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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. In our system, you have to invite the room as a "resource", otherwise it doesn't actually reserve the room.
  2. Cool, the cloud is keeping your stuff safe from you!
  3. drove it to the hilt ate with a runcible spoon
  4. See this recent thread which is often updated. @Oz Linden also seems quite helpful on llHTTPRequest(). community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/409398-llhttprequest-changes/
  5. I dimly remember that looking one direction means one thing, and another direction means something else.
  6. This makes no sense, because "attractive" and "ugly" are completely subjective. I figured you had it backwards, until I saw who said it! Then it made perfect sense, everything you say is "opposite" of reality and truth. They way you put it. it means: "I am drawn to you, therefore you must be attractive", and "I am repulsed by you, therefore you must be ugly". I wonder which type of logical syllogism failed in your statement?
  7. Metaphorically, I find that attractive, too. I'm suddenly remembering that if people look a certain way, it means they are accessing memory (or making up a lie).
  8. I'm attracted to av's who look up and to the left. That's what you meant by "look a certain way", right?
  9. Sadly, dementia meant she couldn't remember if sister was alive. Had I guessed she wanted to hear "no", I would have lied to her!
  10. I'm reminded of how my mother, on her death bed, asked if her sister was still alive - she was hoping to outlive her sister! But didn't.
  11. My 3? 4? Year old PC works just fine with SL. Could be due to SSD. No idea which graphic card I have, but fan does run with SL. Is that dull enough?
  12. It was my understanding that "ghetto" is an attitude, a "frame of mind" so to speak. Anyone could be "ghetto", no matter their "shape". Even if the term is a pejorative to many people.
  13. Scripts and bots can’t tell if the offending avatar has the “wrong” skin color, is LGBT, is a furry, etc. Only the avatar’s “payment info on file”, right? (And same-group membership, of course.)
  14. But SL businesses are open 24/7, usually with no “gatekeeper” to control who comes “inside” or on the property. Sounds awfully “public”. Compare with a RL farmer’s market, flea market, garage sale, county fair where owners can “ask someone to leave” but not prevent them from coming on the property in the first place (without security or ticket-takers).
  15. Is this the new “post anything” thread?
  16. 1) Try the best laptop you can afford. 2) When #1 doesn't work, toss the laptop aside and get a decent desktop PC.
  17. Wedding specialist: Someone who has been married multiple times (whether bigamist, divorcee, or widow/widower).
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