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Everything posted by ellestones

  1. true that the courts have the final say. What ruins our RL is the fact that we have been prosecuted. A prosecution brought by the enforcement agency according to their legal opinion. We may eventually be vindicated by the courts, assuming that the enforcement agency doesn't appeal the rulings all the way to the end personally I wouldn't gamble on any of this if my RL income was at stake. Not when compliance is a simple LSL script away. We can always get all philosophical tho when we have little to zero at stake, or when is some other person's money we are philosophically gambling with some people on here have thought about what this might mean for them, and have just gone meh! Which I think is a pretty good response, philosophically speaking
  2. picking up on this if we are deriving a real world benefit from our SL business activities then I think its a little bit more than a matter of game character relationships. A real world benefit is the USD we can get from converting L$. If we are not converting L$ to USD then yes the game character scenario probably applies
  3. @JJValero Writer if what you are doing is critical to your RL income then do the same as Casper - err on the side of caution while we can obtain a legal opinion from a lawyer, that opinion is not the law. The only legal opinion that truly matters is that of the GDPR enforcement agency. It is the agency which initiates legal proceedings that can hurt our RL income badly should the legal opinion we obtained independently turn out to be false about caution personally I would not try to end run the legislation if my RL was dependent on an SL business activity is trival to create a GDPR-compliant LSL script and stick it in a prim at our inworld location all the script has to do is llRegionSayTo() "Yes" or "No" when a avatar clicks on it "No" we store nothing about you "Yes" we have your avatar key, name, ... other details ... We have your information for these business reasons... and done if we don't think or care that any of this matters to our RL income then can go with any opinion, scheme or non-business process, including doing nothing
  4. from a LSL scripting pov it is easy enough to make a regular payment schedule to another account suggest you talk to your landlord about doing this. Am pretty sure they will work with you to find a solution - rents is rents if not via LSL script then regular Paypal payments (as Whiteangel mentions) if your landlord is up for it
  5. @Ceka Cianci yes lol. Orbit them OP is maybe wanting a less abusive one. I don't get out much anymore, but once upon a time I had lots of self-animators stuff like BOOP and Starfighter - which played animation on our own selves when anyone bump collided us Headstand and Huggies - which were follower based HugMe - which was follower based as well. When somebody/anybody said "hug me" in chat then my avatar would run over to them and play a hug animation on my avatar Lots of others as well that were everyone/anyone can chat a command. Boobies, Spankies, TipMeOver, etc etc
  6. LSL Crippling Adult Hole Play Second Life Fedupacation
  7. if LL don't change the SSP designator soon then that continent will end up being called Macdees
  8. Probably Icecast, if you have the capacity to install and run your own server http://icecast.org/ or can use a service like Radionomy https://www.radionomy.com/
  9. when the work is full-perms to the buyer then treat it as a work-for-hire contract, and charge RL rates. When stuff is full-perms then the buyer can do what they want with it. Put it for sale on marketplace for instance this said, personally I don't do contract anything or sell anything. If someone asks me to do stuff for them, I do it only if is interesting to me. Then who ever I do it for can give me whatever they think its worth to them, including zero. Friends can get more than one zero thing because friendship time. People I meet thru other people, like strangers, get one. One zero because if my time is worth zero to them then their time explaining to me what else they want for zero, is worth well.. zero
  10. and sometimes the ditch has been dug so deep that the tea has to be lowered down to the ditch digger on the end of a long rope :D
  11. i so remember being this look. Layer dress with prim skirt. prim hair. prim shoes. And a rose even. I have all mesh stuffs now. But yeah. A simpler less complicated life and time thankyou for posting and making me smile
  12. i think Phil, like most everyone else, has learned to not die in every ditch he finds himself in. For sure, some ditches are worth dying in. Others not so much. Accept the offered helping hand. Up, out and cup of tea for everyone. So good on him
  13. i may get a BoM head depending on how the baking thingy goes. The reason I haven't got a mesh head yet is that I use all the tattoo layers on my system head 1 * hair base 1 * freckles 1 * button nose 1 * eyeshadow 1 * lippy 5 is not enough really. I wouldn't mind at least 3 more layers. Blush, eyeliner, and 1 for an actual tattoo. Make it 4 more, as sometimes I like to wear 2 lippy where the top one is slightly smaller and 50% transparent so to have an edge effect save all as outfit, bake them up and I am good plus not sure if BoM is going to allow us to save the baked texture as a no-transfer asset in our inventory. Will be a pain if we can't
  14. ok if you are wanting to do stuff on each touch in the range 1..10 then maybe integer touches = 0; touch(..) { touches++; if (touches == 3) { // compare to gas } else if (touches == 10) { // compare to gas // then reset and start over touches = 0; } } edit add meaning that each face has its own touches variable integer touches7 = 0; touch(..) { integer face = llDetectedTouchFace(0); if (face == 7) { touches7++; if (touches7 == 3) { // compare to gas } else if (touches7 == 10) { // compare to gas // then reset and start over touches7 = 0; } } }
  15. stepping thru begin value == 0; 1st touch. value++; value == 1; value + 3 == 4; 'gas' has to be == 4 for the 'if' to fire; value + 9 == 10; 'gas' has to be == 10 for the 'if' fire; 2nd touch. value++; value == 2; value + 3 == 5; when 'gas' == 5 the 'if' fires and says 'value is 4' ?? value + 9 == 11; when 'gas' == 11 the 'if' fires and says 'value is 10' ??
  16. @MamiChella whats not clear to me is: are you a prospective tenant looking to rent this cottage, or are you a prospective landlord wondering where your cottage might fit into the rental market ? as the cottage is in a skybox setting then L$150 per week is probably on the more expensive side in the current market. Given what estates offer for about the same price, and what mainland skybox landlords offer for group-shared full-furnished skybox spaces at a lot less than L$150 per week
  17. ETA is soon ish maybe somehow hope so - or not soon ish maybe somehow hope so - or dunno my cat which knows a cat that knows a dog that has this guy who thinks he owns the dog but doesn't, has a friend who went out once with this girl who apparently met this other girl one time at a party, who said her brother once shared a backpacker stay with 12 other people who bunked up together for the night, and said he overhead this other person lying on their bunk talking on their phone to someone unknown about Second Life Grid wide experiences, who said they dunno so I am going with dunno until my cat tells me otherwise. My cat being way more hooked in than I am
  18. i would be ok with that. I wouldn't mind if Lastname Linden people vblogged about stuff they personally do, like and wear in SL i do agree with you tho that if LL are entering into promo reward relationships with SL-related enterprises (inworld or outworld) then there should be a more formal programme for enterprises to join and participate. As you say being able to offer LL--backed rewards on your and any other blogs is a good thing for everyone involved
  19. @MamiChella depends on the underlying parcel ownership if the tenant gets parcel ownership and is able to return stuff they don't want to make space to rez their own stuff then 150L a week is a good price. Assuming the parcel is 512-560 about in size. 150L is 30L a week cheaper than the cheapest on my home sim. Estate parcel ownership, full furnished cottage, 560sqm, 170 LI. Retain/use what furnishings you want, return that which you don't if the furnished cottage is on shared land and the tenant can't return stuff to make space for their own then you are up against 50L a week full-furnished skyboxes
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