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Chris Corvinus

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Everything posted by Chris Corvinus

  1. What kind of violence are you talking about here? I am close to agreeing but I think specifics need to be made.
  2. Good. They should have never started it. The app also looked like something you could create on your own using a free mobile app creator website. Horrible, horrible. HORRIBLE.
  3. Wow. I wish LL was this police-y about all the Nike and NBA team logos flying around at events.
  4. Lets ruin the scenery with giant spinning neon signs. This is why I have my own island lol.
  5. "Inside my home" and "in plain sight" should never go together. Ever. Are people expected to just...randomly walk into peoples houses looking for pumpkins? Put the pumpkin on the porch ffs.
  6. Alot of people dont even "live" in Bellisseria, just have the premium house. I have a house there and havent been there since...a year and a half?
  7. Thank you. When you reach my level, I'll return the tag.
  8. How do others react to my avi? They don’t because I rarely ever leave my sim. Because I hate people.
  9. They all use the same variation of any of the above
  10. There are a lot of grid idiots out there all wanting the same thing and 80% use the same method. Its sad and hilarious at the same time.
  11. The Grid Idiot: *messages my girl: mmm sexy.* Her: *forwards convo to me and blocks him* Me: Can I help you? The Grid Idiot: who r u? Me: The guy in her partner box. Can I help you with anything? The Grid Idiot: what box? i derender mens means shes alone and free Me:
  12. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’
  13. This literally sums up SL "bdsm". They google bdsm and apply what they read in a virtual atmosphere. Its cringe.
  14. Your marketing is only as good as your product. Kupra had its run and I don’t see this male body taking off at all. It’s just a slimmed down version of Skings Bull Body. It caters to a small crowd. That’s it.
  15. Even his back has abs! πŸ˜‚
  16. I just walk around as myself. I'm terrifying enough as it is.
  17. Oh I did nothing of the sort. Grow up and stop bullying people.
  18. Out of all the comments here, you chose to respond to mine? Target much? Don't go there.
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