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Rowan Amore

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Everything posted by Rowan Amore

  1. Doesn't Sessions sell a skin for the body to match their faces? I would only shop a store that sold both as matching seldom works out as well. Have you checked it's it glam affair?
  2. Yes both skins are from itgirls. Ororo for catwa and I think Pocah is on the lelutka.
  3. I used Catwa for a long time and just recently switched to a LeLutka. Both are lovely but I do agree that the skin is what will be what makes you look more life-like. The first if Catwa and the second is Nuri from lelutka
  4. If it's one of those '60L a week' type rentals, they tend to be super laggy. There's really nothing much you can do about that aside from moving. Renting your own parcel might be a better option although you'll be paying more than 60L/week.
  5. Are you over 30 days old? Sim owners can set whatever rules they see fit. Look at about land and see what groups it under. Open that group and at the top would be the person who started that group. That would be the place to start. Otherwise, wait until you're over 30 days old.
  6. 2009 Not how I originally looked but I must have tossed out some of the first pictures.
  7. I'm a firm believer in reading profiles. You can often find something in there that peaks your interest enough to start a conversation. Common interests, a music link you enjoy, photos you can compliment. I love when someone makes a comment about something they've read in mine. It shows they might be more interested in ME and not how my avatar looks. The people with 'If you want to know something about me, just IM' and nothing else in their profile are the ones I avoid. If you can't take a few minutes to write a bit about yourself, I can't be bothered to take the time to ask. So it works both ways. Have something in your profile and you might find that people more readily IM you.
  8. Absolutely hate when I get...../smiles. What am I supposed to do with that? I now have something in my profile in regards to that yet I still get it all the time. I used to respond.../me runs screaming from the creep smiling at her but now I just ignore
  9. Thank you. At least I got something accomplished in SL today.
  10. How do I get my actual picture on there instead of the basic avatars? At least it's giving me something to do.
  11. Thank you....:matte-motes-big-grin:
  12. Now there is nothing on the grid status about the unscheduled maintenance?
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