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Jenna Huntsman

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Everything posted by Jenna Huntsman

  1. Does this data include all the people that use third-party viewers? It does. All TPVs listed in the TPV Directory collect telemetry data and submit it to LL.
  2. Please also note the official advice from LL: But, pretty much what Arton has said. Midday should be getting some tweaks soon to resolve this issue.
  3. Please note that this HDRi isn't the best match for the SL Midday, the best match is a modified version of this HDRi to better match the luminance levels of SL, found here: https://github.com/Jenna-Huntsman/Second-Life-Resources/tree/main/PBR/HDRi (This link is also provided on the PBR materials wiki page). Pretty much this. I briefly spoke to Runitai Linden, who said that the new Midday preset is due for a quality pass and that they'll try and get the Linden Midday preset looking closer to the recommended HDRi.
  4. This is likely a pre-existing... behaviour in the SL viewer, and not related to PBR. Assuming the hair is using alpha-blending, then lighting for alpha-blended materials is done in a separate pass, and that's why historically lighting for alpha blend has been so inaccurate. With the PBR viewer, some work went into making alpha blend less inconsistent, but issues with alpha sorting and the finite amount of lights rendered during the alpha-blend pass means that weirdness like this will pretty much always happen, until a new alpha mode is implemented (namely, alpha-to-coverage).
  5. Unlikely is the answer. The idea behind reflection probes is that they provide an accurate reflection for the live scene surrounding them, not for custom HDRi use. This idea was brought up during PBR development, but got rejected by the engineers. Ambiance intensity is already controllable via the probe's ambiance value. See the PBR wiki page for more details - https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/PBR_Materials
  6. Chances are that there's not really anything wrong with your Macbook, but as a computer ages some "consumable" parts wear out, notably things like thermal pads and thermal grease, used to connect the heat-generating parts of the computer to cooling. That, and the cooler itself can become clogged with dust and other FOD which severely impacts it's ability to keep the computer running cool. You might want to take it to a computer repair place and get them to look at the above items for you, or if you have a friend who knows computers, ask them to do it. As a sidenote, the GPU in your Macbook is a bit underpowered for SL. It's probably okay for now, but may not be in a year or so.
  7. Done. Seems way more likely that I don't know what I'm doing than there being an actual bug here, but we'll see. You probably want to try assembling a glTF and viewing it in a reference viewer, such as - https://modelviewer.dev/editor/ https://github.khronos.org/glTF-Sample-Viewer-Release/ Those should give you a preview to a correctly rendered glTF. If these also display the same, then SL is doing things correctly. This isn't true - the actual PBR implementation is based on a reference PBR implementation adapted for use in SL's rendering pipeline, so it's fairly predictable with PBR content. A lot of bugs came out due to SL's handling of assets (normal maps being compressed) and old rendering paths (old meshes don't retain tangents, normal map space was Lengyl instead of Mikkt which most programs use) - Those issues have been addressed, but the tangents issue is something that can't be fixed retroactively (as the uploader on non-PBR viewers stripped tangents at upload time, and the viewer would reconstuct them as a box), so some older content might not look 100% accurate to a rendering in Blender or Substance until the mesh is reuploaded.
  8. This is true. The Linden viewer and official Firestorm builds use KDU for J2K, whereas all other viewers use OpenJPEG. Self-compiled FS builds would be using OpenJPEG.
  9. That, and the viewer that screenshot was taken on was an older build of the PBR viewer, so doesn't reflect the current state of the PBR viewer (Source: am the person who took that screenshot)
  10. This is a problem with the SL slider system, not of the body itself. As mentioned above, you can use deformers to help counterbalance the problem. I've actually created a custom deformer set for Reborn (mainly to cater towards my tastes) which further reduces the butt size, reduces breast size and increases the belly size a little. Send me a DM in-world if you'd like a copy.
  11. The moon issue has largely been fixed in the LL PBR viewer - give that a try and see how things look! https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/viewer/
  12. It's worth noting that LL have itchy trigger fingers to remove features that aren't being used as intended - this is one of them. The officially supported way of doing this is highlighted in this post:
  13. I'd recommend you try out the Linden PBR viewer (found here: https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/viewer/ ) or the Alchemy PBR viewer, as they're both based on a newer (LL) codebase which contains many performance optimizations as compared to the current release viewer.
  14. The EEP preset you use will influence how "contrasty" the scene looks. Older (pre-PBR) presets are still WIP, so things might look wonky there, and that's expected (and being worked on). If you'd like, you can DM me and I can send you my personal PBR preset, which tones down the contrast a bit, especially for the empty region problem. Yeah, that's somewhat expected, as mentioned above the look of pre-PBR presets is still WIP and things are a little wonky in some areas, but work is ongoing.
  15. Yes - think of it like your phone's camera, which will automatically adjust exposure according to scene lighting.
  16. On empty regions, the auto exposure system doesn't quite work right (Still being tuned by LL) - Try going to a Belliseria region and testing there (Or, another non-empty region), as that should be much better. Auto exposure ("HDR") is something that's still being worked on by LL, so these issues should get ironed out with further releases.
  17. First and foremost, the advice I give to people to get better FPS in SL is to run the new PBR viewer, found here: https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/viewer/ or, use Alchemy (mature PBR implementation), or the Firestorm Alpha PBR viewer. Anyway, onto factual errors: Not true of the latest PBR viewer, as that does a much better job of spreading the workload across multiple cores. Ram speeds are given in MHz, so this is a typo. Incorrect - AMD supports hardware OpenGL. You're probably thinking of Intel descrete GPUs, although I'm pretty sure they support hardware OpenGL also. This is mostly marketing, as the GHz number doesn't always mean much. AMD Bulldozer, anyone? (Chips known for having a high number of GHz on paper, but low IPC, thus performance sucked) Subjective, and does not affect framerate. These are no longer options in the PBR viewer, so turning these off is no longer an option. (Turning these off is more of a band aid fix, anyway).
  18. That's genuinely nightmarish if true. There's no need for that resolution - you'd need to be using an 8K+ display to even be able to tell the difference at an average viewing distance. Not to mention, there's no guarantee that the viewer will load all 4 textures at the same mip level (resolution), so your avatar's face could end up looking like a patchwork mess. Depends. They'd need to distribute a dev kit with accurate UV mapping in order for skins not to have seams, or have a loss of detail at texture joints.
  19. This. The Ukraine war would only have an effect from 2022 onwards, which doesn't excuse the product being abandoned for 2 years prior.
  20. This, 100%. I also do not trust the brand anymore. Their heads had bugs for 3 years, which could have been resolved by a few lines of code changed, and yet they did not. These new heads, how long will they have bugs for? Considering the competition is very composed with few bugs and a considerable amount of vendor lock-in (Evo X UV), it doesn't make sense to invest in buying in these heads.
  21. I think the one my avatar currently has on are the Toon lashes from Booty's Beauty
  22. Some have. But the real answer is that you don't really need to go out and buy new lashes, as most look absolutely fine in mask mode, provided you can force the lashes into mask mode via your head's HUD. Play around with the mask cutoff value to whatever looks best for you, I tend to find that 128 works best, but YMMV.
  23. That part list is a really odd mix of components, and absolutely would be a low end machine even for the time the video was made. Given the conflicting information as to what people on this thread are recommending, it might be worth considering how much you can spare to spend on upgrades - that is a major factor in what should be recommended to you.
  24. Before investing in new hardware, try the new PBR viewer - it has a bunch of performance improvements which may help you get up to speed: https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/viewer/ That said, your CPU is pretty anaemic for anything outside of productivity work now, so I'd prioritize upgrading that if you are investing in new hardware.
  25. I'd also recommend giving Alchemy viewer a try if you're having some performance woes, as Alchemy has additional performance tweaks and the latest upstream code from LL themselves. They're in the TPV directory that Rowan linked above. https://www.alchemyviewer.org/downloads
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