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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. They had an early version available for group members before the full version came out. Thats how I knew about it.
  2. I’ve been feeling like this about a lot of topics lately, so I had that one saved!
  3. 25? Isn’t the default 32 and 128? Anyway, your texture is going to come out grainy if you bake it that low. Once you sort out your UVs you’ll want to bake it. If you don’t, you’re going to get stretching in some areas. It’s all related, so your UVs are coordinates for textures. If you go for a higher resolution, a single bake can take a long time. So you want to preview it in render mode at a lower resolution to make sure it looks right.
  4. I get kind of peeved when someone apparently knows more than you about a subject/topic and plays dumb. I can’t wait until this “humble savant” thing is over. Them: How do I do X? Friendly helper: Do Y. Humble Savant: Ohhhhh. I thought if you did ABC, then 123, wouldn’t that be better than Y? I thought X+y(45^/5).... Friendly Helper:...... Humble Savant: Also, another quick question. *crickets* Why ask a question if you already know the best way to do it already? You’re just making yourself sound like a dique.
  5. Photoshop has a similar feature where you can upload a mesh object and texture it in a 3d space. If you have PS, that’s definitely an option. You can also bake textures in blender with cycles, the higher the resolution the longer the bake takes. But now we’re getting into nodes. That’s definitely worth exploring too and dipping your toe in.
  6. So because there's no Belleza group that allows you to spam ads....they must not want you to create for them? Because....they're....different.... Got it.... You missed the point of there being other avenues to advertise besides sending group notices though.
  7. A normal map is a type of map that has depth information on a surface. So your mesh will appear higher resolution/detailed than it actually is. You seem familiar with AO maps. What that does for shadows, normals do for depth and detail. I was going to say, if you bake normal maps, you can bake your diffuse map onto the normal map with a program like substance painter and your textures would look better. You can also bake textures up to 8k in substance painter then resize them in gimp or PS.
  8. They are cracking down on bloggers posting links to blogs and creators that post links to inworld stores. As long as you don’t do those things you’re fine.
  9. It’s the second most worn body. Honestly, I don’t even pay attention to group notices. I treat them like spam, close the box immediately when they pop up. I’ve been doing that for years. The best way to advertise now is through social media. Apparently, they are cracking down on Flickr, but that’s usually where I find out who has things I might be interested in. You can post ads, but not links.
  10. Just out of curiosity, are you using normal maps?
  11. Doesn’t even have to be adult land for this to happen. It happens on mature land too.
  12. “I see you’re busy/occupied/don’t feel like talking” -from a person that takes 5-10 to respond. Every. Single. Time. When you go afk one time.
  13. Yes. but I wouldn’t say like to. Women tend to look at everything.
  14. I think a lot of people are finding it by word of mouth and YouTube, currently. I was watching a YouTube video about a “missing” YouTube personality last night and they strangely played a clip of her explaining how she chose her name and she mentioned her name was the same as her secondlife avatar’s name. I can see how, a few thousand people hearing that might lead to a few people googling and then creating a secondlife account. There are also a lot of troll videos on YouTube. Most of them are pretty old, but they have a lot of views. A lot of those you tubers have a large number of subscribers. I’m pretty sure a lot of new people sign up based on a YouTube channel or a popular streamer.
  15. One person’s “polite and respectful” can be another person’s “whoa dude...you’re doing too much right now”. With that said, if you’ve been on here for an extended period of time, some of the wackiest IM have started as really nice conversations that quickly transformed into “Wtf is happening!” It happens with such frequency that you kind of think “Where is this going?” When someone starts off with a couple of compliments because not soon after, you find out...
  16. I get where the OP is coming from and I agree with most of the helpful suggestions. The thing is, I’m kind of stuck on the blocking people because they didn’t talk to you or respond the way you wanted them to. That seems kind of a strange reaction.
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