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Fox Wijaya

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Everything posted by Fox Wijaya

  1. no because every premium has the 351 landimpact (=1024sqm of tier).. no matter thats in one parcel for the new Linden home ór 512 mainland and old lindenhome ór 1024 mainland. (and please do not tag people but quote, they get a message automaticly)
  2. not enough Linden homes? there are 38.000 on the older sims, ánd there is the 1024 tiere level (+10% if you use it smart) it's not like they sell a car with only 3 wheels or no engine. The only thing that's asked arount the new batches of homes is PATIENCE, just like when the older homes were released. This has nothing to do with differences between premiums. Everybody had the same chance to get a new home.
  3. whát is different about the conditions for premium members? you didn't answer that in your previous post either, but to clarify there is NO difference.
  4. it perhaps is, but could also be blockworld? It's not really important or relevant in this discussion.
  5. i see it as grandfathering the subscription for one more period after the current one expires. Raises in the time this "grandfathering"" is active won't be billed, but as soon you have to renew again the price of that moment will be billed. And that might be higher than the newly announced ones.
  6. ehm..what is different for you and her when both have premium subscription?
  7. ps ...was 1000 ! ( very long ago, if my memory doesnt let me down)
  8. but more serious .. i think "grandfathering" the quarterly subscription isn't a good idea, also the raise in combination with the re addition of VAT will hit some residents quite hard. Changes are understandble, and however i'm mostly one that pulls the brakes, i can't deal with changes too well, these new ones won't cost the average resident more than a cup of coffee. I'm no creator or store owner, but think they might have some ideas about the 5% .. 🤯
  9. what i remember it's only premium Leagcy accounts remain and get their own sim for free?
  10. mean to say, if creators/stores unite in groups, ánd make their posting/spam behaviour change a bit, for example limit to one post a day, it would be a perfect workable situation that people, instead of all messages, read the notices in the groupwindow instead of email
  11. i think you don't, but it will ask something not only from receivers, but also senders .. spamming should get lowered anyway, 20 times a day the same event promotion or red collored version of the 2minutes earlier promoted blue jacket should be forbidden anyway.
  12. a little thinking in solutions ... : when getting at home after work, i check my post, mail and left messages. People inworld could do something like that in groups too, check the received posts in the groupwindow, when all who post make the first word their store name, it would be a matter of a minute to filter the interesting content.
  13. thats a personal choice not based on facts but on feelings .. there are ways enough to keep up to date with DJ's and parties, social groups could go use the same priciple... connect in subject groups instead of all on their own, even merchants could unite in those. ( just suggestions .. but thats easy for me because i don't hoard groups that much)
  14. sorry but this statements been written too often since 2008, and it's only very partly true more reasons for it are: there are clubs on nearly every parcelcorner .. all are more of the same, nothing outstanding good in build or theme, and every noob is a "experienced" DJ many clubs kill themself by their policy on tips and gestures .. the constant begging and spamming the chat full of rubbish won't invite me, and others, to come ever again. the MM... there are soooooooo many stores to choose from, people tend to go to the cheapest with acceptble quality, also many don't follow the flow... no real nice designs won't help you keep the businss running. Also many stores think they can do without proper customer support, reparing mistakes, client side mostly, will give a lot credit! .. look at most groups of the creators.. how many promiss groupgifts?... how many don't do it in fact?... lot of things aren't on LL ... it gets destroyed by the users.
  15. i agree the loss of quarterly payments is, nice said, kinda weird, also wrapping the raise in cost in the raise of groups can't get my excitement go up, it's pretty useless for me. But took my pills less than a hour ago so won't be flamable as usual yet ... i don't think i'll change my subcription(s) for this.
  16. no of course they are not, but when they applied the taxes when it was forced they lost about half of the European userbase, they reversed the VAT ad swallowd it, To add it again when there's also a price raise isn't a clever move.
  17. here are the stipend rates, 1000 never was one as far i know https://secondlife.fandom.com/wiki/Stipend
  18. i think we know LL longer than yesterday... if they meant that they would have added that. Or not mention it at all.
  19. i can have misread but i hear nobody about the VAT... as far i know EU residents now get the VAT on premium waved away, but it seems to come back again according the post! That is a adittional 20% for the raised premiums!!! ...ehm...guys that gets a bit nuts! VERY small font...
  20. to be honest i don't see the relevance between the homes and TV and/or quicktime, can you explain a bit?
  21. i share... well " i" ehm..... ( the one that types for me) shares his one house boat with all my bro's .. we really need more, do you even realize how difficult it is to plan use of the boat with one bedroom? ... i'd surely go for another option if there are available
  22. i think this could be the biggest mistake they made in long time ( not current situation yet, but what you describe) they will get in frontal attack at many private estates with it. It might hurt their estates thát much that many loose their renters and throw their regions on the market or, worse... simply delete those by hundreds/thousends ( in total) There will be needed many thousends of new premiums to take that loss of income.
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