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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Trump supporter animation bends your avatar over, and puts your head up your ‘arse!
  2. I’m guessing it sends you home (possibly to a telehub), in your current state of dress/undress.
  3. Part of what I was suggesting. Just didn’t spell it out. ?
  4. Unless it’s takeable/attachable/droppable.
  5. If you want people to not stick around after their purchase, try a variation of the “Pirate’s Song”: I rezzed myself upon the sim Yo-Ho, Yo-Ho! I spent my dirty Lindens on a Skin! Yo-Ho, Yo-Ho! She said, “Get yer skin, then get fecken out! You’ve made yer purchase, now be rezzin’ on out” Yo-ho, Yo-ho, Yo-ho!
  6. Ah, sorry was responding to post that “the fair opened 5 minutes ago”, etc.
  7. Sounds much easier to attach it, have attachment trigger (appropriate priority) animation overrides, and just walk around with it. That way, it works even if you can’t Rez it - just attach from inventory and off you go!
  8. I thought people were going yesterday. They sure were posting about it!
  9. This is so much more fun than a blog. If we all had blogs, we’d all have to follow each other’s blogs, register to conment, etc. Here, we get one big sloppy happy mess!
  10. *hops in a big basket for the trip*
  11. Last I checked, this was not a feature on LL viewer, but was in Firestorm. Last year I used Firestorm for a bit for that reason, then the chats died down. The OP (Prokofy) can’t file Jira’s. One reason she posts so much here, I guess.
  12. I had installed multiple viewers first time last year, that’s probably it. But, I’ve use 64-bit for a long time.
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