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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Which one is on top? Edit: @Callum Meriman I forgot which thread this was lol
  2. Any one of could be Prok if we have multiple personality disorder but are unaware of it.
  3. I thank you for being honest, am also glad you changed it!
  4. *Edit* Have you tried it with fresh batteries? Your original pre-edit post was sent to me in a notification.
  5. If you give them more skin, do they get skinnier?
  6. Ah, I just assumed we all thought “male” because the name/picture appear to be male. Having never met her/read her blog, it never occurred to me that maybe she is trying to be male on SL. Talk about abusing male privilege!
  7. Unless you rezzed it on land you own, wherever you rezzed it may have an “auto-return” policy. You may get a message that it was returned, or you may miss the message. Check your lost & found / returned items in your inventory.
  8. I got 3 purrrdy girrrls to post on this thread, mebbe cheat codes work!
  9. Come up and see me, I keep my catnip stash under my bed!
  10. I’ve been playing since 2006 and haven’t won still!
  11. Is your Avatar Tired of the same old Gender? Gender roles got you down? Make an Alt, noone will know!
  12. Maybe one is Rorschach (from Watchmen), and the other is Lex Luthor. Both dark.
  13. But now I know, it’s not just a fair skin fair.
  14. If someone gives you the deets, that’s good. If someone gives you the D.T.’s, that’s bad.
  15. Will there only be fair skins at the skin fair, or all shades of skins?
  16. I don’t know how to feel when Prokofy is misgendered!
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