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Everything posted by BJoyful

  1. We LOVE this place! Thank you Bellisseria and Bellisserians new, old and honourary for making the first Belli LIVE Music Fest a great success and for being so generous and supportive of the amazing musical talent we are so lucky to find in SL and for donating so generously to RFL WOW! ‼‼•\☻/•╠╣μgz ♥Åℓℓ♥ Åгσμηd•\☻/•‼‼
  2. @PrudenceAnton Thank you so much for setting up the RFL Kiosk for the first Belli LIVE Music Fest 2020! Today (February 26, 2020) is the last day so come and enjoy 6 hours of WOW talent today at the Bellisseria Fairgrounds!. We get treated to a pre-party today Particles by @Owl Dragonash and DJ'd by @rasterscan DJ Doc Rast! \☻/
  3. @Winston Ackland What an amazing voice! WOW
  4. Meanwhile near the beer kegs... @Dreamer Pixelmaid @16janvier2015
  5. @Lexus Melodie WOW! What a brilliant performer!
  6. He even wrote a song about Bellisseria! Wow Vinnie! That should be our Bellisseria National Anthem
  7. First Belli LIVE Music Festival kicks off with The Vinnie Show!
  8. Was the Bellisseria Cat abducted all this time and and now returned by aliens??? 😱
  9. Maybe they'll get it stopped one day! Hope you are not busy in RL that day! ;D
  10. In RL it costs me to get those ripped out! I'll take a baggie and collect them and glue them on your avatar! ;D
  11. I sent Squeaky a hug for fixing my Control Panel and he didn’t squeak... just rolled his eyes and tolerated it . 😉
  12. I love this topic!!!! Wearable anything is my first choice because I’m a pretty bad driver. The quality and awesome animations in Consignment and Culprit and What Next stores have blown me away! Consignment also has some wonderful HUDs which need a Rez area for beautiful drivealbles which can also carry a passenger. How did I almost forget the Teegle horses!! @Leora Jacobus put a link above! Thank you very much for your generosity @Teager for setting out Rezzers for the Solstice celebrations on Fairgrounds as well as for your creativity 🥰 @Alyona Su has convinced me I must try her vehicle recommendations also! MadPea has golf carts and also many wearables and even wearable Hot Air Balloons which are just ideal around Bellisseria. There’s a whole thread for fave wearables which have some great suggestions:
  13. Totally off topic, but did you know you can switch models of the home within theme by clicking the camper pic on a pole? Campers have 8 models and also you can change the orientation to get the best view for your chosen model 🥰 there have been some brilliant suggestions here in this thread, many of which are new to me and ever so helpful. I hope some of them will be your ‘magic’ and remember to save those settings in prefs. Good luck and don’t give up 🤩 because Bellisseria is just too beautiful. ⛵️🏡
  14. Could we also do this by making ourselves some Scarlett Ohara clothes (dress made from curtains, hehehe)? Some patchwork system layer items to carry your fave textures under your normal clothes or under your mesh body?
  15. Those are near our Houseboat and we love them too! ❤️ {{{{{{{Squishy}}}}}}} hugs to our Moles
  16. You have a kind heart Raspberry 🥰 thank you
  17. I always need a bit of time... to see what @PrudenceAnton does and then copy my faves of her decor 🥰 😉
  18. I think it will always be open for sailing. Usually if LL expands or adds, they leave a channel of protected water between ⛵️. Oh and Congratulations. My goodness that is a stunning location!!!
  19. I think at noon... but you can do them anytime! I just save the Notecards and then do the routes at our convenience. ⛵️
  20. So that means it would take me about 2 days. Did you notice any nice B&Bs along your travels? 😉
  21. Matty, there are very nice small 1 and 2 person boats to try at TYC (Tradewinds Yacht Club for Free! I use the arrow keys to move and was sailing in 5 minutes and fell in love with it! There’s also a weekly Friday Cruise (not a race, just a sail ) with a nice Cruisette HUD which gives the LM waypoints to sail to. The Cruise routes can be used any time as a well checked route of clear sailing. I have kept the routes for a couple of years and will pass them to you. Within a week I felt ready to get a bigger boat and went for a Loonetta, which I adore and you can carry over 20 passengers! We’d love to take you for a sail anytime and show you the ropes, the Loonetta is a lovely slowish ride and has a nice low LI also. Eat extra spinach!! ;D
  22. I have so much to learn about British politics and News... and everything else ! But I do love to learn
  23. Adds Smell-o-Vision to my SL wish list, then gives that a serious rethink 🧐 😜
  24. Partisan news reporters have feelings too 😉. I think they should all be required to report their opinions dressed as their favourite vegetable though... because THAT is also important for us to know!
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