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Everything posted by ellestones

  1. Cris the site owner is moving the board to a hosting service he was hosting SLU on his own hardware and his issues were mainly, the size of the SLU board. 2.5 million posts, the cost of own hardware hosting relative to a hosting service. And the Bulletin software was beginning to struggle. So he decided to move off his own hardware, choose another software, and to not be as SL-centric in the past. So rebrand. Cris has said that he will continue to host the SLU archive on his own hardware until he gets time to port it all to the hosting service
  2. if prohibited content is prohibited then prohibited it is prohibited_content(prohibited_content) { return prohibited_content (prohibited_content); }
  3. if you gave it back and then was given to you again, then keep it. Like Pamela said, is hardly going to be a Fincen investigation into it if you are totally freaked about it then pay it to Governor Linden account. When you pay Governor Linden, send a IM saying why you gave to Governor, who gave it to you, and that you don't want it edit: What Callum said
  4. i would suggest focusing your learning efforts on server side programming. Is a zillion people want to do client side visuals and interactions. if you never make it into a game company as a programmer then are plenty of other businesses that can't get enough serversiders who know their stuff but if you do want to make it as a clientsider then get into game modding. Game modders who are good, can get legend status. Basically is not enough to just be good at programming, we need a reputation. When we have been in an industry for a while and produce good work then we get reputation. When we newbie with zero industry experience then we have zero reputation, so we have to make our own as others have suggested. Building and adding to your own SL viewer is game modding
  5. class object programming is a whole other paradigm from LSL i' suggest going with C# in the first instance. Microsoft Studio Community edition. There is a ton of tutorials, extensive inline help and lots of good forums with helpful people once you are familiar with class objects then drop down to Java and/or C++ if you do want to go with C++ syntax from the outset then can use this on the .NET framework with MS Studio instead of C#, then later on drop down to other C++ SDKs
  6. the issue with writing our own LSL functions for quaternion math is that whatever we write is typically slower and more script memory consumptive than the API functions agree with Rolig that is faster and easier to use euler in pretty much most cases where thinking in quaternions can be effective is when we just kinda know what the values needed are. Example of just kinda knowing: /* simple door prim parameters size: x = 1.0, y = 0.1, z = 1.0 slice: B = 0.0, E = 0.5 rotation: x= 90.0, y = 0.0, z = 90.0 */ rotation q = <0.70711, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.70711>; rotation r; pivot() { llSetLocalRot((r = (ZERO_ROTATION / r)) * llGetLocalRot()); llSetTimerEvent((r != q) * 5.); } default { state_entry() { r = q; } touch_start(integer n) { pivot(); } collision_start(integer n) { pivot(); } timer() { pivot(); } }
  7. the scripting forum was pretty good over there. People really knew their stuff. Not just LSL but general algorithmic knowledge was quite high. Discussions could get quite deep very quickly on that forum
  8. its 2 infive combined or half a intwen and 1 tenth of an inhundy
  9. if the idea is to use your passion for landscaping and then hope to attract others to rent parcels so that you can profit, then landscaping alone won't necessarily do this for you. Mostly because people who do rent want to be able to mount/mod their parcels. You can set aside areas of the sim as landscaped common non-rental but then your parcel rents need to increase proportionately to cover the costs If you can provide other benefits on top of landscaping then is more possible. Other benefits can include: access to public waterways, common community, themed genre, roleplay, etc
  10. is funny for the bouncers and like Tari said. Is for science as well
  11. yes omg :) the thing with my hand particle emitters is that my hand bangles, finger rings and fingernails are all No-Mod, HUD driven multi-texture changers. *sigh* no mod my ankle straightener (while on my HUD) is a script that polls periodically, as quite a few of my dances allow my feet to bend backwards when the legs lift, which looks pretty awful particularly when wearing boots. I tend to run my dances in sequences and not so much individually. I should though move the functionality into my dance or smile HUD as they are mod scripts. Will save me 1 attachment if I do this. Which I can then add another jewel too :)
  12. i think OP is more meaning advertising boards with map destinations
  13. i still have a system head. And yes agree, pouty can be done easy enough. Top lip fractionally larger than bottom. Slight overbite. Slight recede chin. Apply gloss lipstick. And done
  14. SL club bouncers are like RL bouncers. Ask the patrons nicely to behave. If not then chuck them out. Many SL club bouncers prefer Eject rather than Ban - as is more fun
  15. when stuff is Mod then I prefer Copy when stuff is No-Mod then I prefer Transfer
  16. an appropriate philosophical response in a circular discussion. Meh! on them Hagueans, like all of them and forevers
  17. @Orwar yes defo agree about linking as much rigged stuff as we can. Why rigged mesh is sold No Mod just makes me want to smash things
  18. about 14,000. Mostly textures and building stuff. Am a pretty ruthless closet cleaner outerer tho when it comes to clothes and accessories. Same SL same RL
  19. we're not in the deleted thread. We're in this one. And nobody here has shown any inclination to believe in magical things the conversation in this thread has evolved into a discussion about what can or could a person do (if anything) should they be running an SL business from which they derive an RL income
  20. ok so what was the point of slam dunking on personal use when pretty much everyone reading knows GDPR is about business use
  21. i thought it was understood that the OP was about business activity, not personal activity. So is unclear what the point of your story is
  22. weeeell ! seeing as how you are wondering am inworld right now. So lets see, from the top 1. hair 2. neko ears 3. left jewel earring 4. right jewel earring 5. eyebrow jewel ring 6. eyelashes 7. undereye jewel studs 8. nose jewel stud 9. facelight 10. jewelled choker 11. mesh body 12. chibi wings 13. spine jewels 14. neko tail 15. body star point lights 16. jewelled left arm warmer 17. jewelled right arm warmer 18. left wrist jewelled bangle 19. left hand jewel bangle 20. right hand jewel bangle 21. left hand jewel finger rings 22. right hand jewel finger rings 23. jewel fingernails 24. right hand particles emitter 25. left hand particles emitter 26. mesh top 27. mesh unders 28. mesh skirt 29. tummy jewel 30. left ankle jewel 31. right ankle jewels 32. slink left foot 33. slink right foot 34. mesh jeweled heels 35. ankle straightener script hud 36. smile hud 37. dance hud 38. AO hud when I want to wear my other body jewels then I have to get naked just say that with everything above my Complexity is 76651. Which is where I am pretty much at with all my outfits ps. It doesn't really matter to me how many attachment points we have. I will easy find a way to use them all, however many there are
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