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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. My first were standalone desktop HP units with pen plotter and cassette drive. My dad had me input programs at his office to teach me multiplication tables and play tic tac toe. I think they probably cost US$15k or so. I haven’t found pictures of those first units. This would have been maybe 75-76. P.S. For a gal, that’s a nice wang.
  2. I agree. The first time you are scammed, it is like the stages of grief: shock, anger, denial, bargaining.. and as experienced users the best thing we can to is to be compassionate. Thank you for setting a good example! @KammyKat, I’m sorry this happened to you. It can be traumatic when things don’t go right. I hope they go better for you in the future!
  3. Mine looks like a tall wooden table with monitor, keyboard, mouse on it. Everything else is about 15 feet away with the CPU in another room.
  4. Whatevs, I give LL credit/responsibility for all the fun, good times, and happy memories! Without LL there wouldn’t be any.
  5. Can’t you only tell/prevent this by only renting from land owners that you pay directly, after verifying they are the owner of the land?
  6. TIL, TFW a Linden posts a warning on a thread, then likes your post!
  7. I believe that if LL does not refund your L$ this time, then perhaps eventually you will be convinced that most purchases are “caveat emptor”. Truly, it is the Marketplace Review system that make things work. Bad purchase experience => Bad review => fewer sales for that merchant. *Edit* Hope this response was on topic, I tried!
  8. Why are you stuck on whether or not it is bots? Aren’t you more concerned with ending the griefing? I’m sure someone will answer your technical questions, but it starts to look like “how can I do this too” since you want all the technical details!
  9. If you get a payout from LL, it will not “look like fraud” to your bank.
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