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Everything posted by Nalytha

  1. I am enjoying the new forums as well.
  2. That's so interesting. I've been using Firestorm for almost my entire time and I wondered why I hadn't run into this problem. I did however learn something from this thread. It made me investigate an aggravating sound near my home. Turns out it was a campfire someone put outside theirs. I muted it and now my life is much better.
  3. Demos usually come with some sort of visual blight. For instance, it might be colored weird or some attached letters might say DEMO. Basically, it's a version of the item that you won't want to keep in an effort to get something for free. It encourages you to see the item before you buy it.
  4. You get everything here: https://secondlife.com/premium/
  5. They just increased prims on Tuesday. And there are rumors of a new linden homes build.
  6. I was able to recover an account that dates back to February 2007. I have two questions: 1. Would getting premium on that character include any grandfathered stipend bonus? 2. I am wondering if I have an account even older than this. I could have sworn I played before 2005. But I wouldn't know the email address. Does LL ever help recover really old accounts like this? To recover this 2007 one they asked me some security questions. I wonder if they could look up my name, dob, and geographic location at the time of the account. I'm just curious if anyone has ever gone down this route of finding an account without being able to remember the email.
  7. Thank you very much. I can see that I really didn't understand the situation well at all. This helps.
  8. Are you saying that to make something like this an option, it probably didn't take much extra work? Because if that's the case, I wish more folks would do it. I love having the power to decide whether I want to be prim concious or not. In addition, to also have the power to change my mind should the situation change. 
  9. I don't see how it's much different than inviting a friend over to you home and just so happen to discuss business too. I think it's a really fine line. Businesses in the Linden Homes.. I always felt the rule was more so to prevent people from setting up stores and rentals, etc.
  10. Thank you for your response. I'm sorry. I don't build. My comment about it being harder was based off of a comment I've seen on this forum. I can't even remember the thread and since I'm not a builder, I'm sure I didn't fully comprehend the comment. It just left me with the impression that it took more time to make. Perhaps it was in regards to the custom LODs you mentioned.
  11. ((General Reply)) I didn't even know what LOD was (in relation to how it can be manipulated) until recently. I bought a house and realized it distorted when I was zoomed out a little. It came with a note card that said to raise your LOD. Mine was on default. I have a good gaming computer, so yes. I run around with it set to 4 now. However when I shop, I lower the setting. LOD is important to me because I want OTHERS to see my stuff. This is especially important to me when I buy anything for outside my house like landscaping. I bought some trees lately that included a low LOD tree and a high one. Wow. That is awesome. In a perfect world it would be great if every creator did that. But I've also learned that making the higher LOD stuff takes significant time which is why I assume this isn't popular. To sum up. Yes I can run SL with LOD to 4. But I will pay more money for an item with a better LOD because I want others to be able to see.
  12. There is a pretty big advantage to moving to the Linden Homes. The house does not count against your LI. I like the neighborhood feel of the Linden Homes. I stayed in mine for a long time. I now rent from an Estate even though I have a Linden Home if I want it. But if you don't want to spend money renting, the Linden Home is a great idea.
  13. Fennet wrote: Thanks for not telling me to go piss up a rope. I truly appreciate it. I have a few ideas in mind, yes, and honestly, if I has the cash I'd shell it out without balking. I just want to build. Renting was precisely what I had in mind, as well as selling my own stuff. Not because I'm a cheaspskate, but because I can't afford even the bargain basement price of $125/month to rent a sim and I really, really, really want to keep working on the one I'm working on. For a long time. Until I'm finished would be nice. Maybe it's because I don't actually create in Second Life, so I'm not afraid of competition? I don't know. It's a sad attitude. I sort of get it, but I think it's something better left unspoken if it exists at all.
  14. Commune Utopia is a good example. They just moved sims and made a great place. It's primary function is a social place but to help recoup costs, they do offer some in theme rentals in the form of tree houses. Tree houses in a commune .. makes sense! =)
  15. What about recouping the costs outside of the land? Either in RL or working for other SL residents? I am not being mean and saying "go get a job." What I'm saying is perhaps offering services or products outside of SL. I don't know the extent of your creativity outside of SL. But you could sell your crafts on a local level or make an Etsy store? I have a friend who sells reconstructed bones from roadkill on Etsy. I am not kidding. It's a passion of hers and she makes money off of it. You'd be surprised what people sell. Personally, I spend $60 on HULA HOOPS on Etsy. The maker probably makes them for a few bucks and makes a good profit! A few times when I wanted to feel okay about funding a projects, I've also killed two birds with one stone and work on my minimalist passion by selling items I no longer want. It's a win-win in three areas: I fund the project, perhaps make even extra cash than I needed, and I declutter my home (which offers a host of benefits in itself).
  16. Since you are creative, could you hold some auctions? Maybe once a month or something? It would have to be in addition to other ideas I assume. With the upcoming prim increase in a month or so to private islands and homesteads, perhaps you could even offer some rentals? If you don't want them on the land, you could make them in the sky?
  17. I think you gave great feedback. I hope LL sees it and takes note. I have never purchased an estate, homestead, etc, so I can't make an informed opinion on the matter. So I defer to all of you land owners to give well thought out feedback like this. It's very interesting to read. As an outsider though, I must confess that I don't understand why the price of owning land is not reduced. More people could afford it and create the much needed content that is so desperately needed to make the world feel more lived in. It's sad to see so much land go to waste simply because costs are too high (I'm not saying that's the only reason for abandoned land). I live in a great estate. I love it. I wish I didn't see so many empty parcels. I know it's partially due to the prices (which are not out of the norm I don't think for what I get but perhaps too high for some.) I pay about $16 a month just to rent. That's $16 that isn't going to content creators. And land barons/landlords could still profit from paying lower cash in their end, passing the savings on to the customers, and thus getting more customers. I can't wait till the prim allowance is extended so that I can benefit from it. I admit though, I haven't used my LI to the fullest even yet, but I still have a lot of work to do on my land and I fully expect to meet the limit. Also, I would love to see great LOD items even if they are a higher LI. It's great being able to see my lovely items close up, but I'd love for others to see them a little further away. I have some really cool trees that actually come in two versions (in the same pack. I didn't have to buy them twice). One is high LOD and the other is low which really gives some options to the owner to make a decision that works best for them.
  18. Maelstrom Janus wrote: The self appointed moderators have spoken.................. If someone thinks something is in the wrong category, I have never understood why you don't just report it. I've never been upset to see a moderator moved my post. It's really not a big deal.
  19. Phoebe Avro wrote: You do realise the reason for this, more prims = more content = more sales on the MP for LL^^ Possible. But Patch actually said the intention was for creators to create higher LI items to compensate for LOD issues.
  20. Aren't you excited to add an ANGLEPOISED LAMP to your Linden Home which is surrounded by empty Linden Homes (great sales pitch there. Maybe you should have watched your camera angles.) Patch was great though.
  21. I think perhaps you aren't using the land sales tab properly. Got to the sales tab, put mainland sales in the search terms options and unlick G and M to search for just adult land.
  22. Phoebe Avro wrote: Yes i have read that thats why i mad e my post almost no info after all the hype in the forums lol Except that the video has more information than the hype in the forums.
  23. Phoebe Avro wrote: Sorry but thats not an official LL anouncement just a 3rd party site https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Go-Premium-for-50-Off-amp-Enjoy-Our-Newest-Perks-Plus-an/ba-p/3078355 Same video I linked is now part of the official blog post.
  24. After watching the big announcement, I'm a bit disappointed. I'm glad for the LI changes (insofar as they don't hurt anyone, which remains to be seen). I just thought we were going to see something different than this. Maybe it's because it was basically leaked when the changes went out before the official announcement. I was really hoping to find out more about the mysterious build.
  25. "Within the next couple of months. Could be sooner, hopefully not later." -- when estates get the extra prims. Prims increasing to 20k on estates. But with the option of paying an extra $30 a month to bump up to 30k. https://www.slartist.com/designing-worlds-dw320x-linden-lab-special-edition_317145976.html
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