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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. No. All the law says is that if you go into business offering goods or services to the general public, then you have to offer them to everyone without discriminating against particular groups of people. Otherwise you can, of course, interact with people (or not) as you choose. If you don't want to run the risk of having to bake cakes for people with whom you might not want to associate out of business hours, then maybe running a bakery isn't a good career choice. Thanks for this. In addition: No one says you are "forced to interact" with someone. Just sell them a damned cake, have your flunkies take the order or use an internet form. If "interaction" is the standard, the problem is worse than we thought!
  2. I'm offended, that cat is obviously wearing whiteface.
  3. Noted. On a related note: Interesting that men are starting to want "Men's Rights" and "Men-Only" groups since Women have those now. What's lacking, is the understand that those who WERE oppressed need these "us-only" groups in order to plan, regroup, strengthen, and heal. Those who were the oppressors do not need any such groups.
  4. Could be that the office workers had a "bad day". Or, they knew you why you were there at the last minute and didn't appreciate it. These offices don't always seem too sympathetic with our "last minute" needs.
  5. You are just so darned ignorant! Place two toddlers, or even pre-school or kindergarten children of different races together, and they play as equals. It is only once their parents, and society, have introduced prejudice do these same children exhibit prejudice.
  6. Sometimes people get crappy service if they aren't respectful, kind, patient, etc. (In other words, if they act "entitled".) So, next time be sure to check yourself - just in case it was you!
  7. yes its a terrible violation of your human and civil rights if someone refuses to bake you a cake I am not referring to that. I am referring to such things as "no blacks allowed", etc. Funny how you don't see the connection between discrimination following desegregation, and the current "cake" case. They may as well be refusing to bake a cake because the couple is Muslim, or Catholic, or Black, or non-English speaking. Would THAT be ok with you?
  8. yes its a terrible business model but eventually the business owner will see he is hurting himself and change his policy. no government coersion required Thankfully, we have laws against at least SOME types of discrimination in real life.
  9. here it comes blame everything on evil business owners Wow, I thought Talligurl was supporting your logic. lulz.
  10. Normally the explanation is because "we are better than those other people", or "we do not associate with their kind". But the reality is, parents get to say "because I said so".
  11. Be careful with "pre-increment" vs. "post-increment". You chose "post-increment" (i++), in this case the convention is usually "pre-increment" (++i). Here, you should be safe because the value is not being checked as part of the "increment" clause (third parameter of the "for" function).
  12. Those who are ignorant of history will repeat its mistakes. Explains the posts about racist, fascism, prejudice, etc.
  13. Oh Of course, the old "we must do it for the children" When nothing else works, say it's for the kids. Yes. The point is, to raise a generation who is WITHOUT prejudice. That is impossible to do without setting an example for each next generation. Or don't you want a world without prejudice?
  14. Catching up on this thread, I am reminded of a saying: "That's now how it works. That's not how ANY of this works."
  15. Londinium was a settlement established on the current site of the City of London around AD 43. Its bridge over the River Thames turned the city into a road nexus and major port, serving as a major commercial centre in Roman Britain until its abandonment during the 5th century. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Londinium
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