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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Clothing as afterthought / optional. Just the head,
  2. TIL: YCH, also known as an YCH Auction or Prepose auction, is a furry art term/acronym for "Your Character Here". I had wondered why some of the stickers I post have “YCH” on one character.
  3. Ok. Eminem the rapper did an album on which he took on a persona “Slim Shady”. On some awards show they played his song with the lyric, “Will the real Slim Shady please stand up!” During the song, Eminem and about 30-40 lookalikes walked onto stage.
  4. ..when you care more about “likes” on SL Forum than on FB.
  5. I thought of a nice variation on the trivia ball / truth-or-dare concept: Script lets anyone ask an “anonymous” question on a channel, then relays the question to others. (I never made it “secure”, so any scripter could listen on the anonymous channel, really.)
  6. Hmm..not sure if anyone said this, but I think one reason they are called “sploders” is, in olden days they would use “explodey” particle effects on payouts. Of course now, even if they don’t do that, you see the “script talking from this object” default particle effect whenever a sploder says something.
  7. Looking forward to seeing how you mix it up, occasionally feminize it a bit, etc.
  8. Is it modeled partly on you RL, or after your requirements for what you wanted, or ?
  9. Don’t make it physical for the last script someone gave you. That was only another option with what we suggested.
  10. Sorry hon, we Led you down the other path! Let us know how it works out with llSLPPF!
  11. How DARE someone disagree with you. I am SHOCKED! Shocked, I tell you!
  12. I confess that while I don’t plan on using a husky avatar, I will start using husky stickers soon because I am a RL husky owner.
  13. The post is over a year old. You may want to tell Roger in-world, as I doubt he is following this old thread.
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