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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. Well. It's not quite the same as Gor ... With BOM, outfitting your avatar works pretty much exactly the same as it did before mesh bodies came around. So. This very much is back to the days of simplicity!
  2. It's almost 1 am, and I'm to hold a lecture in the morning, so instead of doing a shot I'll just do this ...
  3. All right, I'll have to look into those animations tomorrow. For now, I got some deformers. Shoulders down and in a little, stomach in a little, a slightly wider thigh gap (no more thighs going through each other!), and a flatter posterior. Very pleased with it!
  4. This is always true. I've recently changed my demo routine from 'look at it whilst T-posed to see whether it fits and whether the textures and materials are decent' to 'hop out of the T-pose and move around a little, because apparently people make clothing that isn't meant to be moved in?!'. Oh, I'll have to check those out as well. Just finished doing some shots to compare no deformers vs. Small vs. Eredita .. Only thing I decided so far is 'yeah, I'll want to get some deformers'.
  5. Ooh. Was about to purchase a bunch from the other store - but I'll go ahead and demo some of these first to see which I like best!
  6. You can also find a list of the LDPW employees here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Department_of_Public_Works
  7. Interesting. I've actually felt a bit torn on what to do with Neph's body fat slider. I don't want her to look too much like a stick, but I don't want her to be pot-bellied either. May have to look into that!
  8. I wasn't sure whether I should have just made a thread in the 'Wanted' section, or whether to put it in here - I went with here as I figured it's not 'just' something I want, but something that I'd like to discuss a bit. Yesterday, I went shopping and came across a push-up deformer, which I of course had to give a try - and immediately decided I had to buy it; it worked perfectly with a dress I'd just looked at for Neph, that has a tight-laced corset. Very pretty, but it just looks weird when your avatar's breasts are just flopping about as usual whilst being in a corset. I've also quite recently bought deformers for her shoulders, as her AO sometimes makes her look a bit tensed up - unfortunately they don't do as much for me, but it did make me curious about what other deformers there are out there. Theeen something really interesting happened, as Neph was outfitted with a new *ahem* - it's just a full-blown technological marvel, that thing, with animations and deformers for both bosom and posterior, and I really felt like deformers can do some interesting things that are difficult to achieve with shapes alone. So to my first 'wanted' thing - what about corset deformers, that pull in the sides? Preferably in a few stages from just 'it's snug' and 'pretty tight', but it might be fun to try something more extreme on occasion (knowing there's a lot of corset lovers around, I figure this ought to be pretty popular!). Has anyone seen such a thing? I tried searching for it, but I'm not finding much on the MP. Speaking of that gown, it has the age-old issue that appears to be a thing with all gowns ... Walking in it looks completely wild. There's been several threads on the topic over the years, yet I haven't found anything that works. I've tried AOs that are supposed to be made for gowns, but the legs' animations are still moving much too much. I've tried 'leg lockers', and apart from being immediately showered in script errors whenever I put one on, it works for a moment before breaking down. So I'll ask one more time, whether anyone has any solutions to this? I don't know whether it'd be possible to make a leg lock that just locks your ankles and knees, and perhaps reduces how much the thighs and hips move - something that would reduce the deformation of long skirts and dresses both whilst just moving around or standing in your AO, and whilst dancing. I'm also curious about what other deformers people might be using. I haven't thought much of them in the past - up until recently I thought that deformers' main purpose was to troll people by turning their avies into broken messes.
  9. I mean, I'm really glad they did make it BoM compatible, but .. Still, I'd love for them to just make the whole body a single attachment with just the BoM body and no onion layers. If they want a 'hands only' attachment for when you're wearing a suit, fine, I'd be happy to have that -in addition- to the entire body, but having to wear 2-3 attachments (I rarely wear the feet, 'cause, shoes) feels a bit pointless. They should just do what Maitreya did - I really like the 5.x+ updates, it's really easy to use, and when I want to wear an applier (either because there hasn't been a BoM update to something, or because it's something that requires materials), I can just add that one layer. The one thing I think Maitreya could have done, would be to entirely get rid of their alpha cuts; maybe make a pack of alpha layers that corresponds to what they were (maybe even just a HUD that shows you the old map, that you can click to unpack the corresponding alpha) - but that's probably just me dreaming. Comparing the bodies that went BoM 'compatible' and the ones that went 'We're BoM now!', I see no real reason to not just move forwards, when you can still support appliers to make sure that old things people have purchased can still be used until they have been replaced (or, as in that one instance I think BoM falls behind - when you need a texture with materials).
  10. Wondering the same about the Signature bodies ...
  11. You'll have to shrink the hair base. Right-click it in your inventory and edit it, go to the style tab, and drag the volume to 0. You can also change the texture to an alpha - but if the hair is larger than your head, that alpha will clip with hairs and such. If it's no-mod, you can simply create your own - the only sliders that you have to worry about are those that shape your brows.
  12. Two men were walking home after a late night at the tavern, and decided to take a shortcut through the cemetery to get back into the village quicker. About halfway through the cemetery, they are startled by a tap-tap-tapping noise coming from the misty shadows. Trembling with fear, they press on, and find a scruffy-looking old man with a hammer and chisel, chipping away at one of the headstones. - "Good gracious, sir!" one of the men exclaim after catching his breath, "You scared us half to death - we thought you a ghost! What are you doing, working here so late at night?" - "Those fools!", the old man grumbled, "They misspelled my name!"
  13. Disclaimer: This story is based on real events. Once upon a time, in a land far away beyond the mountains, there was an Internet forum. There, the inhabitants had grown quite accustomed to various sleazes begging for money, freebies, and services, and naturally were quite reserved when newcomers asked for things that wasn't mere information about how to navigate the platform or how to fix up an avatar - especially when the newcomer also had created different threads prior, where they spoke about publishing things. Unsurprisingly, when the newcomer asked for stories, and refused to respond to any questions regarding the purpose of those stories and whether they may be published for profit elsewhere, people refused to post any stories as it smelled as fishy as a sour herring cannery. But one guy, finding himself available and in the mood, decided to waste the OPs time, if only for a short moment, by retelling the tale of the thread, in the thread itself - 'threadception!', as the author figured the cool kids these days might say. And so they lived happily ever after. Amen. ... Wait, that's the bible thing. I mean 'The end'!
  14. Oh, that might be it - I was about to call you out for cheating, as you have a post count of 1, and a reputation score of 4 - without that one post having any reactions to it!
  15. Well, all right then. Cracks knuckles. So here's a pet peeve. People using the postal service's print-a-Christmas-card crêpe. Sort of defeats the purpose of sending a physical card, if it's just a print of a digitally produced message in a messy font meant to look like handwriting - it looks about as handwritten as a Scifi hologram sign; especially considering it doesn't even get the formatting right so that your Chancery 'God Jul' gets trimmed off along the edge. And you don't even get a real stamp, just some printed-on make-belief. On that topic - another peeve. How the Swedish postal service increased the postage by 50% last year, after having been a hot topic in the newspaper for the past few years about how they lose everything from parcels and important documents, to both ballot cards and posted votes in the last election. Summary peeve: people.
  16. This will probably never not be a thing in SL though, but it's more to do with the design of the apparel vs. the animation played than it has anything to do with whether you're using alpha cuts or alpha layers. Skirts tend to be where you'll notice this the most, and certainly tighter fitting ones will be more apparent. But you may well find tops that will clip right through your breast when your animation moves certain ways if it has been sloppily rigged, which is why you should always demo the mesh - watching how it moves when your avatar's AO runs, both whilst standing still and moving around. After all, even if you alpha out your entire legs, a ball gown may move really weirdly if your animation is unsuitable for it (or it is unsuitable for your animation - whichever way you want to look at it). The animations of your avatar are still there, whether your avatar is or isn't. I don't rig clothes myself, but I do make poses, and sometimes when testing the poses I find some apparel isn't good for anything much aside from T-posing. And I don't know a whole lot of people who want to walk around T-posing just to flash off their cute top.
  17. Orwar


    Oh. I was thinking Burton.
  18. It's not particularly time-consuming or by any means difficult to create an alpha. If a creator 'can't be bothered', they should lose business out of it. A lot of creators were quick to pick up the habit again, as used to be standard before mesh bodies anyway. It's an L$10 upload, and it'll 1) make your customers happy and 2) avoid your customers being unhappy - people talk, and if a brand gets bad rep from enough people, it's going to start affecting sales.
  19. I mean, now you made me curious.
  20. I happened to open my map, looking around a bit, and noticed there's stuff happening to the north-east of Bellisseria. Love the 4-region large 'SOON' sign. Upon closer inspection, I began noticing names ... When I saw 'Salmon and Gillfunkel', I chuckled - and it's right next to 'Tuna Turner'! 'Jamaica Me Crazy' sounds like a fun spot, too. Even just the open water regions - 'Too Salty' and 'Really Wet' .. Now I'm really looking forward to exploring the place, even if I'm not a particularly beach-loving kind of vampire.
  21. Because out of the two, HG is more widely used and thus has a larger target audience. It'd be a whole lot of work to rig stuff for all mesh bodies, most creators just select a few, or even one, of the more popular ones.
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