arrogant bossy dictatorial less-than-honest (probably) Goliath?
  18. @Linden Lab Need clarification please. "Your information is encrypted and locked down to only be accessible by specific people who have a business need to access your information." Who would have "a business need" to access personal information that LL doesn't already have, if Tilia is LL owned by or a subsidiary of LL already? May we have an assurance that this isn't for data mining purposes?
  19. 'Data mining' for future profit comes to mind. They already have our relevant info. Enough is enough. Incidentally, Inara Pey mentioned Tilia back in 2015: https://modemworld.me/tag/tilia/ Quote: The subsidiary company is called Tilia Inc., and at first glance it seems to be completely unrelated to the Lab, being referred to as being involved with ” Packaging Machinery”. However, an examination of the company’s papers will reveal it is registered at 945 Battery Street – the Lab’s headquarters, as a check on Buzzfile confirmed to me. Tilia Inc appears to be a defunct corporate entity, first registered in 2002, which has been acquired by the Lab. This, and the further registrations of the name across several US states as a “foreign” entity (meaning the filing is by an existing corporate entity registered in another US state), tended to suggest the Lab might be using the company to leverage certain tax advantages – a common practice among corporations around the world.
  20. Not sure, but PayPal is possibly a better way to go for a variety of reasons.
  21. When an over-zealous host keeps her finger on the 'scream spam button' (no such thing, I know) "remove shoes! remove jewelry! remove boots! remove belts! remove huds! remove everything! stop gestures! in fact, just get undressed and stand still!" (ok, the last one was sarcasm) over and over until people leave a concert in disgust. Never any electrical tape around when you need it.
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