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Yorkie Bardeen

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Everything posted by Yorkie Bardeen

  1. And almost any door lock can be defeated with a cheap pick set off Amazon and/or a plastic milk jug, so why bother doing anything at all? Just make it as easy as possible for predatory criminals to indulge their abhorrent behaviours. Alternatively, you can put as many practical obstacles in their way that potentially some of them will trip up and get a lifetime ban or better yet, prosecution in relevant jurisdictions. Saying you can't stop criminals committing crimes 100% of the time is not an argument.
  2. I think you're all getting lost in the weeds of beard scratching and pontificating about weird edge cases. The perceived problem is/was some SL users using child avatars to engage in banned activities in private. If the bodies just use bom layers while out in public that does nothing to address the behaviour that the TOS change is intended to prevent when those layers can be removed in a private setting. The point is to make that scenario impossible. As for policing, I don't know. I suppose they could collect a list of UUIDs for all soon-to-be infringing skin assets, and do a check against anyone having them attached, even if it's just to issue a reminder in the first instance. If they're not capable of doing something that simple then idk.
  3. Publicly saying anything else without a three ring binder full of irrefutable evidence would expose them to litigation from any aggrieved (ex)employee caught up in the drama. Updating their policies may also be a case of "they did nothing wrong by the letter of the policy so we are changing the policy."
  4. A bit of trellis might be nice to snaz up a flat wall. I used this on the inside with some tinting to match my beams but I think it might look nice outside on a paster wall also. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/15290
  5. I spent about two hours helping someone accessorise her boat, by which I mean I did all the linking trickery on it. She wanted to add all kinds of comfy, floofy, and homely things to it; the kind of things usually left in your house, not on a boat, but it was the difference between sadness and joy for her. Sadly it was going to end up over 260 links so some of the cute starfishes had to go, but overall she was happy. People like to have everything put together how they like. I would suspect that most are just resigned to the no-mod situation being dictated by some sellers- if you really want that Thingy, you'll buy it even if you can't alter it. I still held out on that no-mod traction engine, I don't want a green one. People used my houses as building kits all the time, they made some cool stuff and it was no transfer anyway. If all I wanted was to bilk them another L$500 for a slightly different version of the same thing, then I'd have been one of those sellers I rant about to my friends.
  6. I don't care, I'm not pleading it in court. I know what I see for over six years of absenteeism with a direct neighbour and friend. Which is why I was careful to add words to contextualise my opinion that you seemed utterly unable to read in your rush to mansplain abandoned land.
  7. In the before times, I was a highly successful home builder and seller, by which I mean 2000+ sales per month as a sole operator without any CS team. I personally re-linked and repaired probably a handful of homes for customers where they had modified things a bit and couldn't face just rezzing a new one out of the box. I also provided what textures I could (not textures I used from 3rd parties) so they could add features that matched. It didn't matter if they turned one of "my" houses into some weird thing people would look at and think was ugly. They bought the houses, they should enjoy them how they want. Any creator who says differently just cares about themselves more than their customers. The only items I sold no-mod were no-copy transferable little cabins that I only made because of a lot of nagging to provide such things. I never took up with mesh building so that's all past history for me. I got in a weird conversation in a group with an aircraft builder who wanted to know the far ends and ins and outs of what I was doing with "her" plane. I bought the hecking thing, I was doing what I wanted with it. File under "nunya." Recently I got some new land and bought one of Cory Edo's houses, and I'm glad and grateful that she sells with mod permissions. The building is almost unrecognisable from the vendor image now with extensive modifications and retexturing. Maybe it's not everyone's taste, maybe she wouldn't like it, I don't know, but I'm happy with it and I sincerely thank her for putting her customers first.
  8. I said de-facto abandoned, meaning delinquent with nobody paying the tier on it, and I'm absolutely convinced the mainland is full of such parcels. You said yourself "sooner or later" and in my view it's usually later by years.
  9. I'm also certain that a lot of mainland is de-facto abandoned and just not yet reclaimed by Governor Linden. I had a neighbour in Metis who owned 16km2 of the region on the mountain side, who I am sure left SL over 10 years ago. It was only in the last few years that the land finally returned to abandoned and then was swooped by the usual cutters. Until that time, his majestic mountain of rock spheres persisted long after he left, still set to his group, with (I can only guess, but I'm sure) nobody paying tier on it.
  10. It needs to be closed for at least 18 months while the LDPW carry out impact and risk assessments (biodiversity in the encroaching meshes etc), and draught a plan of action for stabilising the area and potentially re-opening the tunnel some time in 2030.
  11. It's bad enough when a DJ "friend" wants you to visit some club, and there's five people there- the owner, the DJ, the host and two afk alts of the owner and now you're talking about charging.
  12. I get it, and it's annoying if it's done without permission. I actually do provide easements to neighbours but my parcels are almost completely public access anyway. Still I would probably put a side road in for a neighbour if they were nice people because driveways and things can be cute and lead to little communities growing.
  13. Because Second Life is weird and messed up. If SL was organised correctly, privacy extremists* wouldn't get mainland, which was created to be a contiguous, communal and navigable landscape. In the early days it was a requirement to get anywhere at all. So "group only" banlines only extended some distance from the terrain level in order that other residents could fly over the land (avatar flying, not vehicles). There was no point to point teleporting, only telehubs and flight. I think it changed over the years but it's at 50m currently. This means the simplest way to get privacy on the mainland, is to have your building at ground level with group access switched on, and if you want a different view then you would use a "skybox". It would make more sense if there were regions provided by LL that are basically like private regions, with nothing visible outside the parcel, and available with mainland tier since that seems to be what a lot of people look for. So it is what it is. People who want privacy and don't want to pay private landlords are forced to choose parcels on regions that were not intended for them. I can't be fussed chopping the quote up more but I'm not sure what you meant by neighbours using "your" protected road or waterway. Those protected ways are public, not any parcel owner's private property. Maybe I misunderstood. For the original question , I like having a "few" neighbours, and so far it's been an overall good experience with some friendly people. *I only use the term in fun, since people who enjoy using the public linden roads for their intended use are generally called extremists here.
  14. Two minutes later than that. Unless the ground is exactly level this happens. The good news is that it recovers now, if you tap a movement key it will correct. When it first came out the death tilt was unstoppable and permanent. It is a beautiful horse though.
  15. 60 seconds after stopping on the road.
  16. The rezzable waterhorse needs serious work on the scripts to overcome long-standing and well known (to vehicle scripters) bugs and problems. I even bought the friends edition (ouch). The animesh horse itself is wonderful, but it was always a case of how far can I get before the scripts die. Even wearing it (and I dislike wearables) wasn't bulletproof; eventually I'd end up offset to the side of the horse and no amount of script resetting would solve it. I would have to melt that one into glue and rez or wear a new copy. I also got some really great looking tack and stuff, but because it was all made by someone used to making wearable meshes where nobody gives a damn about triangles or textures or whatever, it all turned the horse into like 200LI (ouch again). There's something kind of derpy about the Teegle horse but if I ever spent $13k on a horse again I would probably go for one of those.
  17. When I was on terrible internet last year, I think my record was three full minutes for a region crossing (teleport). Most people would probably give up before that.
  18. Some people are going really hard on telling everyone to shut up, it's all baseless conspiracy and there's nothing to see here. Meanwhile the Executive Chairman of Linden Lab put out a statement. A statement which did not say "blah blah, mendacious and libelous attack on our staff, we stand behind and beside our embattled colleagues through this difficult time" but instead a statement saying that "some" of the allegations so far are asserted as unfounded, that investigations are on-going, and that LL, as a company, recognise that they need to do better. None of this is the language of "nothing to see here" after being cleared by the legal department and posted publicly by the chairman. When a senior management spokesperson talks about "working with external partners to investigate the matter further" in relation to alleged corporate crimes, I always imagine them saying it in front of a backdrop of federal agents wheeling luggage racks full of servers and laptops out of the building. I would like to think that those of you throwing qanon and conspiracy theory slurs around are just being emotional and protective of SL.
  19. idk what your work situation has to do with it. The script function thing is just an example of a thing that doesn't need constant, on-going supervision, I'm not demanding it, but I don't see "We want Bellisseria but with blackjack and hookers" getting much enthusiasm from LL looking at it as yet another covenant to police. I think they would rather people just pay up and move to Bellisseria.
  20. Covenants need someone, being paid a salary, to go through all the abuse reports. Unless it's a built-in system, like tphome failing vs avatars between certain Z positions, or having a built in 10 second delay- that's just an example, I'm not campaigning for function changes. More covenants means more employee time dealing with them. Nobody is going to agree on what looks good or acceptable. Bellisseria mostly works because the Lindens imposed their own Stepford, beige, milquetoast mid-century aesthetic on almost all of it, so anyone turning their garage into a hot rod chop shop sticks out and there's probably some self-censorship that goes on there. Or else they really are all empty houses or just used by premium account owners as a place to drop a pose stand. It would be nice I think if LL would allocate some of the bigger wastelands of the mainland and let some group of enthusiasts (there are probably hundreds of us) to decorate them as public spaces. Set the LI limit to 0.1 of usual so they don't lag out everyone, but it would improve things a bit. If more mainland starts looking "nice" people seem to be attracted to that and to add to it. This is how a few mainland communities have grown over time. I would not like to enforce restrictions on mainland. I have my aesthetic preferences, but other people have theirs and we have to get along somehow.
  21. I personally prefer 1:1 scale but it's a minority position. Generally I see builds default to 1.25:1 - 1.3:1 or so. If you want a guideline look at the new Senra avatars from Linden Lab, these are in a way a declaration of intention for scaling.
  22. If your stuff doesn't look right in the default viewer day cycle then it's not fit for purpose. If nothing looks right in the default viewer day cycle then Second Life is not fit for purpose.
  23. There are quite a few sailing/boating and flying groups in Second Life, and they mostly all run routine group excursions multiple times each week. I can't list them all because that takes up too much brane but I can suggest the Leeward and Skyward groups for boating/flying respectively. If you enjoy vintage aviation with a dieselpunk vibe, the Aeropunk Sky Pirates Coalition are a fun group of skybound skallywags who fly over or with pretty much all of the cruises. Also the Drivers of SL group does a weekly fully scripted HUD based exploration adventure using all the forms of transport available in Second Life. You might start out in a car, then a boat, helicopter, space scooter... on an adventure that will take you to all kinds of interesting SL destinations. You can join in on the big group outings on the weekend or do the "drives" alone or with friends at any time.
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