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  1. Seems to be a odd thing where I have to drag the setup script in first, then the anchor script and the mesh functions. I've noticed this is the same for Maitreya and the tattoo creation. If you save the UUID in maitreya's NC and drag all scripts and NC at one time it won't work correctly. You have to drag scripts first then NC. Solved the problem though. Thank you all for guessing the issue.
  2. Well what made me wonder was I made a simple square mesh sign and dragged the CasperTech Rez 2 Anchor and Setup scripts into it, but it's not registering me clicking them. If I create a prim and link the sign to the prim and drop the scripts in the prim then the sign works and lets me pair builds.
  3. I'm a beginner to mesh and SL, but I created a simple sign in blender. Is there a way to make the mesh clickable when it's imported into SL or do I always have to create a prim and make that prim root hidden inside the sign to make the scripts work and my mesh clickable for the scripts to work?
  4. I don't know where to place this so I am putting it in general discussion. I was viewing some profiles with the intent of talking to them and befriending them when firestorm crashed on me. Is there away to find old profiles you viewed or see what friendship requests you sent?
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