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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. AVsitter by Code Violet is also the one that I always add. I don't have any idea about how to create experiences, or for that matter, what purpose I would create an experience for.
  2. I feel that there is more emphasis being put on the 'alts are bad', 'alts are deceptive', 'alts are sockpuppets or only used to increase reputation counts' than is warranted. I don't think this type of bad behaviour from alts is something that we see all the time in the Forums. I think it is pretty isolated. I don't think that it happens enough for all the caveats or 'if you're going to use an alt then you must do...' requirements. I also, for awhile, thought from what people were posting, that the only way for other accounts to be 'ok' would be if they outed themselves as an alt. There's a lot of negative baggage I think, that goes along with the word 'alt'. I tend to not think in terms of 'alts' but in terms of 'other accounts' which sometimes take the primary logging in time for awhile and have their own SL life and acquaintances. I do disclose the other account to a few really good friends inworld, where we chat more as our RL self than our avis, so there is not any deception going on. I wouldn't feel like I would need to do that necessarily in the Forums, though, because I generally don't participate in the big heavy discussion threads anymore. Most of my sense of community feeling from the forums was during the first few years of this iteration of the forums, and it was mainly centered around avi picture and home threads, which have changed over the years with different people participating now, and a slightly changed focus, these days. I feel there is a lot more criticism, cynicism and judgementalism overall in the forums. Sometimes people create a new account and a new SL life for it, and 'retire' their previous account. In that case, I don't see any reason why the person behind the keyboard shouldn't stop using the retired account name in the forums, and instead start using their new account name, if that new account has become their defacto primary account, and what they want to share in the forums is their new account experiences, photos, and so forth.
  3. Personally, I don't have any problems with alts posting in the forums. I generally accept each account I see in the forums, or even inworld, as it's own account (unless specifically told otherwise by one of the accounts). I don't spend time trying to figure out if someone might be an alt of another account, as I don't see any reason to do so. Threads where someone brings in an alt to act as sockpuppet don't bother me too much either, as often those are threads I quickly give up interest in reading.
  4. You might also want to take a look at https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_login_issues There is a section on that page regarding the "Despite our best efforts..." message, with some various troubleshooting steps to try.
  5. If one likes trains, besides the SLRR, there is a group called "The Great Little Trains of SL" which regularly posts information about what could be considered the narrow gauge short lines of SL. Zany Zen Railway is an example of one of them. I enjoy going and riding on various short lines from time to time. My experience with these has been that you show up at the station, and either a train is already there that you can hop on, or one shows up shortly that you can hop on.
  6. Relaxing at home for a few minutes before heading out to see more SL20B exhibits.
  7. Look for the following directory: C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\<SL user name> (with XXXXX being the first 5 characters of your windows user name) If you don't see the C:\Users\XXXX\AppData directory, you might need to enable the windows setting to see hidden directories and files.
  8. There is a process for requesting abandoned land where you request it by size and location. It will not be free, but is generally at a discounted rate of 1L$ per sqm. See the following knowledge base article for the specifics about how to do that: When I've followed the procedure outlined in the article, I've always had good luck about having a parcel of the size I requested carved out from a larger abandoned parcel.
  9. Log in to your dashboard (secondlife.com) and in the left navigation panel click "Land Manager -> Land Use Fees". The bottom section of that page has a chart which shows the different tier levels and how much each tier level costs.
  10. I don't know what would be different about a digital wallet for linden dollars than how LL is currently storing them. They are not stored "in a viewer". I definitely would not want to have to enter another password or look on another device for a code every time I want to spend linden dollars.
  11. I'm currently wearing exov skins from the Skinnery. I also have skins from Amara Beauty, Nuve and Glam Affair. Evox skins are popular, so you'll probably find them at most skin stores, and probably at events, as well. Always be sure to try the demos before purchasing.
  12. I have the latest version of the LL SL viewer installed on both my desktop and my laptop. I did not get any malware message from either malwarebytes or windows security. I'm assuming that you downloaded the viewer directly from the Secondlife website (or through the SL viewer's auto-update process)? If not, I would definitely get rid of the version you have, and make sure to download it directly from the Secondlife website.
  13. @kavakelyr You didn't indicate whether your place is on mainland, or on a private estate. If you're on a private estate, you can contact the region owner or estate manager to see if they will set a new estate level setting which prevents scripted agents. This new estate setting is not available on mainland (though it has been set by LL for all of the Bellisseria Linden Home areas).
  14. Welcome back! Nice to see you posting pics here again. Hoping you're on the far side of whatever was keeping you away.
  15. What happens when you try to relog? How far does the login process get? Do you get any messages?
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