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Chris Corvinus

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Everything posted by Chris Corvinus

  1. Expect it to be fixed in a few years. Then expect something else to break because they fixed it.
  2. I don't know why you're assuming we would get 3. We would be lucky to get 1. A year or so later.
  3. Nah, his ram is fine at 16 gigs (if he gets an i7, i9, or AMD Ryzen 7/9). But it never hurts to increase ram. Youre right about the i5 tho...it will probably throttle the 3060.
  4. Nah, our genitalia would simply float and the visuals would be even more hilarious.
  5. Yeah, I quit doing that a long time ago. Now I have 800 subscriptions.
  6. LL doing dumb things like this is why aliens won't visit us. Or maybe a mouse ran across a devs keyboard and they will fix it in a few years.
  7. You know what, you're right. I used a personal example of what happens with a specific bug and the brilliant specimens of humanity who reside on this forum went above and beyond the call of stupidity to showcase their "freedom" to comment on it because its a public forum and anything goes. I should have known better. My bad.
  8. Or one should try not sticking their nose into business that isn't theirs. We should get back to the original topic.
  9. She actually enjoys watching me work while cuddling. Plus we are on voice most of the time. So there's that. Do you have any other bits of advice for a relationship you're not part of?
  10. Its a known super annoying bug that LL refuses to patch up. Every viewer has it and will not be fixed until LL gets around to it which will probably be never. I can't cuddle with my girl and terraform at the same time because of it.
  11. Is there a logical reason why you can't just link to the website? For everyone: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2021/11/starlink-nightmare-moving-service-location-a-few-feet-delays-orders-until-2023/
  12. Ok, there's literally 5 pages of absolute nonsense when the the solution is so stupidly simple. This is why aliens won't visit us. Just replace it with a HUD that has an x in the corner. Easy peasy. edited for clarification for obvious reasons: the "x" is universally known on the internet as the button you press to close something.
  13. If you had high ping in other games, it will be the same in Second Life. Satellite internet is generally crap. You will get high ping no matter what game you play.
  14. You need to come back in years, not months. Maybe a few decades.
  15. Its impossible to terraform with a block "shape". It takes alot of time and patience to learn to terraform. You'll never get it perfect, thats why us landscapers simply cover up small holes and lumps after terraforming.
  16. So I've been the only one in the group since Thursday. How long does it take for groups to be deleted???
  17. Unless it's a full on 3D mobile viewer (which lumiya achieved) it's gonna be a severe miss. That's the only direction for mobile.
  18. I did. I did that for a whole 2 weeks before things shut down. It wasn't just one notice. But even if someone doesnt do a notice, they should still have the option to not let people know they are being ejected.
  19. So I had this group with over 800 people in it connected to a sim I had closed over a year ago. The group has been defunct for the same length of time. I had just forgotten about it and finally got around to kicking out the remaining 200 or so people who were left so the group could be deleted. Problem is, LL...in their infinite wisdom, has it so when you remove people from a group, they are all notified about their ejection. Ever since this morning, I have had random people IM me asking why they were kicked and some making me out to be the biggest a-hole on SL for ejecting them from a defunct group and sim that hasn't been active for over a year. Why there is no option of not notifying people of ejection is beyond me. So Thank you for a full day of absolute annoyance because I wanted to get rid of a group that I created 2 years ago.
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