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Rowan Amore

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Everything posted by Rowan Amore

  1. It's kind of ironic that the most posts in this thread, aside from Love's, are from people who have already said they don't pay much attention to what he posts. As most of those posts are somewhat unkind, what does that tell ya? Are they posting simply to be unkind? I like Love. He's fun and after spending a few hours with him inworld one day, I'd consider him a friend. Do I read every single post he makes? Nope, but then I don't read every single post from anyone really. I skip over a lot. Quite easy to do. It's also helpful to just ignore those whose opinion or posting style you dislike.
  2. Not really an advanced user per se, although I've been here for years. I'm also not a creator nor do I wish to be. Not my thing. But, when I buy that table with an assortment of items on top, I'd like to be able to remove that lamp and use another or whatever else I might like to swap out. Nothing really advanced about that at all. I bought a console awhile back with linked items on top. I didn't mind the items but I did want to tint the lamp shades to match the rest of my bedroom set. It was mod so it was a simple process. No need for scripts or a hud or any of that. I edited linked parts, blah blah blah, done.
  3. I can be sincere without being nice or kind. If someone brings up a subject, my response will always be my sincere opinion. It might also be harsh or direct or unflattering. Once one brings a subject up in the forums, it's open for discussion, good or bad.
  4. Thanks again. I'll have to use that method on my newer neighbors with the pink everything fetish. I also wish there was some way to derender permanently those items that are using a rezzer.
  5. Yeah, I didn't add that part. Thanks. I just assumed people knew that but not how to find all the objects from a single person. The more you know!
  6. You can mass derender items by using Area Search and putting in the name of the avatar who owns the items. If it's multiple owners, just repeat the process.
  7. As I said, the consequences are usually just the removal of the post as off-topic or something innocuous. Unless it's something truly offensive in nature, not sure I see the problem. Last warning I got was for posting inappropriate language. Oopsie! I think it was an azzhat picture.
  8. I'm guessing they're YOUR truths or what most people call, opinions. If they're SL related, I don't see why a mod would remove them. If you're talking opinions on RL issues, then you have a problem. We just had a handful of RL issue posts removed this morning for being...RL posts. A few of mine included.
  9. I've had quite a few of my posts removed. I'd assume because someone reported them. That's fine by me if they were off topic or not allowed. A mod isn't going to remove a post simply because it's reported. If it's something against the rules, yes. Read the rules. I know full well some of mine will be reported and removed. Most times, in the last few years anyway, there are no ramifications. The mods just remove it. I've had exactly 3 slaps from mods since I started posting here.
  10. A lot of times, there are things I'd love to say but it's not because the 'hive mind' would disagree but because it's against the forum rules. I do sometimes post things against the rules which are then removed. Such is life. Maybe stop to think about why people push back instead of assuming there's some grand conspiracy against a specific person. If you keep posting drek or stir the pot, people WILL point and laugh or push back. That's not an SL forum exclusive thing by any means.
  11. It's usually the people with the long pointy stick who just use it to stir the pot (or hive, although that just makes me laugh) and then whine when they get stung. Go figure!
  12. Check out White Dunes Estates https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/132449/
  13. I'm not saying Tilia is a bank in any way but the money in your Tilia account IS real money just like in a bank. If you have money in your PayPal account (from Tilia transfer) and the bill you wish to pay does not accept PayPal, you then need to transfer that money to your bank account. PayPal charges a fee for instant transfers. With Thunes, we should be able.to move the USD balance directly to our bank account. It's the same money as before just without the PayPal/skrill middleman.
  14. Upgrading to a Premium Plus account To upgrade from a Basic, Plus or Premium membership to Premium Plus: Log into the Second Life website. On the left side of the screen, click Change Membership. Review the chart of Membership plans and prices and select Premium Plus (choose from Monthly or Annual billing options). Review the upgrade fees, including discounts based on any existing Premium memberships. Click Continue to checkout and check out via the Tilia Second Life Cashier. Once you've completed check out, be sure to log out of the Second Life viewer and log back in again to enjoy your new benefits!
  15. Can't buy a big Mac with the dollars in my IRA either unless I withdraw them, possibly incurring a fee for early withdrawal.
  16. Well, since you can pay for premium, land use fees, private region fees and purchase Ls with your Tilia USD balance, seems like real money to me.
  17. Check your USD balance on your account summary page. I once purchased Ls.through the viewer and for some reason, the Lindens never arrived but the money was in my USD account.
  18. Do you call money you have in other RL accounts Bank dollars? I don't. Even if an ATM charges me a fee to withdraw. Dollars is dollars.
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