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Everything posted by wherorangi

  1. Medhue Simoni wrote: wherorangi wrote: 1) lovely (or manly in that case) smile, 2) lower my lashes/close my eyes IMHO, lovely smiles are not possible with only using rotations. You can make a smile, no doubt, but it will never be a lovely smile. lol given the choice between a) being able to tweak my face with the sliders and a ugly smile, and b) a lovely smile and not being able to tweak my head then is not a competition. a) will always win I dont have to smile. Same as I dont have to now with a classic head I do have to be able to personalise my face to myself. If I cant do this then I am not buying, me and everybody else who hasnt bought one already even tho we could of already, way before now we not buying bc no smile. We not buying bc we cant tweak/personalise it
  2. Rya Nitely wrote: Here's a small example of my most recent trading activity. I'm not a full time day trader as I also have a normal job and I work in SL. But I am a trader. I make small amounts here and there, some losses as well, I don't always get it right. but overall it works for me. Some shares I keep long term. thanks can see that your exposure is quite well managed. That the number of open positions at any given time (assume what you showed is typical) means you are not reckless and not gambling the house on it. So thats good (:
  3. Rya Nitely wrote: Someone or someones would have to accumulate and hold vast amounts of L$, then create a profitable spread by buying up those top levels, and then dump their load on the market. I don't think it makes financial sense. But maybe. They'd need a level 4 trading limit, and LL would know who they are. So, it would be no mystery to LL what was happening. this assumes that the someone(s) are actively manipulating the market what would make more sense is for someone(s) who already have a large regular L$ income(s) to now be passively influencing the market in the latter half of each month whose tier date for a largish number of sims falls in the latter part of the month, and having also received upto 15% tier reduction, assuming that upto half of their sims were not previously grandfathered or atlassed they are not stressing anymore about the 2% or 3% difference in the price they get for their L$ by passively selling in the latter half of the month, the shedloads of L$ they have earned, to pay their tiers they are not stressing anymore bc 3 off 15 still leaves them 12 better off than they were previous a monthly passive selloff which triggers a pile on, instead of the managed selloff across the month that they previously did who would do that ? Someone(s) who think that -2-3 is not worth devoting their time to anymore, given the +12 from spending no time on it at all
  4. Rya Nitely wrote: wherorangi wrote: aome of the day traders were into it just to only make $5 or $10 a day profit or less even. Just bc they could and bc they wanted to and was fun for them to try beat the market If this market was tradeable I would be trading it. I'm a trader. :smileytongue: you keep saying this, and yet you keep dumping your L$ for pretty much the worst price every time eta i dont mean to be mean but how many trades of $AU500 do you place on the ASX each day ?
  5. back in the day there were quite a few day traders on the Lindex. bc of the margins that could get if play it well over the street in their archives is lots of chat and stuff about day trading the Lindex. Lots of the people in the chats were day traders, as well as chat from merchants and estate owners and rental barons aome of the day traders were into it just to only make $5 or $10 a day profit or less even. Just bc they could and bc they wanted to and was fun for them to try beat the market same way as back then, some people were into day trading mainland parcels. For lots of people just bc was fun and maybe hopefully to make $5-$10 profit a month just to pay the tiers on their own little parcels. And maybe buy a new outfit once a week or something when is lots of people doing this (and there were) then it adds up to quite a lot of money and price movement + ps most of what I have said all here is what I learned from being in the chat with them over the street. All the stuff about FINCEN and how all this stuff works I learned off those people
  6. Rya Nitely wrote: In RL I buy and sell through a broker, Commonwealth Securities (or CommSec). I pay them a fee to buy and sell. It's not complicated, just need to register and give them your bank account details, just like when you register with Paypal. I pay my broker a fee whenever I buy and sell, just like I pay a fee to LL when I sell Lindens. In that sense, LL is sort of acting as a broker, aren't they? Edit to add: With online trading it's very simple. Brokers don't play a big role. You buy and sell through them, but you have full control, and can make the instant decisions yourself, on a live market. just pick up on this as well LL are the exchange operator. Similar to a RL bourse operator in a more RL sense the Lindex is the equivalent of a commodities market exchange. The L$ in this sense is a commodity even on the RL bourses there is a seperation between the exchange operator and the brokers in terms of forex (and commodities) then the broker aggregates the smaller orders from their clients and places them in a block. The size of the min. block is determined by the bourse operator is some assumed risk for the brokers when they do this. Is a period (sometimes only micro-seconds on fully-automated systems with brokers who have large client bases), while waiting for a block to fill. For us the users, then the broker will take this risk on a win some lose some basis. A few min. blocks either way each trading session is no biggie for them is the same with banks who most of use as brokers to buy/sell foreign currency. They will buy/sell to us at whatever the last market buy/sell price was according to their own period schedule. If the market moves for or against their schedule then if the loss/gain for them on our relative tiny order, is within acceptable margin then they assume that risk as not a biggie for them + if we make small market bets way outside what our broker thinks is reasonable then they wont even place the bid on the market itself. They will just hold it on their own books. as far as we and they are concerned our arrangement to buy/sell isnt with the exchange operator. Is between the broker and us. Which is the law the exchange operator has zero exposure to risk, as the risk by contract law is entirely borne by the brokers in this sense Inworldz owners are acting as a broker. LL owners are acting as a exchange operator. LL is quite clear and has always been clear to us about this
  7. Rya Nitely wrote: I haven't really thought out the fixed rate idea, so there could be good arguments. I only brought it up because Inworldz has such a simple system. No Market, and when I put in a request to sell, the next day it's in Paypal. the owners have assumed all the risk in this case. If there is a run on I$ (tokens) for any reason, then the owners will either have the cash in trust to honour/redeem their tokens, or they dont and their enterprise will be bankrupted
  8. Rya Nitely wrote: But that's just it, the LindeX volume has been stable for many years, and more importantly demand and supply are neatly met (until this recent 'unusual' behaviour). ... example ... There are no significant amounts of hoarded L$ in SL, no bank acccounts holding large sums. ... this basis of the example, we dont know this for sure what we dont know either is who might have shedloads of USD/L$ balances and is now actively day trading on the Lindex ? what we do know is that up until 31 July 2015 there were large buyers of L$ actively on the Lindex (3rd-party resellers/brokers) what we dont know is did all of those brokers just walk away when their operations were shut down ? Or have some of them since decided recently to come back and get into day trading ? and/or if so has that encouraged other day traders who used to be very active on Lindex back in the day to return also, now that there is margin to made again ?
  9. Rya Nitely wrote: I'm not saying we should have trading, because that could get out of control in such a small closed economy, as mentioned earlier. Perhaps it should be like inworldz system, no market, just set prices. Why not? It seems to work there. is about volume. Inworldz, or any other world tbf, doesnt have the volume that SL has at fixed price then what happens if as a major estate owner earning in L$ and nobody buys them off us ? LL still want their USD tiers if we cant lower the price bc needs must, then we basically completely stuffed. As opposed to a little bit stuffed + can make a case that LL could/should accept L$ as tier payments. The difficulty with this is that the staff and suppliers expect payment in USD. In the total sum of all things then LL would break even However is a cashflow issue with this. LL would have to carry a USD cash reserve way greater than they currently need do now
  10. the way the RL currency market works is that the buyers and sellers are brokers as ordinary customers we buy off the brokers, and sell thru them we dont get to trade on our own account on the RL market unless we are a registered money broker, which we can become if we can show the exchange operator (and RL regulators) that we are provably sufficiently wealthy to pay our bills on time this is the difference between SL and RL currency exchanges. There are no brokers on Lindex anymore. Used to be until LL killed the 3rd-party exchange operators (brokers) + just add about why kill the 3rd-party brokers ? it has to do with the FINCEN regulations in the US. The US Justice Dept and US Treasury have been pretty active globally in recent years on ensuring that any company dealing in USD is 100% FINCEN compliant under FINCEN, for LL to continue allowing us to buy L$ for USD and cash out to USD then LL are required to know exactly who it is they receive and give USD from/to under FINCEN is also the chain of trust basically this means that if a company receives/gives USD to/from a broker (or any 3rd-party) who in turn gives/receives USD to their own clients, then under the law the company can be confident that the broker is also FINCEN compliant (that they also know exactly who their clients are) when not the company can be liable when the broker/3rd-party is unable to show to the company that they, the broker, are also FINCEN compliant https://www.fincen.gov/financial_institutions/msb/ + it might be that a 3rd-party L$ broker could show that they are FINCEN-compliant, however the law requires that the company has a policy in place to regularly and actively review their FINCEN partners policies on the chain of trust issue. so LL maybe decided (dunno exactly) that it wasnt worth the staff resources and time necessarily required to do this
  11. Rumegusc Altamura wrote: ... no one can have the same head that he or she created with apparence on avatar of system, this must be clear. can understand your point, and I am accepting and supportive of it what we hoping to get are better heads than classic and going off what I have seen so far, the numesh heads are way better looking than the classic head, in the finer details. Amazing sculpted noses, lips and brows in particular, which really blow away the classic avatar head in terms of fine detail. Is really good what everyone has created so far all we want, as the wearers/buyers. is the ability to add our own little touches, plump/deplump / widen/narrow / shorten/ lengthen / angle/deangle etc to some small degree from the norm/look of this head/body we bought we not asking for the ability to make a whole new completely different head (with the UI sliders) out of that which we get/buy. We see a head and body which is kinda already what we like/want, and hope to be able to make some subtle changes to suit our own desire/preference so we get and then apply our choice of skin and makeup and we are happy as. If not quite happy as, then into Edit mode and do some tiny tweaks to get everything all looking perfect together as we see it basically as wearers/buyers we are personalised modders/tweakers, not creators, and we are happy just being modders and tweakers. We are accepting that if we do want to be full-on creators then we can download Blender Maya etc and go for it + i just add on here with facial animation and numesh human avatar again if take another poll pick only two facial animations that you want the most ? The poll answer will come back 1) lovely (or manly in that case) smile, 2) lower my lashes/close my eyes all the other ones are fun for sure, and are great for fashion pictorials. An also for eating/smoking/drinking/playing etc. But for everyday then the top two are 1) and 2). Any poll of resident buyers/wearers will confirm this I am pretty sure
  12. not unless somebody sees the catalogue in the RL and then IMs OP and goes: Where I can get that off you ? (:
  13. it is defined, in the context that Standard Sizing is a measure subscribed to by designers who make rigged mesh garments to that measure, and also by shoppers who also subscribe to that understanding that a merchant is selling product that is labelled as Standard Sizing and it isnt, is just misleading their potential customers. Even after getting into the ownership, semantics and meanings of the words Standard and Sizing and the codes XXS, XS, S, M, L and XL
  14. am sorry to hear that your sim has been disastered. That would be pretty awful if LL have said they cant restore it back beyond the last restore point saved then I dunno what else they can do for sure could say that LL should have more than one restore point saved for every sim on the grid, but if they havent then am not sure there is anything to be done other than rebuild it
  15. Alwin Alcott wrote: you say there is no SL in your country, but you are here and inworld... ehm.. that doesn't match. you getting a bit jaded on here Alwin OP means that there is no large SL community in their RL country in the creative/modding circles they move in, that they are aware of, to which they can turn for advice so they came on here and did their best to communicate this in English which is clearly not their natural language. And when they did, then apart from some English lessons and corrections, they got the advice and help they were asking for + to OP Ninisgarden, good luck and happiness with what you want to do (: eta; burbles
  16. if you not making/selling the same stuff as the other then I wouldnt worry about it to much in itself altho if you start getting customer support requests for houses you never made, then you might want to think about that further eta: what Amethyst said (:
  17. ChinRey wrote: Or how abobut some cool alternative way to get vehicles and such on and off the wall at that point. A huge ancient Egyptian style elevator for example? Unfortunately there is very little chance LL will update a mainland build as old as this but it's worth asking.. i like that elevator idea. Is great idea. (: at the moment to get our vehicles up on top then have to edit lift the vehicle up with us on it to get round any parcel rez/returns limits at the SL13B Patch Linden (i think was him) said that the Mole team is still in place and still doing stuff. So I think that they might put it on their list to do someday, if asked as a feature request am pretty sure there is a Mole (given that some moles are olbies and into SL historicals) would be keen to fix the wall up eta: burble
  18. Viggy Ruhig wrote: I guess my question is, if I have 512 land, and I give it up, can I go buy a different 512 land the same day, and not be charged at the 1024 level right? It seems obvious to me, that as long as you never own two plots of land at 512 you never go above 1024 right? I want to be careful, so I thought I would ask here first. yes correct. You just have to abandon your Linden Home first, which you can do at anytime to abandon then menu: World \ About Land \ General \ Abandon Land after abandoning your Linden Home then you can buy the mainland 512m from your friend immediately and not incur any extra tier payment
  19. agree whats happening is that some designers (who dont yet have enough fitmesh experience) are scaling their fitmesh outfits using the same method used to scale the different standard size outfits it rarely work this, as well as it might when we see this after trying on the demo, we far more inclined to not buy the stuff, or even bother getting/trying on any more demos from that shop
  20. jejejje (: i want what Vulpinus has got you can keep your journeys Mr Monty ok (: + ps altho I did get a good journey off you about 18 months ago now. And a gold cup even Apparently Mr Phil Deakins is attempting to have another go at the same journey. And he is not having much luck at the moment. So maybe he will come by soon and tell you all about it (:
  21. BilliJo Aldrin wrote: I'm thinking of banning system avatars from my land. nuuuu!!! i will be sooo doomed i got system avatar and neko ears i well be soo bigotten by just about everyone if this carries on much longer (:
  22. Siddean Munro wrote: I promise, promise promise that human mesh head wearers want to change their facial shape. I know this with absolute certainty. I have had human mesh heads available for sale for 2 years, and this is the number one question I get about them, and the number one complaint I see made about mesh heads in general. this a 1000% if take a poll of residents who given a choice between: a) full nu-mesh human body where all the sliders (incl. face) can mod to the same extent as the classic avatar, and some facial animation, or b) lots of facial animation and only some sliders can mod the human nu-mesh avatar then the vote will be overwhelming for a) not only by those already wearing nu-mesh, but also by all those who havent yet bought nu-mesh for the only reason that they cant do a) + eta: i just add that for just about all of us, is about uniqueness. Unique meaning the ability to shape our avatars in a personal way + eta more has been some chat about this slider should be this limit, and that one should be changed to that limit, etc etc and LL should hardcode all these slider limits to whatever it is that a person prefers, or somebody else prefers, or somebody else, somebody etc etc i just raise again what I mentioned way earlier about this. Is no reason (apart from lots of hard work on the part of the devs) why a maker couldnt include the sliders limits in the mesh model itself. Then everybody who makes nu-mesh human avatars can put those limits in for their own models
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