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Skye Tenenbaum

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  1. Interesting you suggest the battery may be faulty. I'm unsure how to "condition it properly" (when they installed it I got NO instructions! The other one lasted for years. I had never even seen the icon with the power cord on it! And as I think about it...I did get the new battery before I returned to SL...so you may be spot on. It's not the viewer...it's the battery! Unsure what "redoing thermal paste/pads on CPU" means (off to google that one). Everyone seems to be in agreement, despite my feelings about it being a viewer issue, it is more likely a recent Hardware issue. I'm so grateful for your patience and advice. I'm taking notes and will bring a LONG list to the apple store!! Thank you again for such a detailed response. Despite being in SL a very long time, I'm new to this forum (apologies about the "quotation" thing- was unable to sort out how to just repond w/out your statment. Take care, Skye
  2. I used to tinker with older macbooks - nothing huge, could change ram, replace batteries (before they glued everything down). Clearly I need to hit the store. As silly and sentimental as this is, I do love my Macbook-it is wonderful in all other areas of my life. I do appreciate you and everyone not screaming about buying a PC...I'll try and get an appt this week and post when I have some clarity!
  3. Thank you for giving me such detailed things to look in to. After I read a number of the replies I think my 'puter and I need to get a check up at the apple store (luckily they don't charge for labor, only parts). Hopefully they can determine if I have a faulty battery, need a new AC adapter. to get a blow out or ...something else. Thanks so much for all the time you put into your response.
  4. Thanks so much for the advice...I think I need to pop to an apple store and see if they can blow it out and "look under the hood" a bit. I appreciate all of your thoughts!
  5. I have an old Macbook Pro 2015 (stats below) and have used it on SL via firestorm with NO problems. I was off SL for a few years, came back this summer (2023). I upgraded Firestorm to 6.6.8 (68380). Since then EVERY time I go on SL (or even go ON to the FS app BEFORE even signing in) my fan kicks in and my brand new battery drops down fast-then I get an icon saying the power cord is unable to charge the battery (assuming bc it's too hot) A full battery (I bought it 5 months ago) is sucked down to empty in less than 20 min! A friend loaned me a PC laptop so I could access SL but I'm not happy with the mouse pad transition (please no judgement-I have severe RA in my hands, the PC mouse is just harder for me). So I know it is MY MACBOOK + this version of FS because this was not a problem before. 1.Any suggestions for a different viewer to reduce this problem? 2. Is it possible to reinstall an earlier version of FS? I am not sure what version I was on I assume it would be from 2019 ish? I'm not sure they have FS from that long ago. PC Folks- I get it. Get a PC. I'm gently asking if there is any other option with my computer. Thanks for any suggestions. Macbook Pro (Retina, 15" mid 2015) Processor 2.2 Ghz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600MHz Intel Iris Pro 1536 Monterey OS
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