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Rowan Amore

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Everything posted by Rowan Amore

  1. The issues being address by the new rules are illegal even as cartoons. Being a pagan or a goth or what have you...not illegal. Cartoon depictions of a lot of abhorrent things are...not illegal. If or when anything becomes illegal in virtual/cartoon form, I'm sure LL.will.put a ban on that, too.
  2. That just sounds all kinds of wrong. So they are only appealing because they look too young? Please tell me that's not how you meant that to sound.
  3. After awhile, my patience with people constantly telling others they don't know how to read and they're responding wrongly gets thin so I do reply in kind. Which means, not so kindly.
  4. One more.mint green or lavender piece of clothing and I'll scream.
  5. I'll usually use the black.and love when they include patterns. SL needs more interesting patterns!
  6. You are an exception to the general rule IMO but certainly exceptional as well. 😊
  7. I often think it's marketed to those males running female avatars The one thing he is right about is a lot of people equate pink with girls...as in little girls. Could be why all those daddy dom places are mostly pink?
  8. It's really ok to be wrong. We all forgive you.
  9. That page you showed of women's apparel best selling shows several $1 gifts. To be expected, high on the list. If you had bothered TO READ, the first ones after the gifts for 79L are fatpacks as are all of those from that same store. Seriously, get out and see SL.
  10. Personally, for those of us who actually get out and about in SL, the predominate colors I see are black and white. Certainly not pastels.
  11. I always assumed Dinkies were adult cats just small. I have seen some dressed more childlike, though. Just like with humans, clothing and accessories will come into play.
  12. Not the people I know I'm not upset at all and your truth is just your opinion So, proven by you and several makes it the truth for the rest of us? Ok No, I actually don't care if they see it my way and have said numerous times everyone should look however they'd like and I have no problem with that, at all. If anyone is trying to make people see things one specific way, it's you. I've never defined once what makes a woman cute or desirable or feminine or youthful but you have, in quite a few posts over several different threads. Anyway, back on topic. This right here is why an avatar legality checking station would never work. LL has nothing definitive on the perceived age of an avatar because people will always see things differently.
  13. No where have I ever said one couldn't have whatever shape they'd like. I take issue with you saying that edge cases are all about wanting to look a certain way with the criteria you've listed. The fact is that many of those edge cases do use those same criteria knowing full well they do look younger than 18. "Oh, but I'm just wanting to look cutsie and girly". I looked cutsie and girlie in that one photo and guess what? Some people thought she looked too young. I honestly don't care what the heck people choose to look like. But saying all those edge cases are just wanting to look a certain way because it's the norm or the standard as to what defines cute or feminine or whatever, is wrong. Those looks will always be examined more closely now in Adult regions. Anywhere else, couldn't care less. I'm cute and feminine and attractive and beautiful without looking 'on the edge' of adulthood. Women should be considered feminine and beautiful regardless of body shape.
  14. They aren't marketed as children but the look is definitely questionable. There's also a 'complete mesh avatar" that seems to come with an open mouth. One picture shows it with a pacifier and pigtails. That one looks about 15-16 but hey, it does come with this disclaimer in the description...Note the dolls name...Lolly It's a rigged full-body mesh avatar in style of realistic adulthood (over 18) sex dolls. https://gyazo.com/d108605db863364337089d2f8e677ac7
  15. I belonged to The Chamber group years ago. They had 2 separate groups. One specifically for notices and such. No member chat allowed. The other was specifically made FOR members to chat. Group chat still wasn't reliable and you did need that extra group slot available if you wanted to use it. I have almost all group chat shut off as I rarely use it.
  16. You forgot this part from that article... Curves and an "hourglass figure," resembling a wasp waist, was considered the epitome of beauty. The ideal body type for women during the Victorian era was slender with a small waist and full bust, hips and buttocks. Why do you think they wore corsets? To emphasis bust, hips and behind. Not even going to address the fragile and pure part. Thinner types didn't become popular more recently until the 60s. ETA..The 20s did slim with the popularity of the flapper look...no shape, no boobs being 'in" The point being, beauty standards change with the times. Aphrodite sculptures actually show her looking somewhat masculine so it's not just body type that changes but what is considered 'feminine'. It's perfectly fine to use whatever body type you'd like but not to say so and so and such and such is some arbitrary standard by which people define feminine. This is what causes a lot of women to dislike their bodies.
  17. This exactly. Groups were initial set up for land not as a chat option for 1000s of people. It's the main reason why group chats fail often and why a lot have turned to Discord. Wasn't set up as a chat function. If you notice in the Abilities section where you can set members abilities, it mostly has to do with Parcel settings. Parcel Management, Identity, Settings, Powers, Access, Content plus Object Management. The chat is secondary.
  18. No, this hasn't always been the case at all. The Victorian Era liked plump, full-figured looks. The 30s-40s, again liked the curves, hourglass figure with larger breasts, even current standards (and I use that term loosely) embrace large breasts and butt. There is no Standard of what is considered feminine as it changes over time.
  19. When you set the maturity rating on MP, you need to use a search term AFTER setting it to G, M, A. Simply setting it without searching, won't set it to your preferences. Also, make sure you are actually logged into the MP since you can view General content when not logged in. As far as the map not opening from links on the website, this often happens when viewers update if you use more than one. I've used the SLurl proxy for years. You can set default to whichever viewer you use most... slurl [Phoenix Firestorm Project - Wiki] (firestormviewer.org)
  20. If the animated sex doll LOOKS underage, that's a problem. That is a depiction of a child involved in AP regardless of whether there is a person behind it. The laws, which I can assume these new rules are based on, don't even say anything specific about avatars. It says cartoon depictions of children. If the sex doll looks like a child, that's all that matters.
  21. Before, the burden did fall on Adult regions for possibly catering to AP. Since child avatars are no longer allowed in Adult, that burden now falls on the child avatar. Region owners are still within their rights, even with some LL certified adult badge, to toss you out. Sorry but that's just not going to change.
  22. Some of the newer ones use black and white. Assuming black for men and white for women.
  23. Nice assumption or are all women inherently feminists? And you missed my point. The color of the balls really only matters in some instances. Gay/lesbian animations weren't quite as prevalent early on so many made do. You also missed my original point. Blue for boys and pink for girls is a fairly modern interpretation. It has only been since around the 1940s. I was responding to.someone saying it's standard for 'a vast majority of humankind' or some such nonsense.
  24. Wonder if the OP.is busy crafting condescending replies to all of our comments since he's yet to return. Should make for an amusing morning read.
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