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Everything posted by blissfulbreeze

  1. Yeah, I really hate the Linden viewer, but was going to suck it up and try it more if it was worth saving on lag. I'll have to test it. *Cringes*
  2. Hi, I made a thread in this section regarding a laptop that I found and is seeking thoughts on it. It says what I use SL for, what settings I use, etc. Am on my phone now so can't type it all out again.
  3. Not sure if this was mentioned yet, but make a hud that attaches to you but is a bracelet or other attachable item. It won't list every event but the list can be rotated. You click for the hud to show, and select a destination button.
  4. I have always hated the UI for the Linden Viewer. I am used to and love Firestorm's UI. However, I am doing/researching different steps to help lower my lag. Is it worth it to try to get used to the Linden viewer or it doesn't really make a difference in lag etc?
  5. Hi ! I am looking to buy a laptop so that I can be more mobile. I found this one. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/hp-17-3-laptop-intel-core-i5-8gb-memory-256gb-ssd/6499742.p?skuId=6499742 What I do in SL the most: Exploring (I keep my draw distance at 32-72 most of the time) Taking pictures ( I have no need for ultra graphics or ADL mode), just like to take basic ones with some post process editing. Playing table games (Greedy, Skippo, etc) I usually have most people as a jelly doll (complexity under 20k) and I just render them individually if I want to. Yes, my settings are very low, because of lag that I get. This could be due to being in wifi (I will be able to hard connect with a laptop--it's upstairs). So, with running SL with low settings, would this laptop meet my needs? Thank so much in advance for any advice, tips, etc. 😃 **If this laptop is not sufficient, can I add something to it to make it better for SL?
  6. If you are not able to take a screenshot then best to visit one of the volunteer help places. https://places.secondlife.com/parcels/94559/nci-kuula-new-citizens-incorporated-help-classes-freebies https://secondlife.com/destination/1278 https://secondlife.com/destination/caledon-oxbridge https://secondlife.com/destination/firestorm-support-region
  7. Can you give us a screenshot of your issue? We need to see a picture of your head and hair. Also a screenshot of what you are wearing on the avatar, a list of attachments etc.
  8. If you like table games, try going to some sims like TnT Games. Some people ask if they can join a table, if they don't have a playing partner. Most people are nice, of course but there are some rude ones as well, like anywhere. Which time frame are you on sl the most (in SL time)?
  9. I can't have ALM on with my current computer. Sighs.
  10. Here are some places that those looking for conversation and laughs should try: https://secondlife.com/destinations/chat/1 https://secondlife.com/destinations/cafes https://secondlife.com/destinations/popular Men, please do not bring up sex in the first conversation or comment that we look "sexy". Most of us women would prefer conversation. Believe it or not, continuous comments on our looks throughout the convo, makes us cringe. We want to talk about other things.. life, what makes you tick, things to do in sl, games, etc. Treat us like you'd want a guy to treat your sister or daughter. PLEASE!
  11. Also, many men are looking for a hook up. We have so many pretend that they want conversation and hang out. Then they start touching us without our permission. So, we tp away, then get called a slew of names, even the awful c word. Men don't realize this happens a lot. Of course some of us are jaded now. It's abuse. Will we skip over a possible guy with a great personality. We probably will. We know he's frustrated but talk to your fellow men. They're the biggest reason why we keep to ourselves a lot. Not every man is in it for sex but a lot are. Maybe the men should make a group and have events to meet like minded women. To have laughs, conversation etc. Make it non sexual. Women would be more interested if we don't feel pressured to listen to pick up lines or being touched inappropriately.
  12. I'm mostly not parked and not doing something in the background. I'm people watching, reading profiles, listening to music and chatting with friends. I chat with others if am not busy. However, too many people think that people are on a buffet and they're there to serve you. Clubs are not a guarantee that anyone is looking for conversation. Yeah it's nice to have a conversation but if others are bitter or think that people are there to get their needs fulfilled, it's not right. So, imagine if you were busy doing things in SL, and people were IMing you. You're not in the mood to add more conversation because you won't be able to keep up. You're enjoying yourself at the club, chatting with some friends. So you put your busy response on so that you don't have to explain to every IM. Would it be fair if people got upset with you for not paying them attention? What if you got called names for it? What if they flipped out on you because they felt like you should be talking to them? Welcome to being a female in SL. Try it sometime to experience what we have to deal with. We're just trying to live our SL life, and we get harassed for it.
  13. Not everyone is out and about looking for IMs. Some are involved already in other IMs. We have to remember that people are not here to entertain us. They don't owe us anything. Just because we want to IM them or think they're hot, doesn't make them want us. There are some in SL that are indeed friendly and looking for interactions. If in RL, people are at a festival, it's a social thing but doesn't mean that people are there to solicit conversations with strangers. I can be alone in SL and enjoy myself. I find things to do. I don't depend on others to amuse me. If I'm not in a mood to reply to multiple IMs from strangers, that's my right. I don't owe anyone anything. Stop thinking that others are the problem. Respect their desires. Find people that are on the same page as you. If you can't find any, then maybe you should try other outlets besides SL. Think of it as going to a restaurant alone in RL. Do the other diners owe you conversation? Are they being rude because they are conversating with people already and not reaching out to you? SL is a platform for anyone. People come for different reasons. Respect their choices and boundaries.
  14. His head with that beard looks like, um nevermind lol. I know y'all know. 😂
  15. She questioned the landlord again, and the reason is that there are platforms above her.. so she does not have full up/down rental. She is on the ground, so there must be rentals above her.
  16. I told her and showed her what @Maitimo said. She will either not allow non friends to IM her or use an auto-response while she is at home.
  17. She doesn't want people camming on her then proceeding to IM her. If she is not able to be seen by others, they may not bother to IM her. Even when she has visitors over, they still IM her. It has nothing to do with trying to be incognito everywhere, radar etc is fine but wants to prevent people from camming on her avi and IMing.
  18. She has nothing to hide.. here is the scenario of what happens: She sits on her dock, listening to music and men cam on her then IM her. If she was invisible to them, they'd probably be less likely to bother her. It's annoying when she is trying to have peace and relax.
  19. That's a great idea, thank you! I'll tell her to do that.
  20. I know that in most rentals you can turn off/on if others outside of your parcel can see you. However, a friend of mine has a rental in a sim that keeps the privacy feature off and does not allow renters to change it. Therefore, other neighbors can see her and they often IM her, invading her privacy. These IMs are unwanted. Since she is not able to utilize the privacy feature, is there something on the marketplace that she can rezz that will do the same thing? Keep these in mind: She'd rather not move, she loves the place that she has and hopes to find something to buy that can make her invisible to others outside of her parcel. So, suggesting her to move is not part of the help needed. She has talked to the landlord, and they choose to keep the privacy option off. She does not want to have to keep replying to people who IM her and say respect my privacy. So, is there something out there that she can buy , as a last ditch effort before having to move?
  21. In another thread, someone mentioned about turning the water to opaque in graphics tab in preferences. I did that and got higher fps and less lag. I'm going to test it on another account. I also need to find out if my AMD drivers are causing issues too. See my gyazo couple posts above. If anyone can help. Thanks so much.
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