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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. ..and why is he flying through my junk, I mean family jewels?
  2. TIL to put photos in Dropbox on phone, because forum messages won’t let you attach new photos.
  3. Now I remember! It’s been a long time. I used to see it in open chat lol
  4. Yes, I got Callum’s explanation that setting it in the host file would block it. I was confused by his initial post, as out of context I couldn’t figure out why he’d want to do that with Oculus.
  5. If you stand on your principal, they have trouble breathing.
  6. It would be cool if prim babies were gestated and born like Orcs, decanted from a slimy womb attached to some random surface, bursting forth with a great effusion of rancid liquid and a terrified roar. Well, RL birth is somewhat like that, right?
  7. I stopped reading at “techno-communists”. You seem to have a mild case of Tourette’s Syndrome.
  8. Any mainland where noobs congregate in their vile, stinking masses, voicing and gestures, and griefing and being griefed and..oh, the humanity!
  9. Are babies a form of breedables? That’s just gross.
  10. Easy solution: get a vampire to bite your baby, and the little tyke will never die. Not sure about vampire/undead horses though. *Edit* Some believe children have no soul, so nothing lost there..*
  11. File a Jira yet? It would be great if there was a Linden like @Oz Linden to shout-out to from the forums at times like this.
  12. Ok..how would you tell a skybox from “sky junk”? I think you are tilting at windmills.
  13. Why search for “sky junk”? I don’t believe zero-second ejections are “illegal” (against TOS).
  14. Someone cute called me cute! *faints*
  15. Not really, sim borders can’t be changed. The land is on one or the other sim. So, merging is not possible I think, perhaps someone else will answer differently.
  16. Certainly to people who have Prok’s complaints of them “piling up”, etc. Her list of complaints is a bit much to comprehend. Just like the initial post.
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