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Everything posted by Nalytha

  1. I see where you are coming from. I'm an Atheist married to Agnostic and I've run a local 'Freethinkers' group for four years. I guess I just don't see how any meaningful conversation can take place when you use such terms. Once such terms are used, said Agnostic will immediately tune you out. Your argument has merit, but it's just unnecessarily hidden.
  2. Interesting to note. There are three parties in this situation: 1. The Theist. 2. The Atheist. 3. The clueless pseudo-intellectual Agnostic I don't understand why the third group deserves the extra, demeaning, adjectives. Can't we have a discussion without such qualifiers?
  3. Thank you so much, Elora. I will check those out.
  4. Hello, I'm browsing the marketplace, but I thought I'd ask here as well: Can you recommend any places that sell high quality skyboxes? I'm currently searching for one that fits a 512 lot, but I'm always in the market for larger ones since I change homes in SL more often than I change shoes. I love ones with lots of windows and lighting and am especially interested in ones that have nifty features like customization.
  5. I have the newest Bento head from LOGO (Quinn). I noticed some of my friends mouth move when they talk. It turns out they are wearing different bento heads that have this feature built in automatically. I did some digging and found out that LOGO Quinn does NOT have this feature. So I was wondering if there is something I can buy, like an AO for a bento head that would do this? Or am I just out of luck unless I choose to buy another bento head that has this feature?
  6. Skell, I find value in your tangent line of thought. You are valuable. Yay!
  7. I've never used a security system either. Only once have I found a stranger in my house. He looked as confused as me though. It was actually quite funny.
  8. I'm a little confused. "If you don't believe in a God then nothing I can say or do will change your mind. You would chose to reject the concept. Your freedom allows this decision." So, do we have freedom of choice or not? If we have the freedom to choose, shouldn't we be able to be swayed by your words or deeds?
  9. I have a mesh head and body and never reach the limit. But I'm really simple. I don't attach a million huds every time I change my clothes. I also don't wear many attachments aside from clothes and hair.
  10. Oh my previous post reminds me of something. I introduced a friend to Second Life. The only article of clothing he's ever managed to properly wear is a robot costume he picked up for free somewhere. He still refuses to change mostly because it's "too complicated." He says the robot suit has worn off on him and he quite likes it. This photo is THREE years old!
  11. Bought two new AOs today. In all my time in SL, I've only owned three and it's been years since I set them up. I'm remembering what it's like to be a newbie and how overwhelming something as simple as making your character walk can be.
  12. I have version 3.5. I took a long break and upon returning I learned there was an update. From what I have read, I should be able to remove and reattach the body and the update should be triggered. But alas this isn't working. Any suggestions? I can't find a way to delete this thread. I solved the problem.
  13. I love covenants irl and in SL. I'm one of the only people I know who actually prefers rl covenants.
  14. I pay more to live on a private community with a covenant for this very reason. I like feeling like I live in a neighborhood.
  15. I've never had a crush on someone online that I can recall... There are some forum users who I'm happy to see appear in threads. Especially those who are articulate and not afraid to think outside the box.
  16. Eh, I wasn't going to show this photo because it's quite a downgrade from the last apartment's setup. You can see what a difference mounting the monitors makes though. We bought this grey rug for the bedroom but it was too small, so we threw it in my office. Thanks to this thread though, I'm going to work on updating my setup.
  17. This is an electric sit/stand desk. The top is a kitchen counter top from Ikea. The monitors are 27 inch curved. This photo is from my last apartment. Forgive the showing cords =/ I still need to remount my monitors in this new place.
  18. Just returned after a break from SL. My favorite rental parcel was available, so now I'm taking a much needed break from decorating. The wall cat slide show is always the first thing I put up in my new home.
  19. New Orleans, Louisiana. I'm a Colorado native though and I don't care how long I live here, I will always be a Yankee.
  20. What about making an alt?
  21. Right click the landmark and click 'delete.'
  22. You can also rent from private estates that have a higher prim allowance.
  23. Good point. I didn't mean to infer that there aren't some games that haven't been around for ages, but yeah -- Second Life could be around for 20, 30 years. I guess in my mind, all I'm saying is that even the longest lasting games are going to eventually close their doors.
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