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Chery Amore

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Everything posted by Chery Amore

  1. Hey @Blush Bravin I just wanted to ask did you mean this sentence in your Thread over there? "I thought it would be fun to have a thread that asks the question, ' Does this avatar look like a child, adult, or can't tell based on physical appearance alone." Or did I misread and you meant to say I think my avatar is completely skirting the edge? Can you rate me because of that?
  2. For me it was the head. I put confused though so if I were in charge of bouncing from an adult venue I'd have to know more.
  3. I saw her as possibly the teacher. You do have hips in that picture also.
  4. I wanted a pronstar.. could bounce if I fell forward and hit the sidewalk, big sl** option!
  5. @Zalificent Corvinus does how long the parts were in the grave count? She's got gray streaks gotta be an adult!
  6. @Theresa Ravenheart posted in the other thread and yes... cause of the boobs and hips I rated her adult. But if she went slim with no boobs she'd be a confused rating for me. If she went slim no boobs, schoolgirl outfit, kawaii ao, ect.. she'd look underage to me.
  7. I rated them both as "adult". You're first picture has those cute pigtails and that's really the only possible confusion I see. So they are looking at overall a little more strictly than I do. I have that hairstyle somewhere....
  8. I'm agreeing with you when I did in the other one hehe. I'm still not going to police it cause it gives me the giggles.
  9. Have you ever had to police an adult venue? Just wondering. Sometimes you do have to make a decision despite what they say.
  10. I gotta admit I do a little bit as part of the overall. Like someone just posted a no makeup girl there with small boobs @Kaia Sachin. She could be up to 24? But I'd still look at her profile and search for clues if I were running an adult venue and she showed up. I hope people understand I mean no ill-will by saying that. Again if she had nothing on her profile to indicate I'd give her the benefit of the doubt.
  11. Your new picture absolutely does present differently.... @ValKalAstra and not just because of the cleavage. The setting, the stance, the pose, just overall it doesn't say underage.
  12. For me yes, It would depend on what they say or how they are dressed though. She'd def be an edge case... depending on how she talked or dressed. I didn't take into account how she was dressed in that picture though.. so I get your point.
  13. See I don't even think the "teen" in that picture would have to be labeled a teen here in sl personally. The child def looks like a child.
  14. Well there was no "reaction" for pron star now was there? Lol
  15. I think this thread is a great idea. However I would like to comment more. I'm personally rating some as confused. Not because I'm out to get them but because they would genuinely make me look at their profile, groups and so on if I were running an adult venue. So what I would do in these cases is look for other clues. For instance I wouldn't be surprised to see a pick on one very beautiful avatar that @ValKalAstra made that said she's roleplaying a rebellious (underage) teen, but if she said nothing in her picks and had no other clues or simply said she was 18 I would just move on because to me she could either be presenting as adult or underage. So...thoughts about the pictures in that thread since we shouldn't comment there? Yes, I know this thread could go horribly wrong. I doubt I'll police it if does. I would prefer if you keep comments about pictures in that thread though for comprehension's sake but ehh.. have at it either way.
  16. Opinion: I can't see how it could be a problem because you have a built in modesty layer. Now if you had genitals poking out or even say way extra fur "down there" it would be a no go in general on a child furry avatar. The rules are about child avatars... and you are saying you are in general a child avatar. I see this as a common sense thing though.. as in being "reasonable". I hope you get your official clarification though.
  17. So if you think the avatar looks like: a child (17 or younger) then react with a like, for an adult (18 and over) use thanks, and use confused if you can't tell based on physical appearance alone.
  18. It happens to me .. pretty frequently, by that I mean a couple times a month? I don't bother to send any notes now.. it would just get me frustrated. I do like the redelivery option at stores in general so for me it's a trade off. I'd rather they use it even if it sometimes seems to need a swift kick to work. If I don't get it that day I give myself a reminder to check the next time I come in.
  19. In sl.. the Bear .. cause I'm in the woods, and it would be pretty funny to run into a bear there. In real life it's the other way around the bear is way more likely to tear off my face.
  20. We have the technology. Personally that's why I'd rather voice on discord than text all the time. No one want's to listen to my inane chatter all the time. Then again Discord probably has some voice to text tech running in the background right? I don't worry, I don't think most of us are that interesting as a collective to others. Other than the reader saying "Oh yeah you gotta read this it's hilarious!". And I know people hate others to say if your not breaking the law don't worry but it's pretty true. I think it would have to be really bad for them to take notice actually.
  21. My brain is fried @InnerCity Elf and my reading comprehension level is too low right now. Are you saying you wouldn't be happy if your text chat is being monitored in sl? I don't know what happens but a friend of a friend told me they can do this with keyword alerts. Would love to know if it's true, it certainly could be true. I'm pretty sure that's the reason AR's go through .. The AR is made and text within SL is part of the proof. It would be solid evidence that AP is being committed if people are doing it in text in local or IM.
  22. Just wanted to chime in on the child avatars needing to have separate accounts bit that was going on earlier. There are no rules for this that I'm aware of. Earlier in the thread I suggested it was a good course of action in my mind... and I still believe that. So I hope I didn't add to any confusion. But it's like @Rowan Amore being classy on moderate land and changing clothes while making sure she's covered through the process or me just popping them off and trying on the new set. Neither of us are breaking the rules just one of us is being more polite and will be seen better because of it. I can see the point though that people have mentioned about collecting data or running an adult shop when on a child avatar. I can see where even hiding groups might not be enough as you might be scrutinized more closely also. I've had to do this when deciding to accept avatars into certain levels of groups. I've seen where others have too.. like a roleplay place catering to children might not accept you in their group or on staff if you switch but have picks or groups that are sexual.. it's unseemly and you are somewhat guilty by association for mixing it up. Right or wrong.
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