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Fox Wijaya

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Everything posted by Fox Wijaya

  1. perhaps derail this whining in who's the longest premium?...lol
  2. yes you have...obviously, but you'r in denial
  3. it's tempting to say it different, but your point of view is wrong. You have ALL what is included in your premium subscription.
  4. what the heck is so difficult to understand? YOU had all premium perks for years, you have nothing to claim, demand or whine about. Just wait your turn if you'r not fast enough to click when there is a release. I have none either... but love my smaller old home, where i still have ANYTHING i want, need and pay for. Next batch people can try their luck again.
  5. lets turn it around: WHAT do you really miss if you don't have a new Linden Home? answer: nothing really... stipend is the same, support is the same, you still can join all events groups in Belliseria, AND you can own 1024 + 10% mainland without paying more tier .. with some minor searching for a nice lower prim home you won't really feel the less prims you have to spend with that groupbonus.
  6. yes totally agree! and than get your payment delayed the website overload as last time and after 10 minutes all houses are gone again, because the rush will be a lot larger than last release because of the new themes.
  7. rubbish nonsense not true and simple whining that you weren't able to get a house/boat ( told few times... i have none either)
  8. no .. and read the thread the answer is there.. see the date posted for that viewer : Phoenix Firestorm Project, Inc Gepubliceerd op 1 apr. 2014 and ask yourself... what happens a lot at april 1st? ...
  9. think google will help you faster, and have a look if the bitrate and khz are right for upload. like these: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Sound_Clips Next to this a soundfile can't be 10 seconds long or taller, if you want a whole song you'll have to cut it in parts and use a script to let it sound like one again.
  10. my suggestion is you read the posts above again, and more in detail. In special Skell's post.
  11. /me talks to much... now i need a new telescope with better lenses
  12. pretty sure you wanted to say "precise" and the system made a mistake
  13. Second Life has it's own test grid, as new account you only have to send a support ticket to get acces, but of course you can use OS for it too... but thats not running on the same software as SL (OS is divided in many places where you can subscribe, all seperate and different, most connected by hypergrid protocol, not connected to SL)
  14. just from what i see around the houseboat from a "friend" ( i am not premium) there are lot of people, amazingly also on the same sim, that have legacy names, ánd very new accounts..alts or real newbies, even seen a fellow forummer at the other side , of course those don't have to be premium from start or all the time, but for me it indicates there is a good mix, and i don't doubt also the old and new subscribers are found in a sortlike mix. I also think it's a very good choice from LL not to use lists, or timezone bound releases, it would prevent the mixing of the community and create neighbourhoods with the same cultures, now USA/Argentina and Japan live in the same street.. thát is what enrichens the community, not the same color flowers in the garden as some seem to want.
  15. but this is exectly what you promote, and not only in this post, f*ck all because "we" ( a limited hardcore snowflakes) want it. You got what you wanted in the new continent, but is HAS to be everywhere now ... get real please, if thats going to happen, and i hate to use these wordse: SL will go down from what it ever was, intendend and made. It will become a sims clone, we chew you swallow.
  16. sorry but you really want those adfarms back?? those were real mainland killers and took lot of trouble to get that banned, there are even still landbarons using the forbidden floating blinking and rotating signs
  17. they come to warn and tell what to do, but can't post a link or make a notecard ... and mainly talking about other grids, not really usefull for SL, where btw all creators deal with copy theft even before the official launch 16 yr ago..and still on that war.
  18. for some Gianni is best, for other Jake, for some Niramyth and for another group Exmachina, SLink... and so on.. Personally i also go for jake, and would rather be on a Linden standard avi than ever put on a Niramyth, but also have gianni, gerald, exmachina and slink, and depening on mood and clothes... quite happy with all.
  19. this is only true when you have done anything, in reason, to avoid others be confronted with adult content in a moderate region. I seriously doubt that no action is taken when you have hardcore porn in your home , and visible from public land/neighbours when it is reported.
  20. yes it's nothing big, but i think the moles, as builders, totaly will understand object that are off will drive people nuts
  21. wear my attachable chair, sit on the side and wait till the show starts? 🙈
  22. why not? ... it's horribly annoying, and in my opinion you can see it as improvement for the whole, perhaps see it as a delivery of a new home RL, often some minor details have to be adjusted. If you wait till the continent is finished you'd have to wait for months/years. Perhaps just bring it to attention of a mole, i know thats not the official way, but will get help a lot faster than the ticket system.
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