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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. It’s what I would do, who wants a cr*pload of idled data taking expensive DB, making maintenance take longer?
  2. One of several threads I tired of searching for until I resorted to bookmarks. Thanks for posting in it, my reply is a tongue-in-cheek reference to a post!
  3. Everybody needs some encouragement, even the people who are funny, Smart, have money, in a relationship, and who you look up to!
  4. I assume “idled” account data is (was) moved to a backup/alternative DB where borkage would occur?
  5. Waiting patiently for someone to post in 5 word story...
  6. I expect someone else will give you a more complete answer, but: you can only set stream at ground parcel level. Security can be handled multiple ways (orbs etc.), but obviously you can’t use non-entry (ban lines) for vertical renting unless each ground-level parcel is in the same security group. *Edit* I tried to post this earlier but got an answer. See Solar Legion’s answer above. The “media on a prim” also occurred to me.
  7. There is a thing in the forums where people get off-topic for a given thread. However, I believe this is a “Mesh Forum” (hard to see on phone?). You could attempt to deal with it..if this was YOUR thread that you started, I would give you a slightly different answer.
  8. You made my day! It’s my plan to post some SL / avatar related affirmation here once a day or so.
  9. If you personally know any lindens, you can tag them in your post by typing @ followed by their name. Then, they will get a notification and probably read it.
  10. But 5% of 10 is 0.5. 20 sounds right: 5% of 20 is 1.
  11. So LL only gets MP transaction fees on items costing L$100 or more? (I can do maths, because I am smart.)
  12. What does this mean? I only know the usage as it applies to military service. (“Donald Trump got a deferment due to his bone spurs.”)
  13. I believe with renters, the door/structure is “locked” until someone pays rent. You can cam inside or use some cheat, but you can’t get inside normally.
  14. If it costs L$1, how much of a cut does LL get?
  15. So..you can criticize the LL / SL mesh formulae and tools, but we can’t criticize mesh that is not made using best practices. Did I get it right?
  16. We can converse and contribute to any topic, because we are smart!
  17. It’s a good thing I can’t read these, or I would get a big head! You’re sooo sweet!
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