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Rowan Amore

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Everything posted by Rowan Amore

  1. She has a lovely group gift out too. If it's still available Zaara Kohime | Flickr Also check Sigma and Kunglers
  2. Second Life Marketplace - "ENO LIL HORN TATTOO
  3. Yeah, no one is being attacked for how their avatar looks in these threads. People ask for other's opinions and then ask what about their avatar made someone question their age.
  4. The paranoia about actual AP seems to be from people who possibly engaged in such behavior in IM in the past and who are now concerned that LL will sift through years of IMs to find evidence IF you get an AR now. Me? I have nothing in there to be paranoid about. They can read every IM from my original rez date in 2009 and find not one thing. If one is concerned that LL might sift through years of IMs then maybe quit posting anywhere that you're worried about that? Kinda putting a spotlight on yourself without anyone having to file a report. Common sense...not so common.
  5. On your SL dashboard under Connect and Share/My Second Life your Feed may show when you changed you Display name. That Feed doesn't always display things correctly but the only place, AFAIK, where it can be seen.
  6. Clover makes mesh lashes for Lelutka with other stores making appliers for them https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/RAWR/92/193/3503.. Void also makes some which are the ones I use. The Demure style. Many more stores make appliers but the lashes themselves are expensive https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Celestis/92/128/2216.
  7. Search IKON eyes. He has a lovely group gift out now. Avi-Glam has great eyes too.
  8. The eyes in the HUD are applier eyes. Every time you turn ON BoM, you turn OFF the applier eyes. If you want old style system eye (BoM), use NO alpha and then turn on BoM. Whatever system eyes you are currently wearing will then show perfectly fine. Most places that sell eyes sell both types in their packs. They include an applier and the system eyes. Often, they also include their own mesh eyes. Ignore those. People who like to have eyes with one color on one and another on the other, will use applier. Can't really do that with BoM.
  9. Donna Flora was a favorite of mine early on, too. Although most of the pieces I purchased back.then were no copy, they were also transfer so I was able to move.them from my first avatar to my current one. It did make editing a much more nerve racking task, though.
  10. Or https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MocapDancer/23179047
  11. Check OMY...https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/OMY/183/134/2502
  12. The people who see and understand are the ones asking about their own avatar. What some people claim "we all.should know! Read the ToS" don't seem to grasp is...that whole line he keeps pasting? We've all read the dang thing many times, ffs. In some cases there may be an element of subjectivity as to whether an avatar (or other image) appears to be a minor. Objective factors which will be used to decide include whether an avatar has childlike facial features, is child-sized, has clothing or accessories generally associated with children, and whether, based on the circumstances, an avatar is speaking or acting like a child ("My Mommy says..."). If it's just one such as childlike facial features OR size OR clothing, what might be the deciding factor with their own avatar? Is my face adult enough to wear pigtail even though I'm small breasted? My face is kind of youthful looking so maybe not this particular dress AND hair? Is it one of those objective features, 2 or 3 that LL will use to decide? Can I be shorter and slimmer but not be considered a child even if I wear hair ribbons and call my boyfriend Daddy? In my experience, most people do want to follow the rules. The ones who don't won't care what anyone thinks anyway.
  13. Yeah, I just can't abide nonsense sometimes. I should do better and just ignore it. Imma try real hard, I promise!
  14. People actually make.their own shapes that resemble those. So, they ask "What is it about my avatar that might make.people think it's under 18.". They are concerned.that someone MAY think they're too young for an adult region or file an AR because they think that. Of course, LL might see them as adult so a non-issue but if it were me, I'd want to avoid getting tossed out of a region in the first place.
  15. And many use those for adult characters which is the reason for the thread as almost all of us understand aside from...well...that guy.
  16. And THOSE are the edge cases that we're discussing because those do show up in adult situations Those are also looks that people use as adult in non-adult situations. At this.point, I'll concede to what others have said. We're being trolled and although highly amusing, I'm now rolling my eyes so much I have a headache. Please do enjoy your insular SL.
  17. Comedy gold! Anyway, you didn't answer my question. BTW, females under 18 have boobs, in case you were unaware.
  18. And that's why people are asking for opinions. Sometimes I just wonder about you. If you saw that avatar in adult region, engaged in adult activities while holding a lollipop and a teddy bear, what would you say? Child or adult? Simple question.
  19. With this one and the previous one, the lighting is making the avatar appear older than I think it might look in a less shadowy lighting. Are those wrinkles on the forehead?
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