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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Was this answer referring to #4, system clothing “layers”? Are you suggesting I put off getting an avatar, or just put off replacing my entire wardrobe?
  2. I didn’t interpret it that way, but makes sense!
  3. “Open your mouth and close your eyes, and you will get a nice surprise!”
  4. TFW you make the bed with brand new linens and blanket, and pray your husky doesnt destroy them. ..oh wait, this is TIL not TFW..
  5. Nothing like the smell of a batch of freshly baked mesh, hot out of the oven!
  6. Good for Barry White / Isaac Hayes sessions.
  7. I noticed the flag to prevent / ignore touches while opening or closing.
  8. Here in the US, licorice “drops” are hard candy.
  9. My suggestion was to put it right before the last } at the end of the entire script.
  10. “Don’t put that there, you don’t know where it’s been! At least wash it first!”
  11. Each state is a self-contained separate set of events. They all share the same global variables (defined above the states). “Default” state runs when a script starts or resets; you switch to another state using the syntax “state my_state;”. This causes state_entry() to run in the new state. The main reason you would have different states in 1 script is if you want the events to do something different (or more events or fewer events) in the different states.
  12. I’ll take healthy and pain-free over rich!
  13. Signs used to be made from a shingle, hanging in front of a business. Thus the phrase, “hang your shingle”. When windy, they are “swinging shingles”.
  14. Ok, I didn’t take it that way. You did. Luckily, I am free to have my own opinion as I am not a cult member, part of a cabal, or anything else like that. Likewise, I am not you, so there is no way for me to see everything from your point of view. And, you being yourself, there is no other way to see it. This is how the world is supposed to work, and in this way it is perfect.
  15. Wow! You’ve proven the old saying, “it’s not paranoia if they really are out to get you.” I am sorry that you were banned from Jira, that must have been traumatic for you.
  16. I am thinking of getting my first mesh HUMAN avatar. I have several mesh lion avatars. I am always a "neko lion", "anthro lion", or "feral lion". So, once I select a human mesh avatar, I will be working to add all the Neko accessories I am used to: fangs, whiskers, ears, tail, suitable "mane" hair, etc. Here are my basic questions: 1) Will I be able to attach and use my old prim attachments? a) Flexi or non-flexi tail (scripted or unscripted) b) "Vampire teeth" c) Lion ears d) Prim Whiskers e) Tongue (I made my own tongue years ago, which I stick out occasionally) 2) Will I be able to wear old (prim) hair? 3) Will old animations work? Examples: normal AO animations, and "system animations" such as "mouth open". 4) Will old clothing work, or just prim clothing (not clothing "layers")? 5) I understand that I can keep my existing "system" head if I want to. If I do, I assume that there's no issue at all attaching previous things to it. Thanks in advance for your attention to my n00bish questions! Love, Love p.s. I read someone’s blog post about mesh avatars but didn’t see the answers to these questions, I think. Gosh darn it, I annoy myself!
  17. I suggest you don’t worry about states besides “default” until you need to. I rarely, rarely use any states but default.
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