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Everything posted by Nick0678

  1. Seriously back in the old days when SL had smart griefers they would flood the whole place with replicas of temp rezzed d*cks.
  2. Shishi Pop on Flickr seems to have made a proper ectomorph. Maybe send an IM?
  3. Donald seems to be in great shape!
  4. Idk who Johnny Bravo is and still that look isn't buff, not even mine isn't considered buff..
  5. Hmm wouldn't call that "buff".. look's more like "toothpick" class with a bit feminine look..
  6. Ahh.. yes some more positive reactions today @ Access Event . It's really nice to talk with positive people even if they ask for sex..
  7. ask one of the strippers that you ll be working with to give you one and fill in your services/prices
  8. coughs.. its how much you charge
  9. Nick0678 is registered as a scripted agent for 5 years and i use it as main. You can change it anytime you like from the website.
  10. Another great war will certainly happen one day, it simply is statistically impossible not to happen, maybe not in our lifetime because we are a lucky generation but it will and regardless of what we like to think that we can have under control or how good we educate people they will eventually kill each other as they always did for thousands of years. All it needs is the right circumstances and poverty.
  11. Oh i love zodiac signs .. Some giant rock in space (aka planet) supposedly affects someones habits and character trillions of miles away. Sure, if it falls on that persons head it does.
  12. I don't "have to know", i have very close family members who were executed by the Nazis during WW2.
  13. Mr Richter is a German historian not some local historian. His book is sold worldwide..
  14. Ahhh.. yes. Well sorry i haven't met your expectations but i just chat about such things and move on. Same way Mr Richter does with his book regardless of what others think . (in simple words no f*ks given)
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