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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Thanks @Oz Linden, you magically appeared without being tagged!
  2. I missed that I passed 4000 recently, oops.
  3. My info when I got my point (and 24hr ban) shows in my profile with details, and you can click it to show more detail. Do you have that in your profile?
  4. Perhaps the suspension type and length is based on the number of existing permanent warning points? I wonder if there is a page that details this. I have 1 permanent warning point.
  5. That is scary..it apparently means someone can AR you for an old post and get you banned from not just the forums, but from SL itself! Welcome back.
  6. A nice follow-up question would be if he understands why he uses SL.
  7. I couldn’t find my favorite song just now that I thought was by her/them.
  8. He doesn’t want anyone to cam into his private chambers and sit in his special chair. He may have a no-mod chair so can’t add an “unsit” script to the chair itself. It is a simple matter of someone not accepting SL features and limitations, so they want to argue about it and take nobody’s advice.
  9. 1. Maybe shop owners don’t want to deal with customers too new to know how to open and wear things. 2. Maybe shop owners don’t want to deal with potential fraud accounts which buy lots of stuff but then money gets removed when fraud is reported. 3. Maybe shop owners don’t want to deal with potential griefer/spam accounts, which are often brand new. 4. Need more reasons? I’m like a list maker or something over here. Just sitting over here, making lists.
  10. Is the name “Talligurl” related to the Harry Belafonte “Banana Boat” Song? Come, mister Tally man Tally me bananas..
  11. Reminds me of the joke about hillbillies who didn’t like visitors..after the meal, they called the dog to lick off the plates (which were nailed to the table). The visitors never returned.
  12. Would have made a better password!
  13. Please don’t make me go back into the closet, it’s lonely in there!
  14. I find SL doesn’t pick up my local FM station very well. Maybe I need an antenna. Oh, you mean streaming music!
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