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Everything posted by Nalytha

  1. I doubt SL will move to consoles. First, it's a big technological project. Second, they would have to invest in advertising and physical products to make sure they recoup their costs. Third, even big MMOs are seeing that cross platform is not a good idea. Final Fantasy XIV has recently announced their future expansions will only be for PC. If one of the biggest game companies doesn't think cross platform is a good idea, I really doubt Second Life, who is ages behind the times, is going to go that route. Would Sony or Xbox even allow a game like this? I feel it would be too much of a risk. I doubt they'd want to be associated with prostitutes and child play.
  2. Very cool. Someone asked if it will extend to estates. I'd have to wonder about that too. I don't know how all rentals work, but my About Land at my rental says I have a 2x bonus. I've only used 263/512 prims. I would hope that rent wouldn't increase just because we get more prims.
  3. I wonder if it's an attempt to make the Linden neighborhoods feel less empty? If you have less space, you cram more people in and it's more dense. If they ever feel like they are approaching capacity, it shouldn't be hard to copy/paste, in effect, any additional land?
  4. Nalytha

    Premium account

    No. The perk of the Linden Home is that the prims of the house do not count against you. In order to get more prims for mainland property though, you'd need to purchase more land. I actually have two premium accounts. I made a group and invited my alt. I deeded my land allowance of both to the group. This lets me purchase 1024 (plus a small bonus because it's a group) without monthly tier. Plus I get two weekly stipends.
  5. Phil, I know you love a good debate, but I have to say this is getting sad. You both are acting silly -- dragging this out so long -- but you just keep digging yourself deeper and deeper. I know your image matters to you -- that you are perceived as brilliant, amazing at debate, etc. You are really tarnishing that image by continuing with this foolishness. Stick to the battles that you have a chance of winning.
  6. Commune Utopia comes to mind. It just changed sims, so you may want to put it lower on your list while it the finishing building touches get done. At the same time however, rentals will be opening soon or maybe already have and may go fast. It's not an RP sim, but it has the best Second Life community I have ever found. Think open-minded hippy vibe. Clothing optional. The rentals are in the form of small tree houses, so there is a nice unique vibe in itself. Pay close attention to the private island renting board. I see some RP places post from time to time. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Commune%20Utopia/166/36/28
  7. I immediately think of Brian Williams as well.
  8. If you have payment on file, it will auto renew. If you don't, go to your dashboard on the account page. There is a section for membership
  9. Okay.. I played around with attaching it to other body parts. It kept moving out of sync with my AO. Finally I got it though by attaching it to my chest and moving it to the correct posisition. 
  10. I've never tried to wear any jewlery. I am wondering if someone can help me. I bought this product: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Half-Deer-Princess-Twinklefluff-Celestial-Necklace-Gold/9432368 I tried to wear it, but it isn't attaching correctly. I am wearing a maitreya body. When I right click and look at where I can attach this, it says my face is attached to my neck, so I can't attach there?
  11. There are shortcuts to rotating and stretching an item. The video doesn't show. Just drag the arrows to move the item. Ctrl-Shift to stretch. CTRL to rotate. (after clicking edit on the item)
  12. Oh my dear friend! Decorate to your hearts content! The size of the land you own corresponds to the amount of allowed items you can decorate with. Each item in second life has a "weight" to it. When you are shopping, you will see the weight on the ad usually indicated is the letter LI. (land impact). This is where age and quality come in. Many older items will have a higher LI than newer ones. Better quality designers can also reduce the LI of their items. My suggestion is to go to some freebie zones and just start grabbing stuff up! Play around with moving, resizing, copying, etc. When you get the hang of that, you can start looking at buying things. I'm obsessed with home decor. I actually spend more time at my house than anywhere else in Second Life. I'm always looking to change it up and improve it. I'm still new to this myself, but here's what I'm working on now. This all started from an empty plot of land. 
  13. I think you make a great point. The criminals are never blamed in these situations; it's always the stupid person who fell for it. I hear that about real life crime too, especially when someone gets their car broken into. "If you left your doors open, you DESERVE to be stolen from!" Things like this boggle my mind. And I'm not making it up. I live in a very crime infested town. I read about crime everyday and so many locals say the same thing "That person was stupid for walking alone in that neighborhood at night." "That person is stupid for living in that neighborhood" Etc. Okay, I'm ranting. I've seen this conversation about two-step authentication sooo many times in different games. It's often met with a lot of resistance. But I think all parties can be happy. It just takes it being optional. I do agree with Steam though, that if you choose not to secure your account, you should acknowledge that you are choosing to not ask for their help when your account is compromised. The apps are getting more and more sophisticated people. No longer are the days where you need to log into your phone every single time you log in and enter a code. Blizzard has it set up now where it only asks for your code if you are logging in from a new location. In addition, their's is really nice because you don't have to enter anything. A request pops up on your phone asking if you authorize this log in attempt and you just click yes or no. Done.
  14. o.0 You do realize you just handed him a way to troll you, right?
  15. I think it's good for new people to start with a linden home. Get familiar with land settings, security, rezzing items, decorating, etc. Then branch out and research the other options. Here is info on other options. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Land_Buying_FAQ
  16. Yup. It's as simple as that! When you get your home, right click the ground and familiarize yourself with the various options, especially security. Your house also has something in it that if you click it, you get certain options. Decorating options but also some security options like locking your door or closing the windows.
  17. If you have premium membership, you have two options when it comes to land: 1. Use one of the premade Linden Homes. Try this option first and see if you like it. You can change your mind at any time by right clicking your home on the ground and hitting "abandon lab". You would need to check out the security options. Probably set it up so no one can enter your home except your or people you allow. 2. NOT get the linden home, and instead go out and purchase a small 512 sq meter plot on the mainland.
  18. True. People can do stupid stuff. But if you have two step and someone clicks a link they shouldn't -- well that second party isn't going to be able to log into their account. I'm sure Linden Labs gets a lot of tickets about claims of people being hacked/stolen/etc. Making something like that would decrease the amount of those tickets.
  19. Are you a premium member by chance? If you are, you could buy a small piece of mainland. Buy the cheapest thing you can find. It doesn't matter what it looks like, because what you can do is put your office in the sky. The reason I suggest this is because if you are talking about renting for a year, the only problem is that you need to make sure you are always paying the landlord or you might get evicted. Also, you have no clue if they will stick around for another year. There are stories of places ending and renters being kicked out without a refund for their remaining time paid. Owning mainland usually costs a monthly fee to Linden Labs. However, if you have the premium membership, you can get the smallest plot, 512 sq meters, without paying a monthly fee. In addition to the land allowance, you also get a weekly amount of lindens and a linden bonus.
  20. I'll paste what I put in the other thread first: "I love multistep authentication. Steam and Blizzard does it really well with the app. It would have to be an optional thing. For Steam, they basically say if you don't use it then they aren't responsible for anything bad happening to your account. As far as I know, LL doesn't actually do anything about stolen stuff? So I guess that's why they don't implement it? I'd personally love an option at least. " Blizzard started two step authentication in 2008. It first started as a physical item that you bought and it produced a code to enter. Eventually they offered a smartphone app. Thinking about this fact now, I'm actually surprised Second Life didn't adopt this feature considering how much real money is invested here. I watched Steam transition to the app. They did a couple of things wrong. One thing was only offering it on Android and Apple. The Windows folks and people without smartphones were very upset. So, the lesson learned from that is that there needs to be options. Smartphone, email, etc or disabling entirely and dealing with the consequences.
  21. I love multistep authentication. Steam and Blizzard does it really well with the app. It would have to be an optional thing. For Steam, they basically say if you don't use it then they aren't responsible for anything bad happening to your account. As far as I know, LL doesn't actually do anything about stolen stuff? So I guess that's why they don't implement it? I'd personally love an option at least. This type of question would be better posted in the General section to facilitate a conversation. The Answer section is mostly for questions that have an easy to explain yes/no/this is how ____ type answers. It's not good for debate or conversation.
  22. Someone was kind enough to show me their land after reading this post. They had this adorable floating bed setup. While I was shopping, I happened to see this floating bed (PG) and knew I had to get it. Far from done, but I'm really enjoying this setup. It feels really calming to just sit here. I'm definitely going to take your advice about the sounds and still work on sprucing up the river bank. Thank you so much 
  23. Please share your favorite home decor and/or landscaping stores. Here are some of mine: Home Decor: 1. +Half Deer+ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Eternal%20Dream/35/91/22 2. [ Keke ] http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Manet/129/91/21 Landscaping 3. Two Moon Gardens http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ferndale/139/121/24
  24. I find the best approach is to lead by example. It's futile to call out people. I speak from experience.
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