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Rowan Amore

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Everything posted by Rowan Amore

  1. Which is very helpful when trying to match shoes to an outfit. The reds and blues especially have such a wide range of shades, it's often hard to find the right shoe. ETA. I wish your butterfly shoes had a legacy size.
  2. They definitely need something besides thank and like. Also, sad and confused look too similar to me. Maybe a shocked reaction? 😲 Although rolling of the eyes would be good too. 🙄
  3. Really? Somehow I think if she.meant sex places, she'd have said that. Smdh
  4. You would think so but the surface you are standing on can also have an effect. Often, I'm fine at home then tp somewhere and I'm either sinking or floating so hover height is just easier.
  5. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScdR5rdZ1it2t5gl8EPLRV-Ssga4K-MwwlNUTBf2pigmC1jCg/viewform Think you need to fill out this application or message the people in the post.
  6. https://secondlife-status.statuspage.io/incidents/zczpm9jdvr09 Wonder what we'll find tomorrow. Any guesses?
  7. Eh, no biggie. 2 out of 3 pages are necro.
  8. Bryn Oh usually has something unique to see. https://modemworld.me/2020/07/18/bryns-mythical-creatures-in-second-life/
  9. Yes I completely understand that the kawaii look is popular. People who choose that look also have to understand that there will be region owners who won't allow them in their adult areas. A lot already don't allow anime avatars. Many people feel uncomfortable with tween looking avatar in a sex place. Just because something is popular with a lot of people, doesn't mean everyone else thinks it appropriate. I don't care how anyone chooses to look. They just need to realize that not everyone is going to see their avatar as over 18.
  10. /me climbs out from under the pile of Solar and her own posts "Oh hai, Scylla! Nothing happened, nothing to see here"" @Solar Legion I deleted a couple salty remarks myself. 😁
  11. Not sure why they would ask for something that you couldn't access unless logged in but anyway.. File a support ticket. https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000136370-submitting-a-support-ticket
  12. The only time I use a face light or any type of body lighting is for pictures. When everyone can choose their own WL, it kind of makes wearing them out and about pointless IMO. Other people will see you differently than you see yourself.
  13. I was only commenting on what I've actually seen and not on petite avatars in general nor on what happened in some other thread. Don't read more into it than what I actually said as to why some avatars are seen as too young for an area. My examples have always included the overall look plus accessories. But we can agree to disagree of course.
  14. A lot of people, such as myself, use it when they partner to take on the same last names. Others, just to have a last name. We were all Resident before they stopped showing that all the time. The fallout from doing away with last names. We were all one big Resident family.
  15. The thing is, it's usually the accompaning accessories as I mentioned above. If you're dressed like a tween, people will think it's more childlike than adult. It's never just the shape. It the combination of everything.
  16. Actually, no. Children generally have large round eyes and button noses. Think Gerber baby. Their eyes take up a larger portion of their faces than adults eyes. Just science. Now in general, that's fine. Add a kids backpack, a school outfit with a snot bubble and yeah, that says child to me even if there is some curve. Eta: and remember, child means anyone appearing to be less than 18. Trust me, I see this look a lot in adult areas.(sex area)
  17. In case you missed it since you've been gone awhile
  18. I guess the bigger question is...is she wearing heels on the beach? It IS a good look though.
  19. Although I do question the wearing of fur in a tropical climate.
  20. Mine does that too since switching to BOM. I'd love to know why too.
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