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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. I thought when they rolled out the new event posting system that they were going to start charging. Didn't expect them to start charging shortly after their blog post with no notice like "We're going to start on this date blah blah."
  2. There's a few of us, I think 11 on the planet, who don't live with the phone stuck to our heads.
  3. One of the clubs I used to go to the owner has that and doesn't have to worry about tier for his land. He said it saved him a lot of $L and to keep the club going. I wish they would bring that back in some way again.
  4. Translation: I'll go hit an engineer with a large cast iron frying pan!
  5. What is interesting was they mentioned it in their blog and thought the charges wouldn't hit til next year when the new event thing came out. Didn't expect them to start it early. Think that what caught many off guard.
  6. Coming soon: 50$L per post --- 10$L per reply coming to the mboards! 🤣 Sadly I have seen a few mboards charge in the past, but failed bad.
  7. And a Linden staff person probably will secure this thread since the other one is still active. Sadly still see many of those --- and avoid those clubs like the plague. One live music club told me now they will simply list the nights performers in one post instead of one for each performer. Ironically I actually did that about a year ago and one of the performers didn't like the combo listing.
  8. I'm letting mine ago. Soon the anniversary date hits, it's history.
  9. Thick Huge Irresistible Gourmet Ham! T H I C K
  10. Seen that and it's really tacky. Not only the nick the song --- but too lazy to edit the title, or they have no clue. Another is clubs that don't allow song titles to show and tell the DJ to disable them. My man ran into that and said he couldn't turn the titles off due to license requirements. The manager said **** the license. My guy simply said bye! 2 weeks later that place was gone.
  11. Correct, many of the DJs grab songs nicking them off a video site or torrent. The ethical way to get music is via your own collection or through legal CD/DJ pools or online stores. Those are a good way to build up the collection. Compilation CDs are a good way to build a decent library.
  12. That covers more of RL clubs/venues. Another set of licenses apply for internet radio and streams, like those you hear in SL. In our RL bar we have licenses with the PRO for DJs and live performers that play in our place. And another the covers the web stuff.
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